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08/22/2011 18:08 #54998

RIP Jack Layton

leetee - 08/23/11 09:01
tinypliny - 08/23/11 05:04
What did he die of?
paul - 08/22/11 23:16
I was like, "What is the NDP." Then I saw canadian.

08/12/2011 10:56 #54926

Erie County Fair

metalpeter - 08/12/11 17:18
Hope it is a lot of fun.... There are a lot of great shows to see even though they can get crazy.... Plus there is a lot of stuff to see...

08/09/2011 01:02 #54911

Bat In Our Belfry
There's a bat in our house. Poor thing can't seem to find open doors and windows. We keep thinking the lost creature found its way outside, only to discover it flying around again. Freaks me out a bit... and i like bats! Least i thought i did 'til one decided to move in!
paul - 08/10/11 19:21
Can they be pets?
metalpeter - 08/10/11 17:21
I don't like bats and they freak me out and one recently was in my mothers house lucky for me I didn't need to deal with it..... I'm no expert but I wonder if once they find a way in if cause of their wings they can't get back out the same way.... One would think it would just go out the window but maybe there sonar or what ever it is can't pick up on the fact that the open space is open? Hope it gets out soon and goes no where near your pet rats.....
tinypliny - 08/09/11 12:55
Maybe remote sound emitters that you could borrow from a dog owner or even a barking dog's neighbour (according to this article: :::link:::
leetee - 08/09/11 12:20
How does one make ultrasonic noise, (e:Tinypliny)?
tinypliny - 08/09/11 09:38
I wonder if you could make a ton of ultrasonic sound somehow so that the bat goes away from the noise and towards the windows/doors.

08/08/2011 10:00 #54902

It's All A Blur
Wow. Whirlwind.

Just worked 7 days in a row. Thursday night, and overtime person called to say she could not come in and i got stuck working from 3pm to 11pm then mandated into an overnight from 11pm tp 7am. Back in at 3pm that day. Then, the next day, i was scheduled to work a double from 7am to 11pm.

My employer is really jerking people around. One of my bosses at the location i was pulled from is being pulled to go to another location and fix up the mess the previous supervisor left. So, they are short 1 full time (100%), myself (80%) and another part timer (60%).

Now, the rumour is that, despite my position being eliminated there, i am going back because they are too short.

And the other is that my boss is requesting that she does not have a shift supervisor and that she would just run the house herself. Funniest thing i ever heard. Talk about control freak. Don't want to go back there.... been looking for somewhere new for a while.

Would love to stay at the location i was temp assigned to; they are lovely people there and the bad reputation the house has is not deserved. But, that is not going to happen. They are slowly re-staffing it.

On the positive side, i have 4 days off!

Today, laundry, house cleaning, phone calls, maybe visit another site to check it out.

Tuesday, errands, chores....

Wednesday, a day off with (e:Uncutsaniflush)!

Thursday, a day of pampering @ the nail spa and salon! Yay!
tinypliny - 08/09/11 09:39
Enjoy your days off! :)

08/03/2011 13:56 #54850


metalpeter - 08/06/11 11:08
yeah it is a little Freaky one thing is they have the best ads... This line of them some are ok but most are pretty good.... Even though they took the Caveman Idea from SNL (Yes they had a bit Caveman lawyer "But I'm just a caveman") those are great as well they even had a great hockey one and at one point had the cavemen as part of the Shady Rock A Billy guy ads.....
tinypliny - 08/04/11 03:24
Hahah.. I really like the lawyer bit. Hilarious.
mike - 08/04/11 00:04
I agree it freaks me out but I love it at the same time!
libertad - 08/03/11 20:58
It sort of freaks me out a bit too but it is also very cute.
mrmike - 08/03/11 20:57
I never remember my pinwheel when on the highway
matthew - 08/03/11 18:38
This commercial kinda freaks me out.