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07/24/2011 22:35 #54783

I Chewed My Home!
Here is what the end results of my little rats have done:

Emily close up

Amelia close up

Amelia at her food bowl

Emily being timid in the corner of the cage
leetee - 07/25/11 10:29
You're welcome, (e:Tinypliny); i knew you would appreciate their cuteness. :o)

And yes, that is the hard plastic they chewed through. Honey Hill Pet gave me a used base for the same kind of cage as a temporary solution and (e:Matthew) was kind enough to give us another possible solution for my chewy rats!
tinypliny - 07/24/11 23:57
Cuteness overload! Thanks so much for sharing!!!!!

And is that hard PLASTIC they chewed through?!

07/24/2011 13:14 #54775

New Porch, Please?
(e:Paul)'s post, (e:Paul,54773) reminds me that we really need to find a good, reliable but inexpensive contractor/builder/handyman to completely rebuild our front porch.

Anyone know anyone or want the job?

07/20/2011 20:50 #54745

The Girls!
(e:Tinypliny), i just snapped a couple of quick shots of the girls back in their cage. Wish they were better, but i was in a wee hurry (i have to go to work very soon and i STILL haven't showered!).

This is Emily, in her hammock, stretching after a long tiring day of escaping and hiding

This is Amelia's squinting look -- the one that tells me, "i don't know about you weird giant furless rat things!"

tinypliny - 07/21/11 20:12
So cute! I can't help looking at them all over again! :)
leetee - 07/21/11 18:13
Thanks, (e:Tinypliny), i knew you, of all people, would understand! :o) These snap shots barely do them justice.... they are so darned cute!
tinypliny - 07/21/11 01:53
Oh my!! They are SO cute! I now TOTALLY get why you are distraught that you can't pet them! I would be really torn if I had such cuties and not able to pet them!!!

SO cute! thanks for sharing!!! :-) So many cool pics on your blog in 24 hours!!

07/19/2011 18:35 #54739

Birds and Rats
This weekend my 'rents came to town for a day.

I think my mom STILL wants to see your place, (e:PMT), 'cause she still hasn't and i drove her by your place when you first moved in.

I digress.

The main reason for the visit was a rare weekend day off for me and to go to the zoo to feed the Lorikeets, something my mother and i adore doing.

This year, with the diminishing flock, they have been less interactive.

But i found out they love the sweat from my brow. Two landed on my head and spent many minutes licking my forehead. Very interesting indeed.


Before going to work on Thursday night, (e:uncutsaniflush) noticed something very surprising. "The Girls" gnawed a hole in their cage bottom.

Here was our quick fix from the outside.


As soon as i could, i went out and got some things to help with the chew issue they have. They are still afraid of us and they still refuse to allow me to pick them up (will i EVER have a pet i can cuddle!??!?!). I got some anti-chew stuff to spray in places they might want to chomp and was planning on ordering a new pan for the cage.

Then, this morning, (e:Uncutsaniflush) found a new hole near the old hole and no girls. Amelia and Emily have escaped.

Here is what the inside of the cage looked like.


We have repaired it and left food and water for them. There have been sightings, but since they do not want me to hold them, i cannot imagine how i would be able to catch them. Rats are quick.
leetee - 07/20/11 19:19
Update on the update -- they are safely back in their very reinforced cage.

I would love to post pictures of them.... but i can't seem to get any, they move so fast! As soon as i can, i will, if only for you, (e:Tinypliny)!
tinypliny - 07/20/11 11:06
Could we have photographs of the rats please? :)
tinypliny - 07/20/11 11:05
Ah - good to hear about the rats... I wanted to link this yesterday: :::link:::
leetee - 07/20/11 10:23
Thanks, (e:Tinypliny). I might just be feeling ill at that time and have to call in to work...

Update -- the girls are safe, just hiding BEHIND the cage! *sigh*
tinypliny - 07/20/11 10:00
:::link::: July 30th-31st 10-4
leetee - 07/20/11 09:30
The birds' tongue tickled.... i reckon i am just not used to anyone licking my forehead. When is Garden Walk this year? I am sure my mom would love to visit then! :o)
paul - 07/19/11 23:51
That picture with the birds on your head is so freaking cute. You should have your mom visit during the garden walk. We are doing it this year.
tinypliny - 07/19/11 20:46
They do.. and how fascinating: :::link::: Parrots' tongues are most similar to humans and so they can make almost human sounds!
tinypliny - 07/19/11 20:44
Do birds have tongues... I would never have guessed.
tinypliny - 07/19/11 19:50
That is such a funny pic of the birds on your head.

Sorry about the rats...

07/05/2011 02:25 #54644

Where To Find....?
While surfing around tonight for some old thing or other i can barely remember, i ended up spending far too much time looking at tattoos of Ganesha.

So beautiful. Inspiring.

Great idea for a tattoo, Ganesha, among the many i have, including orange and blue nautical stars (orange for me, blue for (e:uncutsaniflush); complimentary favorite colours, how can we not be made for each other?).

Like a responsible person, i think long and hard about getting something that permanent put on my body.

But, i really am facing some obstacles right now and i really want to represent something that will help me get past them that has beauty and meaning to me. And not have to wait while i decide of it should be permanent....

So, i thought... HENNA! Anyone know of a good place to get a henna tattoo? The Googlewebs gave me one place, in Grand Island.....
paul - 07/08/11 11:01
Ya, that is the same Jen Russo.
tinypliny - 07/08/11 02:05
I just recalled that there are always henna artists at the Elmwood fair.
tinypliny - 07/08/11 02:04
Wait - that same Jen Russo who teaches yoga at Hand to Heart? Really, she does henna as well?

(e:leetee), if you don't manage to find anyone easily, you can get some really good henna powder from the Indian store. Making henna patterns are a function of a really smooth rich paste, a plastic bag-cone and some good imagination. :)
paul - 07/05/11 14:26
Her name is Jen Russo I think. (E:matthew) has her contact info.
leetee - 07/05/11 10:44
It's ok, (e:Ladycroft).... eventually, i think i will get Ganesha, but full colour. :o)

(e:Heidi), i saw a lot of ads on google for people who would come and do henna at party's.

(e:holly)? can you give me the woman's email or number?
ladycroft - 07/05/11 07:06
Woops, I thought when you said Henna Tattoo (on FB) you meant a henna style tattoo (done in brown ink)! There's a place called Stylin' Tattoo in Cheektovegas that do henna.
heidi - 07/05/11 02:50
(e:holly) had a woman doing henna at her bridal shower...