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01/07/2011 01:45 #53405

This Oo-La-La Rocks

uncutsaniflush - 01/10/11 22:58
Actually, since the show is on CBS, cable isn't necessary. Even in a building like the Mayflower, a digital tv with an antenna should pick up the local CBS station (in theory) since it is free and over the air.

Even without a tv, selected video from the show is available online at :::link:::
tinypliny - 01/09/11 11:12
That is why I have you?!


metalpeter - 01/07/11 16:56
I admit I wasn't a big WHO fan growing up saw a few shows, Then Heard they where coming up with a new Series and thought it would be assume then heard there was going to be a 2nd season and thought that will be great but I never saw any of the 1st season.......
leetee - 01/07/11 10:55
See what you miss by not having cable, (e:Tinypliny)? Craig Ferguson rocks.

This is why the show is so beloved by geeks and nerds, (e:uncutsaniflush)!
uncutsaniflush - 01/07/11 04:11
The Triumph of Intellect and Romance over brute force and cynicism indeed.
tinypliny - 01/07/11 02:39
hahaha that was awesome. I can't stop laughing. LOL

01/01/2011 11:41 #53371

Happy 2011
Thanks, yet again, (e:PMT) for hosting New Year's Eve. Always a pleasure.

Looking forward to the pics, (e:Metalpeter)!
mrmike - 01/01/11 12:23
And to you and Walt, too. Working the hockey tourney left me feeling a little beat up, so my lame self never made it.
metalpeter - 01/01/11 12:14
Just Posted some of them.... It was a great time it was Nice to See both you and Walt there...... Just Wish my head wasn't pounding but it is worth the fun I had last night......

12/22/2010 12:10 #53319

New Age Kharma
So, yesterday, i went to get my hair colored. I went to New Age Salon . They book appointments online, which i love.

The girl that i had gone to a coupla times just doesn't work when i have time. Kristen only works Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday -- basicly, when i am working too.

So, i tried someone else. Julie. I like her a lot. Love my haircut, she can use a razor very well, a skill that even seasoned hairdressers don't always have.

My color is good. Well applied. Even. Red. But is there a red bright enough for me out there?

The salon is moving and the owner, Amanda, seems a bit stressed. Completely understandable. Just bought a new building, trying to get all the reno done, deal with holiday stress and still run the current business and do all her clients.

While i was there, she walked to the new place, a few blocks away then came back just before a client of hers came. While mixing her color for her client, she began to look around, distressed, with her hand at her throat. I asked Julie if she was ok, since the blowdryer was buzzing in my ear. Julie told me, "she lost her necklace.". Turns out she had the chain but lost her St Christopher pendant.

She said that she would never find it because she had just walked in the snow and would never find it.

I decided to try. I asked her what her exact route was and she was able to tell me when she crossed the street and on what side she walked.

So, i paid and left to look. Told them i was walking that way anyway and would look at the ground while i did.

And yes, there it was, middle of the sidewalk, by the entrance of the parking lot for the M&T Bank at Hertel and Parkside, looking up at me saying "come pray with us".

I brought it back and she tearfully thanked me.

Damn, that felt so good.
metalpeter - 12/23/10 15:28
That Was Very Nice of You

A link to the Wiki Page of St. Christopher :::link:::

ladycroft - 12/23/10 04:10
awww :)
paul - 12/22/10 22:13
That was so nice of you. She must have been overwhelmed. I also love places that allow for online scheduling of appointments.

12/03/2010 01:04 #53198

I'll Get Round To It...
The most intelligent and insightful person in my life has given me an opinion of what he sees going on. Yet, until i see it myself, i don't want to believe it.

I think it is because, despite what it may seem, i have faith in people until they show me otherwise. Usually, once i see that i cannot and should not have that faith, i am crushed. I don't want to believe that people can be "that" way and i don't always deal with it well.

I work with someone who suspects the worst at all turns. There must be something "shady" going on; there must be a negative ulterior motive. I find myself in the sadly pathetic position of feeling judged negatively for a result that is less that stellar when intentions were merely earnest or out of pure concern.

Luckily, said person does not feel that way about the individuals we serve. In fact, just the opposite. So much so, what could be valuable data and ultimately, any assistance we may be able to offer, is lost because it is frowned upon to report the actual truth if it is negative.

Thank you, my intelligent, insightful and wise husband. You have been patient and understanding. You are sweeter than you allow most people to see and i am ever grateful that i am one of the few that gets to.

Thank you, too, for allowing me to hi-jack this post so i could bitch about a bitch before wishing you the happiest of birthdays.

Happy Birthday, (e:Uncutsaniflush).
paul - 12/03/10 13:21
Happy birthday!

11/26/2010 14:25 #53168

Will Always Be
Now that i work in Kenmore, i have tried to make sure i don't speed and i have slowly gotten to know what side streets between Military, Elmwood, Delaware and Delaware have lights so i don't wait forever to make a left hand turn.

I have a landmark on Elmwood that will forever be the street in which the "Mike Visco Rite Aid" is on.. because it has a light.

Hope the new job is going well, (e:Mike)!