We decided to stop at Hu's on Elmwood and got some chalk. There were rainbows all over the sky.

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openssl x509 -req -in new_request.csr -CA /etc/pki/CA/certs/ca_estrip.biz.crt -CAkey /etc/pki/CA/private/ca_estrip.biz.key -CAcreateserial -out new_request.crt -days 3000
//unmount home umount /home //check file system e2fsck -f /dev/vg_estrip/lv_home 35G //reduce home to total size of 35G lvreduce -L 35G /dev/vg_estrip/lv_home //remount home and check files mount /home //extend root by adding 50GB lvextend -L+50G /dev/vg_estrip/lv_root //resize fs to take up the 50GB resize2fs /dev/vg_estrip/lv_root
Wow @ Joe and the rainbows! :)
See (e:Joe) with his usual smile!
hooray the rainbow and rainbow guys ;)
What time of day is it?
That would be me !!!!!! I think that is a great idea to do again....
OMG sidewalk chalking estrip.org, this takes me back to the early days of elmwoodstrip.com. I think we actually got quite a few members from the chalking. Hope it helps again!