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09/30/2012 13:31 #56800

Lovely Wedding
Category: weddings
We attended our friend Errins wedding the other day. It was spectacular. From the beautiful ceremony at the manuscript museum to the reception at Asbury Hall. Instead of a DJ they had live music all night long which was great. The food and cakes were amazing. I particularly enjoyed the scrabble cake. A memorable night indeed.









metalpeter - 10/06/12 11:20
How they did the butterfly thing is insane in a cool way that seems almost impossible ...
lilho - 10/02/12 22:21
So jello, I love weddings.

09/28/2012 21:54 #56798

Dirty Bastard
Category: pets
Basra was so happy to come in and be warm today. He is so dirty from his burrough. He sat under his heat lamp for about 8 hours. Now that he is so big it takes a while for him to warm up.


09/28/2012 20:47 #56797

Office Cubes
Category: office
Now with privacy.


09/28/2012 20:44 #56796

Mix and Match Buffet
Category: food
I love eating at the Wegmans Buffet and mixing and matching the various food styles. I had blueberries with fried rice, salad, string beans, blue cheese crumbles and chicken wings.


09/23/2012 12:50 #56789

There's burgers in the air
Category: food
I never really thought about how much air pollution comes from grilling but according to this article its more significant than the pollution from diesel trucks in Southern, CA.

For comparison, an 18-wheeler diesel-engine truck would have to drive 143 miles on the freeway to put out the same mass of particles as a single charbroiled hamburger patty.

lilho - 09/27/12 11:44
mmmm burgers in the air.
ExBuffalonian - 09/25/12 12:24
Oops, this comment was supposed to go under the Viking Lobster Company article. Sorry. :)
ExBuffalonian - 09/25/12 12:22
Consider the lobster:
