lilho - 12/17/11 11:53 yes. it's fancy, i like it.
tinypliny - 12/17/11 06:28 Do you actually serve food in silver?
12/14/2011 11:59 #55737
christmas is scary
there is a bomb in my sister's building at work...
my brother won't pick up his phone...
my mom gets more stressed by the day.
so, i changed my christmas wish to just having my family and friends safe and healthy, that's it.
tinypliny - 12/17/11 05:49 Yeah, we don't talk about her... unless she has a bomb in her building.
paul - 12/17/11 02:29 This is too funny. I thought this was (e:tinypliny)'s blog and I was like, you never mentioned your sister.
tinypliny - 12/14/11 16:28 Nice to know it was a hoax.
Hope things get better for you and yours!
12/10/2011 00:41 #55676
say a lil prayer for a
i just finished my last and final, final online....
things are looking good for all a's. i have two classes where it's literally going to come down to a few points and i am so nervous.
i think the last time i put so much effort into school was probably the 4th grade...
i want straight a's.... more than anything else.
this is all i want for christmas this year santa, i promise i've been so good this year.
i officially care the most about school... i actually want next semester to start so i can really get all a's....
and also because i now have so much free time and so little stress that i feel more stressed because i have nothing to do and i want to avoid shopping...
i guess i just have to start hiking again every day and that will kill two hours, and i have two weeks left at my job but that is only part time.
i could just "play" school... i used to read so much but now i feel like i only know how to read if it is to find information to write a response or paper or presentation on.
tinypliny - 12/10/11 02:25 good luck for the straight As. I hope you get them! Caring about school is not pathetic at all...
but then that comes from a terribly biased crazy grad student. ;-)
tinypliny - 12/10/11 02:23 Grad schools kills leisure reading habits. I don't know, but I just simply stopped reading for fun because I feel SO guilty all the time if I am not reading to find information.
12/08/2011 20:45 #55670
servant status
the children i work with... wow they are so spoiled. seriously, their parents wait on them all day long. now they have come to assume i am their personal servant... i love these kids but i am so happy i am moving on and only focusing on school for the next year. taking class, teaching class, and then taking care of children is like full time child rearing.
it will be so interesting where i choose to go next year.... it's going to be nyc, or abroad. the pull of my sister, my friends, and nyc is pretty exciting.... but tropical seems pretty cool too.
i am so excited for blo..... really i miss my little zooey so much, she doesn't even remember me anymore. and then i must meet the new baby...
this whole holiday season may really just be the best ever....i get to see all my fav peeps!!!!!! i need something sparkly for new years!!!! and someone handsome to kiss lol.
ok, currently i have two broken laptops, and a broken ipod... this is so sad. my phone is nearly broken as well... why can't things just work!!!! i kinda wanna go back to the days where we crank things and they work. maybe i need one of those crank up laptops? technology has failed me!!!!!
tinypliny - 12/09/11 16:22 Broken = Fixable unless its a mac, in which case you are better off buying a new one than paying atrocious mac-sheep-fees.
i never really posted about vegas... it was pretty fun until i pooped out at the end.
maybe i just needed a forever lazy, apparently they are the best for everything. notice the zipper in the back so need to disrobe if you have to use the restroom...
ok, so the highlights were the room, the buffet, and just laughing with my boys. i was kinda stressed about school the whole time because i am lame. the last week or two always gets me like this and it's the culmination of needing the grades, the grants, scholarships and all that. i'd honestly rather just have a job instead... instead of two jobs and school, and then christmas and all that.
i did just find out i received a scholarship... this is a first. i have applied for so many but never gotten one... kinda exciting!
anyway, im super excited for new year's in blo. i'll have zero worries about school or work, because i won't have a job to worry about and i'll just be ready for fun times and 2012!!!!!
heidi - 12/04/11 13:54 It was called a "union suit" :::link:::
metalpeter - 12/04/11 10:51 This is an example of not sure who makes this of what The Japanese do well.... They took animation and you get anime they took the phone and made texting take off... An American invented the VCR and look what they did with it... They didn't make radios but look at the walk man... The Blu Ray player... My point is all this is really is a retouch on the old underwear with an ass opening from those old cartoons......
tinypliny - 12/03/11 21:25 "Offer Details: Buy Forever Lazy® with matching footies for only $29.95 plus $7.95 P&H. You’ll also receive a second Forever Lazy® and the matching footies FREE - *just pay additional $7.95 P&H!
Are those gold coins real?
tinypliny - 12/03/11 21:20 I just cannot picture you in those hideous overalls! I (the least fashion conscious of anyone on the planet) am calling them hideous. Now that is something! :)
It seems kind of shady if you consume the polish...
I have to say, I really, really, hate silver.
so fancy! I want silver@!
yes. it's fancy, i like it.
Do you actually serve food in silver?