i honestly don't talk about this so it's odd to be putting it out there for all to see, but somehow it's easier to type things than say them.
i know i've talked about meting my father and all that, but it's been almost four months and i guess i feel like to others it's old news. so, i just don't talk about it. i did see a therapist a few times which i really liked, and then there was the cost and time issue so i stopped going. i probably shouldn't have done that. i guess i just threw myself into school, and now eating right and exercise. this works for the most part because it keeps my day busy from beginning to end and i just stay in the moment.
i don't want to sound like a total brat because i really do have a beautiful life and an amazing family who i know loves me. i just really thought i'd hear from him by now... so i wrote this letter a month ago and never sent it. i think today is the day i just send it... i feel weak when people see me cry. i realize many people grow up without a parent, or have a similar situation but coming face to face with that person is such a monumental thing... i guess it's hard to explain. to confront someone who has had such a profound effect on your life, it's been so difficult for me.
i think there are so many times when we hold off on the truth because it's too hard to say, or we don't want to hurt someone. or we are waiting for that person to change into a better version of themselves. this doesn't happen, so the truth is always best, no matter how much it can hurt.
i will continue to smile and be happy no natter what, because i deserve this. i do know that not having a father has led me to make bad choices when it comes to dating and love. i give too freely and always seek acceptance. i decided a few months ago that i'm just not going to date for a long time. at least until i feel i am over this because i don't want to end up in any sort of unhealthy relationship. i suppose i did the same with friends too, because right now any letdown in my life is so soul crushing. i think
(e:jbeatty) mentioned something like this and he is so right.
i am really hesitant to put myself in any situation where i am vulnerable because i risk the chance of getting hurt, and i can't handle that right now. getting a bad grade on a test gives me anxiety.
all of this, it's taught me a lot about myself and the person i want to be. i've thought about the mistakes i've made, and moving forward. i've spent a lot of time alone, and it feels good to rely on myself.
beyond all of the shallowness, vanity, and such i am stronger than i thought... sometimes i think where will i be in 10 years? if you told me even just last year i would confront my father in person i would never have believed it, but i did it and the worst is over.
anyway, it just felt good to put this out there. gotta get ready for work now. finding something an 8 year old girl and 11 year old boy agree to do together is near impossible. maybe we should bake something?
I cried over mine too... but to be fair I was going 3x over limit and with fair reason. They needed me back in the ER ops.
I don't think NY and AZ have reciprocal DMVs. You could just skip state.