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10/09/2011 15:38 #55271
my favorite spot10/07/2011 00:29 #55253
Sad MoviesNot sure how I got on this kick but Youtube takes you in strange places and somehow I got from Keke to StepMom with a stop at Prayers for Bobby in between. I don't know why I like to watch things I know will make me cry and cry and cry but I can't stop. Prayers for Bobby is super sad and super good but to me Stepmom is the ultimate saddest movie of all time. I can never make it through it in one piece even though I have seen it a bazillion times.....
This scene is emotional enough and starts the tears rolling:
And then it's all over...sobbing,snotty mess
This scene is emotional enough and starts the tears rolling:
And then it's all over...sobbing,snotty mess
tinypliny - 10/07/11 10:33
man, I have never heard of the movies on your favourite list.
man, I have never heard of the movies on your favourite list.
mike - 10/07/11 10:27
no it was A Prayer for Bobby , a lifetime original movie staring Sigourney Weaver.
no it was A Prayer for Bobby , a lifetime original movie staring Sigourney Weaver.
tinypliny - 10/07/11 10:01
Except that it has Scarlett whatever-her-fakey-other-name-is, I don't like her. She is annoying.
Except that it has Scarlett whatever-her-fakey-other-name-is, I don't like her. She is annoying.
tinypliny - 10/07/11 09:34
You mean "A love Song for Bobby Long": :::link:::
I like that movie. It's beautifully done. I saw it over 3 months but it was one of those movies where you can't lose the thread of the story even if you are watching in small 15 min breaks. It has some really excellent acting.
You mean "A love Song for Bobby Long": :::link:::
I like that movie. It's beautifully done. I saw it over 3 months but it was one of those movies where you can't lose the thread of the story even if you are watching in small 15 min breaks. It has some really excellent acting.
10/06/2011 23:04 #55252
So good you could break a nail in it10/01/2011 18:48 #55226
MoviesFlittering about on youtube I started watching clips from some of my older favorite movies. I don't' know what exactly all these movies have in common but I feel like they have something in common that is not available in movies anymore. It was The First Wives Club, Sister Act, Object of My AFfection, and My Best Friend's Wedding. They aren't all like romantic comedies or anything though that is part of what I miss I think but really they are all different but somehow seem similar to me like in some category that is not available anymore and I miss it.
lilho - 10/08/11 13:26
I think they all have that general, "makes you feel good about life and laughter" quality. I agree, the part in my bf wedding where they all start singing at the restaurant and the waiters have the lobster mits on... I think it made me laugh for at least 5 min.
I think they all have that general, "makes you feel good about life and laughter" quality. I agree, the part in my bf wedding where they all start singing at the restaurant and the waiters have the lobster mits on... I think it made me laugh for at least 5 min.
tinypliny - 10/01/11 19:05
Omg, one of them has that actress who is all teeth in it. I modify the category to "Movies I have never seen, and particularly one with the teethy actress that I think is SO fake!"
Omg, one of them has that actress who is all teeth in it. I modify the category to "Movies I have never seen, and particularly one with the teethy actress that I think is SO fake!"
tinypliny - 10/01/11 19:03
Looks like they should be in the category, "Movies I have never seen (and have no clue about!)"
Looks like they should be in the category, "Movies I have never seen (and have no clue about!)"
10/01/2011 17:30 #55225
Long Weeks AheadSo at work we are gaining thousands of new members because New York State is getting out of the prescription drug business for Medicaid recipients and insurance companies are taking it over. Anywho this will in theory create a lot more calls so we all can work as much overtime as we want which is nice but I picked up a lot of hours this week and am now not looking forward to it so much. I am working everyday (sunday thru saturday) for a total of like 6osomthing hours. Lets see if I make it!
metalpeter - 10/02/11 08:56
To Be Honest I have no idea how this works. But in theory though the amount of people covered shouldn't change... If you had the state paying now a company does but what that would change is where they get the drugs?
To Be Honest I have no idea how this works. But in theory though the amount of people covered shouldn't change... If you had the state paying now a company does but what that would change is where they get the drugs?
paul - 10/01/11 18:18
You will be rich. I expect a great birthday gift ;)
You will be rich. I expect a great birthday gift ;)
tinypliny - 10/01/11 17:58
Does that mean that insurance companies will get the Medicaid money now instead of NYS?
Does that mean that insurance companies will get the Medicaid money now instead of NYS?
Looks somewhat creepy, desolate and lonely from that angle. I was wondering what in the world it was till I read the comments.
yup, sure is
The cyclorama building?