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10/03/2012 02:19 #56804

Linwood Bike Lanes
Category: biking
Linwood got its new stripes this week. Whatva commitment to biking. I am glad they did the bike lanes the way they did instead of on the outside of the cars next to the sidewalk.

ladycroft - 10/17/12 10:29
oooh! wish they had those when i was a bike commuter!
vincent - 10/13/12 12:30
It actually looks pretty good I can't complain as they left all the parking on both sides the street. That's what makes Linwood awesome, the plentiful street parking.
metalpeter - 10/06/12 11:26
I was wondering what you would think about this... Posted some news that this was going to happen... I mean a shared a link.. The drawings didn't make a lot of sense...Glad this is a good thing...
lilho - 10/04/12 11:47
those are literally everywhere here... but most bikers just ride in the road as they please. it seems so scary to ride in the middle of he road in a very hilly area... i dislike the desert.

10/03/2012 02:17 #56803

Show Off
Category: art
(e:mike) saw this the other day at the mall, I thought it was cute but not $50 worth.

lilho - 10/04/12 11:45
what is it? a poster?

09/30/2012 13:31 #56800

Lovely Wedding
Category: weddings
We attended our friend Errins wedding the other day. It was spectacular. From the beautiful ceremony at the manuscript museum to the reception at Asbury Hall. Instead of a DJ they had live music all night long which was great. The food and cakes were amazing. I particularly enjoyed the scrabble cake. A memorable night indeed.









metalpeter - 10/06/12 11:20
How they did the butterfly thing is insane in a cool way that seems almost impossible ...
lilho - 10/02/12 22:21
So jello, I love weddings.

09/28/2012 21:54 #56798

Dirty Bastard
Category: pets
Basra was so happy to come in and be warm today. He is so dirty from his burrough. He sat under his heat lamp for about 8 hours. Now that he is so big it takes a while for him to warm up.


09/28/2012 20:47 #56797

Office Cubes
Category: office
Now with privacy.
