I went on another throw out rampage yesterday. I got rid of so much stuff. I am really not a horder but I held onto Nonna's mirror way past its usefulness. It had smashed so many times. The one side just gave out and lost the glass but I always felt bad throwing it out as it was a reminder of her. I decided that I needed to just let go, so I took some pictures of it and said goodbye. In a way its sad because I would see it each morning in the bathroom and think about her. Maybe I should just print the photo and hang it up in there.
When my grandfather dies, I want a poster that they had in their cupboard all my life on how to do the Heimlich Maneuver. It is so out of date and strange to want but it will always make me think of my Grammy.
That's really sweet, Paul. I still have my grandmother's car visor mirror in my truck. It's moved from vehicle to vehicle with me over the years.