08/08/06 01:15 - 68ºF - ID#25808
The plot thickens
© The Buffalo News Inc.
Arson was the cause of kitchen fire at about 10:30 p.m.
Saturday in an occupied home at 200 Lexington Ave., city fire officials said Sunday.
Two separate fires were set in the kitchen, according to fire investigators. Damage was put at $5,000 to the building and $1,000 to its contents. The fire remains under investigation.
(e:mike) alerted me to this article, but I didn't find it until just now after talking to Barb. I asked Barb about the fire here and she asks me "How did you know about that?" I told her it was in the Buffalo News search. Anyways this is what she told me about a fire, which is not the same date as this one. She said a fire started in my apartment from a Grad Student's old fashioned toaster. When the bishop had the attic remodeled into an office you could see the charred flooring. The fire that she said was in my apartment happened before 1980 and the arson fire happened in 1995. Who would intentionally set a fire to one of the apartments? If I am lucky I can find out more information about the arson in 1995. I do have a small tie to a fire investigator, but don't know if he can find anything out. I'm going to go to county hall to find the deed information on the house.
update, I posted same journal 2x's cause I thought I lost the original. Here is the extra info I added in the deleted journal
This is getting very interesting indeed. Why has Barb never told us that she used to own this house and why does she continue to care for the house in the absence of the Bishop? Who would start a fire to an apartment and why?
On another note. I want to buy this house now. Somebody should give me the money.
By the way, I also am not suggesting that Barb has tried to burn the house down.

Permalink: The_plot_thickens.html
Words: 335
08/08/06 12:38 - 68ºF - ID#25806
To be continued...

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Words: 99
08/08/06 09:01 - 66ºF - ID#25805
Mourning of an object
It just so happened to be a free day for me and I have been wanting to clean the wood work in the hallway. The stairs are really beautiful, but they were covered in at least 20 years of dust. All the woodwork is original and most of the stairway was left unpainted. What is wrong with people who paint beautiful woodwork or cover it up with nasty carpeting? Murphy's Oil Soap is so great. ((e:libertad) product endorsement) I wish I could give before and after pics, but I don't want to spend the time fussing with photos.
While I was cleaning, I broke something that was very special to me and Steve. It was this statue of an Asian woman that used to be Steve's Grandmother's. When she died it was one of the things I got to keep from her house. It was the worse feeling to have broken the statue and then have to clean up all her pieces. I called Steve right away to tell him. I am saving her head. Right now it is in the big plant from his grandma's house.
It took me hours to clean all the woodwork and I was happy to do it. I felt like I was restoring this old house! You would have thought that the people that live in this house would appreciate the restored stairs, but no. My neighbor just walked passed me while I was cleaning and didn't say a thing and Steve had nothing nice to say either.

Permalink: Mourning_of_an_object.html
Words: 352
08/07/06 12:01 - 77ºF - ID#25804
prude ho, the long lost ho sister
So I wonder how the shut down of a major Alaskan oil field will affect the gas price contest?

It seems they need to shut down cause they are seeing major corrosion on the pipeline. I wonder if it looks like (e:pmt)'s heating ducts? Here is the article about the closure.

Permalink: prude_ho_the_long_lost_ho_sister.html
Words: 86
08/04/06 11:59 - 73ºF - ID#25803
Dr Albert T. Lytle
February 25, 1929
Buffalo Evening News
Funeral services for DR. Albert T. Lytle, director and treasurer of the Lafayette General hospital, will be held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Buffalo Creamatory chapel in West Delavan avenue. Dr. Lytle died of a heart attack Sunday afternoon in his office, 200 Lexington avenue, where several patients were waiting to see him. He was 68.
A graduate of the medical school of the University of Buffalo. Dr. Lytle was a staff physician at the Lafayette hospital. Active in medical circles, he was a member of the American Medical association, the Academy of Medicine, The Roswell Park Medical club, and the Erie County Medical society having served as a treasurer of the latter group for 15 years. He was president of the eighth district branch of the Medical Society of the State of New York for four years.
In addition he was a member of queen City lodge of Masons.
Dr. Lytle is survived by his wife, Alice Hastings Lytle, and one daughter. Helen H. Lytle.

