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04/26/2011 00:52 #54154

So we went and got the baby rats that i wanted. Yay!

They are so adorable. And about 6 weeks old.

Honey Hill Pet only had females, so 2 females we got. The one that (e:Uncutsaniflush) thought was very cute was a jumper and almost made it out into the big bad world.

I had one in my hand that was mostly grey but with some white patches and was relatively calm, so she was a keeper, then we found another that was more solid grey who managed to stay still for a while.

Hard to pick them out, it was more a matter of which ones could be caught and held.

So, we brought them home and i set up the big cage for them.

With much thought, we decided on the names Amelia and Emily. Amelia is the first out to explore and Emily is more reserved -- from what we can tell in a day!

I was so excited!!

But they are scared of us. It makes me incredibly sad. Pretty much opposite of why i wanted babies to begin with.

At first i thought it was because everything is so new.

But perhaps i will never have a pet i can pick up and hold and cuddle? *sigh*
leetee - 04/28/11 13:11
Thanks,(e:Matthew)... i hope so too! In the meantime, i think they are adorable and hope they sit still long enough for me to take a photo of them!

Thanks, (e:npage148)... i have had an anti-social rat, we adopted him from the SPCA and eventually, we were able to pet him, but never pick him up. He was territorially aggressive (cleaning his cage, at first was risky to the digits!). I was hoping that getting babies would result in friendlier rats who had no preconcieved notions of us giant humans... In time, with some "trust training", i hope they will come round. :o)
npage148 - 04/28/11 12:16
I deal with lab rats and I've never had a mean or anti-social one. So once they grow up and get used to you they should be fine. They also shouldn't bite aside from trying to taste you.
matthew - 04/26/11 07:18
Yay! Congrats on the newest additions to your family. Hopefully, with time, they'll give you a cuddle.

04/21/2011 12:41 #54108

Happy Easter Weekend
In honor of this weekend, i present to you, Sketchy Bunnies....

In non-bunny related news, i think i am ready to go get new pet rat(s).

After Linus died, i needed a bit of time, it was so sudden. And, with us going away for a while i didn't want a new rat to be left alone after just getting here. Honey Hill mentioned on their fb page that they have babies. Babies! Squeee!

Every time i have had a pet rat (Zoe, Tofu & Tux, then Linus), they have all been adults. Although i loved Linus and i wouldn't have traded him in for anything, he had some challenges that probably had everything to do with how he was handled before we got him. He eventually trusted us, and we gave him a good life, and i will always adore him.

But now, it is time to have wee ones. And i am so excited!!! I think i want to get 2 females... they are social creatures, and i am not sure how to raise 2 males without any dominance issues....

04/12/2011 00:50 #54035

We're Baaaaaaaaaaaack
The West Side Market in Cleveland, OH rocks.

The Days Inn needs to research the places it wishes to lend it's name to.

It seemed as though every time i took the wheel, i had to deal with cross winds. What's with that?

While looking at the pictures i took while on vacation, it appears as though most of what i did was eat... and i often could not wait until i took a picture to start eating.

I will post some or all soon.

BS at my work continues. My schedule was changed while i was gone and neither of my supervisors decided it would be a good idea to tell me. Thank goodness for one co-worker for letting me know i have to work tomorrow, otherwise i wouldn't have shown up.
  • sigh*

An old friend of mine found me on facebook and i took a look through her pics and saw snaps of her sister (and also an old high school friend) in a wheelchair looking even more ill than she was the last time i saw her. Hurt my heart.
paul - 04/12/11 08:28
Glad to hear you are back safe and sound. Vacations are all about eating for me too.

04/10/2011 15:33 #54020

She has free wi-fi!

Greetings from exit 77 on the Indiana Tollway, nearish Notre Dame Uni.

It's 86 degrees here. We did not pack "summer" clothes.

We hope to be in Cleveland OH so i can eat dinner at Qdoba (LOVE their Mexican Gumbo).
paul - 04/10/11 16:04
86 degrees sounds amazing

04/07/2011 23:25 #53996

I-94, NOT I-90
Good thing (e:uncutsaniflush) is around to make sure i go east across Wisconsin on the correct highway.

We ate dinner at the vegetarian place in Wisconsin Dells, The Cheese Factory, again. Their duxelle was sOOoo good, as was their Hungarian Goolash and (gluten & dairy free!) corn and millet pudding with fried bananas walnuts and cranberries.

It was a bit breezy on the hilly windy bits of I-94 just outside Minnesota.

We went to the American Swedish Institute and saw a beautiful old home with the most amazing ceramic fireplaces (no pics allowed inside!).

We ate at the Purple Sanpiper for breakfast... the chef (owner?) asked me if i came back for more bacon.........
tinypliny - 04/08/11 17:45
I thought you were a vegetarian. How does pig count as a vegetable? ;-)