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07/28/2011 22:10 #54806

Work Vent
One of my bosses called me today to let me know that i am being transfered to another location. Effective SATURDAY. Less than 48 hours notice. I am super pissed off. I go from a month's worth of night shifts to a place that is having lots of issues. So much for my weekend off.... I WILL be calling the union in the morning!!
metalpeter - 07/29/11 17:11
As Crazy as that sounds giving that much short notice.... I wonder if it is maybe because the other place needs you.... I mean think of it as you are a good worker so you are being brought in to bring that place up.... I think talking to the union is a good idea just to let them know about this.....
tinypliny - 07/29/11 13:10
Alright that was (e:Paul) who had my phone yesterday. But yes, this really does sound quite awful. I hope they revert this decision! Good luck!
tinypliny - 07/29/11 01:58
That sucks.

07/25/2011 15:23 #54786

Quinoa & Cage
Some food porn in the form of a quinoa salad (in a popcorn bowl!)


Basic Recipe
quinoa (1 1/4 cup dry & double the water)
1/2 an english cucumber, chopped
1/2 pint cherry tomatoes, halved
5 scallions, sliced
1 carrot, grated
3 radishes, chopped finely
feta cheese
2 - 3 tablespoons seasoned (basil & oregano) rice wine vinegar
1 - 2 tablespoons olive oil
salt & pepper to taste

Thank you, Honey Hill Pet Center[link]][/link] for the red bottom temporary solution!

tinypliny - 07/25/11 23:12
(e:leetee), you could fix your link by taking all these out:
(and the link will show up simply as :::link:::
paul - 07/25/11 21:57
Looks pretty yummy. I am all about quinoa but always forget about it.
leetee - 07/25/11 18:54
It is healthy; it's one of my favorite replacements for pasta salad. :O)

I wish i knew, exactly, what i am going to do with my chewy girls. (e:Matthew) was kind enough to give me an old aquarium, and although i have heard they aren't that great for rats, i could get a wire cage topper for it and put in shelves and hammocks.

BTW, they are in the hammock in that picture...
libertad - 07/25/11 17:34
That salad looks very good and healthy too! So what are you going to do as a permanent fix for the wascally wodents?

07/24/2011 22:35 #54783

I Chewed My Home!
Here is what the end results of my little rats have done:

Emily close up

Amelia close up

Amelia at her food bowl

Emily being timid in the corner of the cage
leetee - 07/25/11 10:29
You're welcome, (e:Tinypliny); i knew you would appreciate their cuteness. :o)

And yes, that is the hard plastic they chewed through. Honey Hill Pet gave me a used base for the same kind of cage as a temporary solution and (e:Matthew) was kind enough to give us another possible solution for my chewy rats!
tinypliny - 07/24/11 23:57
Cuteness overload! Thanks so much for sharing!!!!!

And is that hard PLASTIC they chewed through?!

07/24/2011 13:14 #54775

New Porch, Please?
(e:Paul)'s post, (e:Paul,54773) reminds me that we really need to find a good, reliable but inexpensive contractor/builder/handyman to completely rebuild our front porch.

Anyone know anyone or want the job?

07/20/2011 20:50 #54745

The Girls!
(e:Tinypliny), i just snapped a couple of quick shots of the girls back in their cage. Wish they were better, but i was in a wee hurry (i have to go to work very soon and i STILL haven't showered!).

This is Emily, in her hammock, stretching after a long tiring day of escaping and hiding

This is Amelia's squinting look -- the one that tells me, "i don't know about you weird giant furless rat things!"

tinypliny - 07/21/11 20:12
So cute! I can't help looking at them all over again! :)
leetee - 07/21/11 18:13
Thanks, (e:Tinypliny), i knew you, of all people, would understand! :o) These snap shots barely do them justice.... they are so darned cute!
tinypliny - 07/21/11 01:53
Oh my!! They are SO cute! I now TOTALLY get why you are distraught that you can't pet them! I would be really torn if I had such cuties and not able to pet them!!!

SO cute! thanks for sharing!!! :-) So many cool pics on your blog in 24 hours!!