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09/18/2012 20:12 #56777

Peter Singer - Update 2012
Category: peter singer
So today I receive a phone call from a private number and a man claiming to be Peter Singer. At first I had no idea who that was. He started out saying, you might not know who I am but you have written about me. Then he goes into this story about how I have ruined his reputation by writing about his business scams in 2005 and how he was going to sue me for being libelous. It's not libel if its true, and I was just reporting the facts. Then he asked me as a nice person, could he appeal to me to just take it down. I was starting to consider when at the end of the message he casually mentions that he knew I worked at Roswell and that he knows some doctors there. I immediately responded that I did not respond to threats and hung up.

While he was on the phone with me I thought, maybe its just some guy who was haunted by his unsavory past, I mean anyone can change. So I immediately went to google where I found this very recent post that ties into his previous dealings with ebay. Seems like nothing changes. Unfortunately, the full message has been taken down

I was able to get snippets out of the google description cache by gaming the search.


Apparently they are bankrupt and owned by Peter Singer

Here is the backstory. In the mid 2000s a bunch of random strangers signed up for estrip journals to talk about how they were scammed by him. According to their first hand experiences, each of them had a situation where they paid for something and felt ripped off, some of them even won against him (his businesses which kept changing over time) in court.

At some point enough people had gotten together enough evidence that they got a channel 4 news story on call for action and thats when I wrote about it, congratulating them on bringing it to public attention through social media when social media was still in its infancy. There was even a Buffalo News article about his ebay business that used to be on Bidwell.

After looking into it, I wasn't saying anything libelous, I and some others were just reporting on what was happening in the news and other people were writing about their first hand experiences with him. At that point I had even invited him to defend himself online.

(e:maidencateyes,26629) - 06/05/04 @ 12:45 - A Word To The Unwise
(e:maidencateyes,26637) - 06/05/04 @ 23:21 - Here it is
(e:maidencateyes,26634) - 06/05/04 @ 10:51- Pics Of The Shithole
(e:maidencateyes,26674) - 07/10/04 @ 23:09 - Having A Bad Day
(e:ajay,20093) - 08/22/04 @ 01:26 - reporting on Buffalo News Story about DA investigating his Ebay business on Bidwell

(e:news,29956) - 09/02/04 @ 10:41 - Peter Singer
(e:maidencateyes,26723) - 09/03/04 @ 16:46 - Interesting Findings
(e:maidencateyes,26719) - 09/01/04 10:22 - Mature People In The World
(e:hodown,22584) - 09/09/04 @ 06:08 - Rain Rain Rain
(e:maidencateyes,26736) - 09/13/04 @ 16:42- Who Is Craig Anyway?
(e:maidencateyes,26853) - 02/04/05 @ 17:18 - He's At It Again
(e:maidencateyes,26723) - 09/03/04 @ 04:46 - Interesting Findings (include Buffalo Rising article)
(e:paul,31675) - 02/10/05 @ 07:27- Peter Singer Scandal On Television
(e:maidencateyes,26856) - 02/15/05 @ 22:47- What Is Wrong With People
(e:bloshmoe,20874) - 03/25/05 @ 04:20 - Peter Singer
(e:maidencateyes,26879) - 03/26/05 @ 15:01 - Peter Singer
(e:morphconflict,29350) - 04/29/05 @ 02:46 - PETER SINGER
(e:hodown,22661) - 04/29/05 @ 03:21 - Peter Singer
(e:morphconflict), 29351 - 04/30/05 @ 01:56 - PETER SINGER- Part II Of The Day
(e:maidencateyes,26891) - 04/30/05 @ 10:44 - Peter Singer
lilho - 09/23/12 12:30
my sister definitely does not like this man. i don't remember the whole story but it had to do with an apartment and some sort of deposit. she lost money and he was reluctant to give the deposit back. anyway, i do know his business dealings are shady and he is a jerk.

09/16/2012 17:56 #56767

Last look in nonna's hand mirror
Category: cleaning
I went on another throw out rampage yesterday. I got rid of so much stuff. I am really not a horder but I held onto Nonna's mirror way past its usefulness. It had smashed so many times. The one side just gave out and lost the glass but I always felt bad throwing it out as it was a reminder of her. I decided that I needed to just let go, so I took some pictures of it and said goodbye. In a way its sad because I would see it each morning in the bathroom and think about her. Maybe I should just print the photo and hang it up in there.


libertad - 09/18/12 18:27
When my grandfather dies, I want a poster that they had in their cupboard all my life on how to do the Heimlich Maneuver. It is so out of date and strange to want but it will always make me think of my Grammy.
heidi - 09/17/12 18:56
That's really sweet, Paul. I still have my grandmother's car visor mirror in my truck. It's moved from vehicle to vehicle with me over the years.

09/16/2012 17:51 #56766

Basra The Dirty Tortoise
Category: pets
He is so filthy from digging in mud. I think he likes it for the humidity at night but its got to suck being that dirty and gritty afterwards. His face was so covered in dry caked on mud.






09/14/2012 20:14 #56764

kissing your own ass
Category: shopping
I found some clothes at H&M. Every time I think its a bad idea and I still come back for some reason. Hopefully I can at least wear these clothes once unlike the last batch where I foolishly assumed all colors of the same exact design and size by tag, fit the same

lilho - 09/14/12 21:34
first time i laughed today, and it was a good one. that's so funny...

09/14/2012 14:06 #56760

Octopus at Kostas
Category: lunch
Kostas still remains one of the few places where I know I can get octopus. I think its probably my favorite food. Does anyone know of any other restaurants?

lilho - 09/14/12 21:35
not in buffalo but there's a place in phoenix that serves it like this... mmmmmm.
npage148 - 09/14/12 14:09
Kuni's has octopus there. I can't remember if it was a regular menu item or a special though