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11/10/2013 13:40 #58280

Arduino Swipe Card Access Reader
Category: electronics

I built this arduino based WiFi swipe card reader for work. The goal is to let surgeons swipe in and out of the operating room and have it set their pages to auto forward to the phone in the OR or back to their cell phone so that they don't need to consult their cell phones when scrubbed in.

Reading the I class HID cards was kind of tricky because these ones were 64 bit and I couldn't find any example description of the format the data was in. Now I need to get a chip programmer and try and transfer it to an even smaller format so that I can mass produce em.

lilho - 11/11/13 05:14
Ditto.... I kinda wish I was a tech geek sometimes. But then I just love being all about beauty products...
tinypliny - 11/11/13 00:10
Waay cool! :)

11/10/2013 13:35 #58278

The Ugliest Tree Infection I Ever Saw
Category: elmwood

This tree located slightly north from the North East side of the Summer and Ellwood intersection has the creepiest infection I have ever seen. It was hard to get a good picture because of the lighting but you can still tell how abnormal it is.

tinypliny - 11/11/13 00:12
"He caught the same disease that was killing the Chestnut trees." :::link:::
sina - 11/10/13 20:47
lilho - 11/10/13 16:23
Trash! Cut it down!

11/10/2013 13:29 #58277

Terry Watching His Morning Cartoons
Category: terry

He loves his animé.

lilho - 11/11/13 05:15
Where is the Fruits Basket?????
sina - 11/10/13 20:31
Everyone loves fantasy world in the animetions...
joe - 11/10/13 13:47
So cute. He was glued to them.

11/10/2013 12:29 #58276

Sidewalk Chalk and Rainbows Over The Elmwood Strip

We decided to stop at Hu's on Elmwood and got some chalk. There were rainbows all over the sky.



tinypliny - 11/11/13 00:14
Wow @ Joe and the rainbows! :)
sina - 11/10/13 20:36
See (e:Joe) with his usual smile!
sina - 11/10/13 20:35
hooray the rainbow and rainbow guys ;)
What time of day is it?
metalpeter - 11/10/13 16:01
That would be me !!!!!! I think that is a great idea to do again....
mike - 11/10/13 12:40
OMG sidewalk chalking, this takes me back to the early days of I think we actually got quite a few members from the chalking. Hope it helps again!

11/10/2013 10:32 #58275

My New Certificate Authority
Category: computers
If you want a free SSL cert I can make one for you but the machines that access it will need to trust my certificate authority by accepting the following cert Then just send me the csr.

If you don't know what this means, then you don't need one. For my own reference later.

openssl x509 -req -in new_request.csr -CA /etc/pki/CA/certs/ -CAkey /etc/pki/CA/private/ -CAcreateserial -out new_request.crt -days 3000

paul - 11/10/13 14:53
Okay, send me your csr, lol.
mike - 11/10/13 12:40
I don't now what it is but I WANT ONE!