12/27/2011 14:37 #55805
update from le plane5 dollar wireless is a decent deal.
pleasant flight, but my ipod and macbook might lose power soon.
i shed one fake tear.
peep these bose headphones.... quiet comfort noise cancelling. makes my life so much better..... best xmas gift eva!!!!
12/19/2011 11:48 #55771
panic attackmost of my grades have not been posted yet and they are due tonight. this is really frustrating me... i worked so hard all semester... and all of my work has been submitted for three weeks so this is really ridiculous.
i also looked at the grade for one of my classes, and i will be getting a b despite getting full credit on most assignments. the reason why? i missed a few classes, and if you miss a more than one class, it is impossible to get an a. i think this is bs, because i did so well on all of my papers and projects, and i am being punished for missing a class for being sick, and another for having personal problems. this instructor canceled class because of personal problems, can i lower her grade?
my gpa will still be a 3.5, but i wanted to bump it up to a 3.6. it's frustrating when every semester you have that one teacher who makes its so difficult to get an a... i guess my goal for next semester will be to not miss any class.
i can still graduate with high honors, but i can only get one b over the next two semesters, and i am already stressed out about it so much. i'm not why i care so much... it may be a way of focusing all of my frustrations about the difficulties i've faced in the past year and giving myself something to focus on.
i can still graduate with a 4.0, but it's going to be a lot of hard work and dedication, and i'm ready for the challenge.
now, i want my grades possssted!!!!!
12/16/2011 23:32 #55755
my friday nights get pretty wildpolishing silver.
oh yea!!!!! it's gonna be a shiny, shiny kissmas.
12/14/2011 11:59 #55737
christmas is scarythere is a bomb in my sister's building at work...
my brother won't pick up his phone...
my mom gets more stressed by the day.
so, i changed my christmas wish to just having my family and friends safe and healthy, that's it.
12/10/2011 00:41 #55676
say a lil prayer for ai just finished my last and final, final online....
things are looking good for all a's. i have two classes where it's literally going to come down to a few points and i am so nervous.
i think the last time i put so much effort into school was probably the 4th grade...
i want straight a's.... more than anything else.
this is all i want for christmas this year santa, i promise i've been so good this year.
i officially care the most about school... i actually want next semester to start so i can really get all a's....
and also because i now have so much free time and so little stress that i feel more stressed because i have nothing to do and i want to avoid shopping...
i guess i just have to start hiking again every day and that will kill two hours, and i have two weeks left at my job but that is only part time.
i could just "play" school... i used to read so much but now i feel like i only know how to read if it is to find information to write a response or paper or presentation on.
i'll stop now, this is pathetic.
Can't wait til you get here!!! They weather is going to be awesome ;) your hair might get alittle wet gurl.
Ooooh nice headphones. About to take off myself, Tampa International got free wi-fi!!! I will probably pay $10 to get wi-fi on plane.
It's a bird...It's a plane... It's a flying Ho with a honey badge in tow!
Wow, this will be so strange if you die.