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11/06/2013 18:23 #58257

Why I Hate Mac OS - Git and Xcode License
Category: macs
I love my macbook air because of its hardware and portability. I hate the OS. Mostly I use a virtual machine of Fedora 20 when I am using it instead of my fedora laptop but every once and a while I need to do a simple thing where its not worth booting the VM. Today is one of the days. I wanted to checkout a git repo. I had just updated my laptop to mavericks and I type git at the command prompt. Instead of getting the version or help info I get some fucking stupid commercial message about needing run xcode as and admin or use sudo to accept the fucking license. License to use git? Seriously, it makes me sick.

Then I go to take a screenshot and the screenshot shortcut of shift + command + 4 opens some dropbox feature popup. This thing is getting crappier everyday.

I am thinking of just going fedora on here too.


After running as sudo which seems redic for just using git, I get this


Which makes me read and scroll through this license agreement from the command prompt line by line.


This is the best line of all

4.4 Press Releases and Other Publicity
You may not issue any press releases or make any other public statements regarding this Agreement, its terms and conditions, or the relationship of the parties without Appleā€™s express prior written approval, which may be withheld at Apple's discretion.

tinypliny - 11/06/13 20:07
Get ready to be sued?

11/06/2013 14:51 #58255

I Have A Northern Accent - Surprise
Category: accents

(e:terry) sent me this quiz I think it was to justify that some people do say Dawn and Don the same, lol. Still think that is so weird but I guess so is the way I say hammock like smock.

metalpeter - 11/08/13 20:37
I took it and got the same thing.... But to be honest Buffalo , Chicago and I bet New England sound nothing alike ? I think the test but might be flawed because you say the words and how they sound to you and it could be a bit off seems like the test is aimed at (with out being a linguistics expert) different regions but it was still fun......
joe - 11/07/13 08:40
Northern! I really thought you would have northern (e:xandra). It sounds like you've taken up the Buffalo accent to me.
tinypliny - 11/06/13 20:17
Hmm. Western. Who knew.
libertad - 11/06/13 17:46
I'm neutral. It's What I expected because of moving a lot. I used to have a very hard long island accent.
xandra - 11/06/13 17:10
North Central

What people call the "Minnesota accent." Sounds almost Canadian. You may have even been asked if you were from Canada before.

mike - 11/06/13 15:33
I'm also northern surprise surprise

11/06/2013 06:50 #58251

New Living Room
Category: home

I am so excited to have rearranged the living room. It seems so much bigger now and really brings the living room and dining room together.

sina - 11/08/13 00:14
nice room with nice man (( (e:terry))) and with nice photographer :-)
heidi - 11/06/13 17:08
The flow is really nice.
Dianne - 11/06/13 07:35
I love it!! It has a real warming and welcoming feeling!!

11/02/2013 15:00 #58225

Family Photo
Category: brunch

The food was tasty.

tinypliny - 11/06/13 20:16
(e:Terry) does not look like (e:Terry) at all. :)
heidi - 11/06/13 18:33
Much love! Let's do it again! (and maybe plan it in advance, more than "I bought some eggs as well as party snacks")
sina - 11/03/13 15:17
this picture has a good feeling :)
joe - 11/03/13 15:02
This is so cute!
Dianne - 11/03/13 07:50
Perfect family breakfast after such an amazing evening! I love you guys!!!
metalpeter - 11/02/13 15:08
I like that they are all looking at the camera that is great.......

11/02/2013 13:46 #58224

Party Pics
Category: halloween

I got so few pics because I misplaced my phone for half the party.




Dianne - 11/06/13 06:43
An awesome time once again!!!
metalpeter - 11/02/13 14:49
Nice photos .... I'm sure carrying a phone other then in your hand would be tough in that out fit ....