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11/15/2011 16:02 #55517

Dinner Time
So my parents and (e:paul) and (e:terry) are coming over for dinner tonight and 1 of the 2 things I am making I have never made before and does not have a clear recipe....this could be a disaster
matthew - 11/16/11 10:56
Paul told me last night that it was excellent.
tinypliny - 11/15/11 16:10
Or it could be a smashing success where everyone keeps begging you for the recipe and you give a batted-eyelash and whisper its a secret (when in fact you have no idea what went in).

11/15/2011 00:20 #55514

Sad Songs`
haha so true , I loved this

tinypliny - 11/18/11 21:15
Wow - she had vocal cord haemorrhage! :::link:::

She does scream quite a lot and you can always hear the strain in her voice in that song. On hindsight, maybe it was not so much about emotion as vocal cord dysfunction!
lilho - 11/17/11 09:31
they took it down. :o(
tinypliny - 11/15/11 18:53
hahah - I had never heard that song before now. She has a good voice right up till she screams. :)
metalpeter - 11/15/11 17:57
Good song...... wow that is a lot of ice cream mess...... Love the manscaria even the window guy that is great then the people watching the skit that is great!!!!!!!!

11/12/2011 19:30 #55490

Dance Paul Dance
(e:paul) really got his dance on last night, hopefully hearing this song again will make him dance dance dance:

metalpeter - 11/15/11 18:00
Kinda a Fan of hers I must admit but don't know this this song.... Not just cause she is hot... Not just cause of all kinds of things I can't say or I could on here of what she could do to me.... But more a fan of the singing and not this style...Kinda sounds like Madonna .........

11/04/2011 11:58 #55439

Hand Turkeys
So I'm in charge of making the bulletin board at work each month and usually I love doing it but we've been so busy at work and stuff that I haven't had time to do it and it is already November 4th! So yesterday I decided, I know , I will make everyone in my department make hand turkeys and that will fill up the majority of the board. I brought in tons of glitter glue and crayons and markers and everyone made a hand turkey. I think it was a much needed morale booster and everyone enjoyed doing it! And plus that will fill up a lot of my bulletin board. I think my calling mihgt have been kindergarden art teacher because it was really fun!
mk - 11/09/11 18:44
I love this a lot and sort of wish I worked with you so I could make fun decorations for the holidays!
tinypliny - 11/05/11 12:23
Whoa, that really sounds like fun. Our bulletin board at work needs someone like you!
mike - 11/05/11 11:49
(e:tiny) you put your hand on a piece of brown paper and trace it and cut it out. Then you decorate it to look like a turkey and can add things like a gobbler, beak, eyes, feet and a top hat.
heidi - 11/04/11 20:33
So cute!
lilho - 11/04/11 18:54
That's really cute. I love glitter... I would definitely enjoy that.
tinypliny - 11/04/11 18:37
What is a hand turkey?! Like a turkey with hands? Spooky.

10/28/2011 08:10 #55395

Costume Crisis
I have an idea for my costume and it is not put together at all. Luckily it doesn't involve much but I work til 5. ugh. I can't find what i've been looking for though I've been working so much I haven't had much time to look but hopefully it alll comes together . I'm sure i'll be a ducktapped , stapled in, mess like always!
ladycroft - 10/29/11 09:14
ditto. who knew it would be impossible to find a tatty bathrobe and nightgown at a thrift store??? we were going to go as Mary and Joseph...but it just seems impossible to find so I have to figure out a plan B.
lilho - 10/28/11 22:28
you always looks amaze. halloween isn't the same without you! party it up...
metalpeter - 10/28/11 17:59
What? I kinda thought since (e:paul) was going as Jesus it would be like a loan cloth or like a fancy napkin and then a long hair wig..... Not sure if you want to call me the devil a Banker a stock broker or just the one percent kinda a devils Mask.. Somehow i think you will pull it together some how...
paul - 10/28/11 11:30
I am also in a crisis.