01/23/04 10:07 - ID#33207
Happy birthday to Paul. I am happy he was born. It's nice to know a true buffalonian. I'm thinking of this party tonight. Soyean is going to give me a ride but I'm so damn tired. I'm wondering if I should brave the cold by dressing like a floozy. I enjoy dressing up for parties but the weather here isn't very friendly on scantly clad legs.
I went to the Pink and got a little drunk last night. Then I woke up for class around 9:30. The class is run by the grad students and the syllabus creation was driving me mad this morning. Most of us just want to discuss our ideas and what we're working on but the formalities of courses can be tiring bullshit. It's interesting not having an instructor. Some people are silent most all the time while others would be tapping out Morse code if they had laryngitis. I think I got bitchy for a second there this morning. I feel like I behave like a spoiled child when I become so frustrated.
I'm ready for access, as well. I need so many things from the fine institution of UB but it takes them a while to get things going. There are a ton of students. It's amazing that things are as well organized as they are. I wish I had a camera. I should buy a VHS camera and shoot whenever I feel like it while I still have student loan money.
Damn, I'm hungry. My dad's always told me that swearing makes you look ignorant. My sister's ex-husband told me once that as soon as there are no women around my dad swears all the time. I love swear words and use them all the time but sometimes I do the substitute words like crap and darn. Those are special words.
I think I'll make a T-shirt. I made one after watching the state of the union address the other day. It has a PIC of bush on the front with a big no symbol over him. At the bottom it says "Bush Sucks REAL bad" the back of the shirt has a picture of a porn model with a shaved cunt and it says "This model had the right idea" I've chosen to see the pornography industry's recent obsession with hairless genitals as a big signifier for

Permalink: CBS_SUCKS.html
Words: 420
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/20/04 01:03 - ID#33206
To Lazy To Move

Permalink: To_Lazy_To_Move.html
Words: 192
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/16/04 12:51 - ID#33205
To My Butt
I like you very much.
You help me out so.
If not for you,
I would be deformed.

Permalink: To_My_Butt.html
Words: 24
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/16/04 12:25 - ID#33204
couch potedidableity
I kind of equate television with resting. I do think that its possible to learn useful information from TV. For instance, around a year or so ago I watched a documentary on scientists who were hooking people up to brain scanners and showing them video imagery. They showed a former crack addict moving pictures of nature then moving pictures of crack preparation. The area of his brain indicating craving lit up with energy when he watched the crack use. Seeing this inspired me to attempt to quite smoking cigarettes because of the wasted of brain energy but then after one miserable day I decided that if I just gave into my nicotine cravings immediately I wouldn't waste my brain energy on craving. Maybe that is stupid but I think its fascinating as well. I've got to admit that most of the interesting things I've learned over the years have not come from the passive intake of TV.
Look at the pretty picture of south campus. I wish the media studies department was there.

Permalink: couch_potedidableity.html
Words: 260
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/13/04 01:44 - ID#33203
ramble ramble
Pay me, Damn it! I need money. Baubo is the Greek goddess of obscenity and belly laughter. I plan on bringing her to life through media pretty soon. She has no head her nipples are her eyes and her vagina is her mouth. That's my main area of interest at the moment, that and Dada I'll always love Dada especially Hugo Ball. I wanna fuck his skull.
P.S. Tony Conrad is the coolest dude ever in the world.

Permalink: ramble_ramble.html
Words: 108
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/11/04 08:46 - ID#33202
pretty pretty

Permalink: pretty_pretty.html
Words: 124
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/10/04 07:08 - ID#33201
mechanical orgasm

Permalink: mechanical_orgasm.html
Words: 157
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/05/04 12:50 - ID#33200
A Reflection on Pubic Hair
I few years later I was living with my lover. He asked me one day if I would do some maintenance on my pubic hair and I was quite offended but then I decided what the hell and shaved them all off. He was surprised. It was fun. The pain however was the growing in process, very itchy. My lover after this decided to shave off all of his pubic hair and he was in itching agony a day later. He apologized to me and said he would never ask me to do maintenance again.
So a couple years after that I made a drawing with glue and pubic hair, it spelled out pubic. Before that I had video taped myself shaving my pubic hair and contemplated making it into a video titled Removing Bush. Then I met a girl who said she wished she had never initially shaved her pubs because they were so much softer before she had. Seeing as how I removed mine as soon as they started I had no frame of reference for that. I have noticed lately that the hair on my lovers belly is much softer that the hair it runs into right above his penis.
One last thing, when I was in jail this year they made me hang out with the other prisoners while they took a shower. I was pretty freaked out because I had never been in a group shower and there I was being handed lice shampoo. I watched the ladies get naked and noticed that they had all managed to do some pubic maintenance. I was embarrassed because I just got in there that day and I was a hairy cave woman. In the end those fat bitchy cops said I didn’t have to shower (I was only serving 15 hours) so I got out of showing my primitive pubies. I’ve noticed with porn that women are usually hairless and chest hair is becoming a rarity among men (in media). I guess it’s a sign of the times but what the hell does it mean?

Permalink: A_Reflection_on_Pubic_Hair.html
Words: 434
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/02/04 07:48 - ID#33199
I’m missing my own space at this point. I’ve been sleeping on my parents couch since December 10th minus the nights I spent in Andy’s dirty apartment.
The other night at about 4 in the morn I stumbled across a terrible soft core porn titled illicit lovers despite the bad script and even worse acting I managed to get a bit turned on and took the vibrating element from a vibrating pillow and I was in the middle of stimulating myself under the covers when my sister stumbled into the room. Now I was so worried about the vibrating noise that I forgot about the porn and my sister stood there a while before it dawned on me that I was watching some overly gorgeous man fuck some fake breasted blond. That was kind of awkward.
Besides that I’ve been dreaming of the dead lately. First my Granny, then Matthew, then tonight, Rex. It’s a bit strange. In the dreams I always realize that these people are dead or at least should be because they are. My Granny had a bunch of strokes then quit eating. I dreamed that she had glasses and dyed her hair black. I gave her a hug. Rex was shot in the head by his neighbors enraged ex-husband because he was hiding her in the closet. That was two weeks before high school graduation. I grew up with that guy. In the dream I walked by him and fought the urge to give him a hug and tell him he looked good then a while later(in the dream) I remembered that he was dead. The dream with Matthew was a little weirder. It was like he wasn’t dead but had just moved and was mad at me. He was murdered about 6 months after we broke up. This was the guy who popped my cherry and all that we lived together for a while. Well actually I popped my own cherry with magic markers when I was about 12 after reading about how much sex for the first time hurt women. I decided that I would rather do it myself but it still kind of hurt the first time I had sex despite years of masturbation so what’s with that? It’s mental thing I guess.

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Words: 442
Location: Buffalo, NY
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