Permalink: Dr_Albert_T_Lytle.html
Words: 221
08/04/06 11:27 - 73ºF - ID#25802
Filthy fucking balls
grandchildren or friends with children. This will pertain to you too. As I
read the following, my heart sank. I urge each and every one of you to
pass this on to as many people as you can. I cannot stress how important this is! This is very disturbing news.
In addition to the following true story, I will also add that my own sons were playing in the ball pit at Chuckee Cheese one day. One son lost his
watch, and was very upset. We dug and dug in those balls, trying to find
the watch.
nstead, we found vomit, food, feces, and other stuff I do not want to
discuss. I went to the manager and raised hell. Come to find out, the ball
pit is only cleaned out once a month. I have doubts that it is even done
that often. My kids will never play in another&n bsp;ball pit. Now read this:
Please read and be very careful with our childern!!!
Be very careful when taking your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, etc.to
the McDonald's Ball Pit play area. Ask the manager when was the last
time they cleaned the play area out. Please read this even if you don't
have children and forward it to everybody you can! This is so sad and so terrible!
Hi. My name is Lauren Archer, my son Kevin& nbsp;and I lived in Midland,TN. On October 2nd, 1999 I took my only son to McDonald's for his 3rd birthday.
After he finished lunch, I allowed him to play in the ball pit. When he started whining later on, I asked him what was wrong, he pointed to the back of his pull-up and simply said "Mommy, it hurts." I couldn't find anything wrong with him at that time. I bathed him when we got home, and
it was at that point when I found a welt on his left butto ck.
Upon investigating, it seemed as if there was something like a splinter
under the welt. I made an appointment to see the doctor the next day, but soon he started vomiting and shaking, then his eyes rolled back into his head. From there, we went to the emergency room. He died later that night. It turned out that the welt on his buttock was the tip of a hypodermic needle that had broken off inside. The autopsy revealed that Kevin had died from a heroine overdose.
The next week, the police removed the balls from the ball pit. There was
rotten food, several hypodermic needles: some full, some used; knives, half-eaten candy, diapers, feces, and the stench of urine.
If a child is not safe in a child's play area then where? You can find
the article on Kevin Archer in the October 10,1999 issue of the Midland
Please forward this to all loving mothers, fathers and anyone who loves and cares for children!
Don't think it's just McDonald's either or that this is something that
just started. When my oldest son who is now 9 was small the area Burger
King closed their play area for awhile for "remodeling" because in another
town there had been an incident similar to the one described above that happen @ a Burger King A little boy had been playing in a ball pit &
started complaining of his legs hurting. He later died too. He was found ;
to have snake bites all over his legs & buttocks. When they cleaned the
ball pit they found that there was a copperhead nest in the ball pit. He
had suffered numerous bites from a very posinous snake. I wouldn't let my son play in the ball pit after that. I was lucky even though that wasn't
at our Burger King or McDonald's it could have been. I still have my son.
This is bullshit. How could a baby get stuck w/ a heroine needle and overdose?! Nobody would leave a full heroine needle laying around. They would have shot it up allready. Snakes in the balls? Maybe, but no. Snakes don't make nests in ball pits with little or no food and no way of getting out. The balls may be filthy, but think with your head and not your filthy balls.

