Paul's Journal
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11/11/2013 19:48 #58288
Actual SnowCategory: weather
11/11/2013 15:18 #58287
Ortiz BoqueronesCategory: food
This was one of the best food I have ever eaten. Its fish that is cooked via curing with vinegar and oil. They taste amazing. Kind of like the New Style Crudo at Sea Bar in downtown Buffalo, NY. Its the combination of protein, sour and olive oil that really makes it. Wish there was anyone around me that could appreciate how good they are. They are around $10/box at Premiere on maple. You can also get them online.
Apparently, they are very popular in Spain
lilho - 11/12/13 09:54
I will be around you, and I think I might be able to appreciate how good they really are...
I will be around you, and I think I might be able to appreciate how good they really are...
11/11/2013 15:13 #58286
Lit Up Statues At Griffiths Sculpture ParkCategory: art
We made it up their last Tuesday night. The view was amazing. I love the picture of (e:joe) taking pictures of us from the tower.
Getting there was a bit dramatic. Time warner switched our static IPs minutes before I was scheduled to leave. The. I had no monitor to access the server with. (e:joe) and I ended up having to carry to giant TV down to the basement to use as a monitor. Luckily we still made it in time.
metalpeter - 11/17/13 16:43
great photos
great photos
tinypliny - 11/12/13 00:05
The photo is so unreal and so 1920s spy movie!
The photo is so unreal and so 1920s spy movie!
xandra - 11/11/13 16:58
nice peen
nice peen
11/10/2013 19:55 #58282
Changing Author in Git HistoryCategory: git
In my series of boring computer posts. I was setting up my own gitlab clone when I needed to re-write some commit author logs.
Its actually pretty easy, I'd make sure you have a backup of your repo first.
Its actually pretty easy, I'd make sure you have a backup of your repo first.
git filter-branch --env-filter 'if [ $GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL = ]; then; fi; export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'
git filter-branch -f --env-filter 'if [ $GIT_AUTHOR_NAME = "paul" ]; then GIT_AUTHOR_NAME ="Visco, Paul"; fi; export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'
11/10/2013 13:40 #58280
Arduino Swipe Card Access ReaderCategory: electronics
I built this arduino based WiFi swipe card reader for work. The goal is to let surgeons swipe in and out of the operating room and have it set their pages to auto forward to the phone in the OR or back to their cell phone so that they don't need to consult their cell phones when scrubbed in.
Reading the I class HID cards was kind of tricky because these ones were 64 bit and I couldn't find any example description of the format the data was in. Now I need to get a chip programmer and try and transfer it to an even smaller format so that I can mass produce em.
Not here yet and I hope it never turns up. Hehehe