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08/03/2011 13:56 #54850


metalpeter - 08/06/11 11:08
yeah it is a little Freaky one thing is they have the best ads... This line of them some are ok but most are pretty good.... Even though they took the Caveman Idea from SNL (Yes they had a bit Caveman lawyer "But I'm just a caveman") those are great as well they even had a great hockey one and at one point had the cavemen as part of the Shady Rock A Billy guy ads.....
tinypliny - 08/04/11 03:24
Hahah.. I really like the lawyer bit. Hilarious.
mike - 08/04/11 00:04
I agree it freaks me out but I love it at the same time!
libertad - 08/03/11 20:58
It sort of freaks me out a bit too but it is also very cute.
mrmike - 08/03/11 20:57
I never remember my pinwheel when on the highway
matthew - 08/03/11 18:38
This commercial kinda freaks me out.

08/03/2011 02:05 #54849

Can We Keep You?
That one little off hand remark by a co-worker really made my day.

Second day at the new location and i felt more welcomed there than i have anywhere else.

Had a great conversation with a co-worker for well over an hour about music and did not feel like an outsider freak.

They are used to new people here; a lot pass through their doors.

I am willing to work. To be (moderately and conservatively) flexible with my schedule. To learn new things. To do what needs to be done.

Seems not all that have come there feel the same way.

Of course, i have yet to really "rock and roll" or get mandated (forced to stay for another shift because someone is unable or unwilling to come in to cover it) daily.

But still. Day 2. Not bad.
tinypliny - 08/04/11 03:25
I think coworkers are like extended family. Sometimes the best thing about any job is how much you look forward to working alongside the people whom you like and respect.

08/02/2011 11:56 #54845

Work Drama!!!
I can complain here more than i can on FB, because one of my bosses is my "friend" there.

Thanks for the sympathies, (e:Paul)/(e:Tinypliny) about being transferred so last minute. It does suck.

The place i have been sent to is ok so far. People seem cool enough. Some residents i am familiar with when i worked "on campus" and that helps.

I found out yesterday that the meeting i interrupted on Friday to negotiate the weekend off (which i got.... YAY!) was all about them eliminating my position. Seems the "higher ups" want to get rid of my 80% part time spot, regardless of shift, because, apparently i was a "fill in" person and would rather do OVERTIME than pay a lowly part time wage. WTF? If the state is in a budget crisis, why pay more for the same thing?

So, it is time for me to kick up the search i already started to find a better place. Monthly bids are up now. I can't bid on full time positions (hiring freeze means they would rather pay ot than fill a spot with someone who makes less!), so my options are limited.

BUT, there are a couple out there worth looking into....

Wish me luck?
paul - 08/02/11 22:17
Good Luck! The state is so out of touch with spending. Your example reminds me of ones at my work where we can't hire any new workers but we can pay contractors like $100/hr. I think the state much waste so much money on IT contractors. Probably every kind of contractor.
mrmike - 08/02/11 15:26

07/28/2011 22:10 #54806

Work Vent
One of my bosses called me today to let me know that i am being transfered to another location. Effective SATURDAY. Less than 48 hours notice. I am super pissed off. I go from a month's worth of night shifts to a place that is having lots of issues. So much for my weekend off.... I WILL be calling the union in the morning!!
metalpeter - 07/29/11 17:11
As Crazy as that sounds giving that much short notice.... I wonder if it is maybe because the other place needs you.... I mean think of it as you are a good worker so you are being brought in to bring that place up.... I think talking to the union is a good idea just to let them know about this.....
tinypliny - 07/29/11 13:10
Alright that was (e:Paul) who had my phone yesterday. But yes, this really does sound quite awful. I hope they revert this decision! Good luck!
tinypliny - 07/29/11 01:58
That sucks.

07/25/2011 15:23 #54786

Quinoa & Cage
Some food porn in the form of a quinoa salad (in a popcorn bowl!)


Basic Recipe
quinoa (1 1/4 cup dry & double the water)
1/2 an english cucumber, chopped
1/2 pint cherry tomatoes, halved
5 scallions, sliced
1 carrot, grated
3 radishes, chopped finely
feta cheese
2 - 3 tablespoons seasoned (basil & oregano) rice wine vinegar
1 - 2 tablespoons olive oil
salt & pepper to taste

Thank you, Honey Hill Pet Center[link]][/link] for the red bottom temporary solution!

tinypliny - 07/25/11 23:12
(e:leetee), you could fix your link by taking all these out:
(and the link will show up simply as :::link:::
paul - 07/25/11 21:57
Looks pretty yummy. I am all about quinoa but always forget about it.
leetee - 07/25/11 18:54
It is healthy; it's one of my favorite replacements for pasta salad. :O)

I wish i knew, exactly, what i am going to do with my chewy girls. (e:Matthew) was kind enough to give me an old aquarium, and although i have heard they aren't that great for rats, i could get a wire cage topper for it and put in shelves and hammocks.

BTW, they are in the hammock in that picture...
libertad - 07/25/11 17:34
That salad looks very good and healthy too! So what are you going to do as a permanent fix for the wascally wodents?