Permalink: Filthy_fucking_balls.html
Words: 728
07/31/06 11:01 - 78ºF - ID#25800
Danny is proud of his eggs

I shop at Wegmans and generally do enjoy the experience. Since seeing the website, wegmanscruelty.com

, I have stopped purchasing eggs from Wegmans. (e:kara)'s post

Wegmans Egg Farm
Statement from Dr. Joy Mench
View recent television news coverage from inside our egg farm that aired on the ABC affiliate in Rochester, WHAM Channel 13:
May 4, 2006
May 9, 2006
We Are Proud of Our Egg Farm
(updated 05-09-2006)
About our farm and our practices...
We've been told that our egg farm, run for nearly 30 years by three generations of the Wadsworth family and a team of talented and committed employees, is one of the best in the country. It was started to ensure the freshest and highest quality eggs for our customers. Today, there are 750,000 chickens at the farm, and we are proud of our low mortality rate of less than 8%. Cage-free and free-range hens often have a much higher mortality rate because there is greater exposure to predators, disease, cannibalism, and extreme weather conditions.
Our customers and employees know we are always willing to look at doing things better or differently. We are not close-minded and are willing to look at the implications of cage-free production. If there is a significant shift in consumer demand, we'd give serious consideration to some cage-free production, provided it was the right thing for the health of the animals and for the employees at the farm. Our sales of cage-free eggs have risen slightly over the past year, but the volume is still very small.
In November of 2005, our farm participated in its annual audit of the United Egg Producers (UEP) Certified program, which outlines a set of science-based standards for cage space, air and water quality, nutritious food, and other animal care practices. The USDA conducted this audit, and we received a score in the high 190's (out of a possible 200). Our score in 2004 was also in the high 190's.
Last year, we began working with Dr. Joy Mench, professor of animal science at the University of California at Davis. Dr. Mench is an expert in animal behavior who co-authored the book "Poultry Behaviour and Welfare." She is also a member of the scientific panel that developed the standards for the UEP program. We asked Dr. Mench to visit our farm and consult with us for two reasons: first, to see if we were indeed doing as good a job with animal husbandry as we believed, and second, to learn if there was anything that could be improved. We are always looking for ways to improve, not just at our farm but across our entire organization.
We also work with Dr. Benjamin Lucio-Martinez, a veterinarian, who visits our farm and monitors the health and well being of our hens as part of Cornell University's Poultry Diagnostic and Extension Service.
A little background...
Three people broke into our farm more than once in 2004. They allegedly filmed hens in one laying house during the break-ins and called on law enforcement authorities to investigate our practices.
In the end, it was determined there was no evidence of animal abuse. The New York State Police and the Wayne County District Attorney's office jointly conducted the investigation, and Wegmans fully cooperated.
Food safety and food security are non-negotiable for us. We welcome customer debate on any topic, but we cannot tolerate illegal entry into our laying houses because of the obvious risk that a disease, like avian flu, could be tracked in. We have strict bio-security measures in place at our farm. Those who broke in three times not only broke the law, they put our hens at risk and the jobs of the farm's 80 employees.
Last summer, these same individuals released a 30-minute film that paints a false picture of conditions at our farm. It includes misleading and inaccurate statements, and we have questioned from the beginning whether all of the images came from our farm or might have been staged.
Why choice is important...
The activists are asking that we operate a farm without cages. Eggs produced by cage-free hens are available at Wegmans. These eggs cost more to produce, so the retail price is much higher than Wegmans eggs. Three nationally-known specialty food stores are often lauded for switching to cage-free eggs only. Wegmans is a full-service supermarket, not a specialty food store. Price is important to our customers, who expect to find eggs at an affordable price and value them as an inexpensive source of high quality protein. Some simply can't afford to pay more. We don't believe we should force all of our customers to pay more than double the price for a dozen eggs just because a few people think we should.
If you have shopped at our stores and know us well, we hope you trust us to be honest and forthcoming. If you don't know us at all, we realize that's a lot to ask, but we appreciate the chance to tell you about our egg farm.
We are proud of our eggs

Permalink: Danny_is_proud_of_his_eggs.html
Words: 959
07/31/06 06:52 - 83ºF - ID#25799
Coming next week

Would someone buy this house and let me live in it please?

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Words: 20
07/29/06 07:22 - 83ºF - ID#25798
Mikey has a darkside

Maybe if enough people beg he will let me post the "other" pic.

Permalink: Mikey_has_a_darkside.html
Words: 15
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