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02/01/2011 11:26 #53529

RIP Linus
He did not make it through the night. He probably died within a few minutes of me typing my last post.

I don't know why he is gone, but i am grateful he did not linger or seemed to suffer very little.

We got him from the SPCA a few summers ago because of his Linux based name. He was terrirorially agressive and bit me the first time i cleaned his cage. With time and patience, he mellowed and i was able to pet him. He had a better life with us than he would have at the SPCA.
leetee - 02/03/11 12:15
thanks, everyone.

(e:tinypliny), he was 2 1/2. although i did not know rats could outsmart crows, that does not surprise me in the least. :o)

i think, in a few months, i want to go get a new one, or a pair. rats are social creatures... i want to get a baby or babies this time. i've always adopted rats when they were older.

anyone know of a good rat breeder?
tinypliny - 02/03/11 02:54
How old was he? Did you know that rats can outsmart crows? He probably did appreciate you as a friend. :)
metalpeter - 02/01/11 17:16
At Least he didn't suffer....
matthew - 02/01/11 14:44
aww, so sorry! I'm sure you made him very happy.
paul - 02/01/11 11:43
Sorry to hear about your loss ;(

02/01/2011 02:54 #53528

Rat Watch
Our poor lil rat, Linus is not doing well right now. It seems so sudden and i am not sure he will make it through the night. I just told him that we love him and if he need to let go and die, he should because we do not want to see him suffer.
tinypliny - 02/01/11 04:49
Tell him I send good wishes as a fellow rodent-in-spirit.

01/15/2011 10:40 #53438

New Year Plus 2 Weeks
It's been just over two weeks since that stupid car accident. It definatly put a wee dark cloud over the new year for me.

I am pissed that i was doing nothing wrong, just stopped at a red light and i am the one that has to deal with all the petty shit, errands, paperwork and car repair shops involved in "making it right" for me, despite my innocence.

Yeah, i know that is just the way it is and sometimes life is not fair and thank goodness you weren't hurt. Do these comments help validate my feelings? Do the condemn them? Are they an attempt to reassure? Ultimately, because of the horrible place i was in, they just made me feel worse.

This is the second time in my very short driving life, that i have been rear ended while i was at a complete stop -- on 9-11-09 and 12-31-10, interestingly enough. What happens next time? Is my luck running out? Next time will it be one of those fucking Hummer things and a drunk teenage girl who will cripple me?

I wallowed.

I cried.

I've had nightmares.

I have vented, thank you.

Time to put it all behind me.
tinypliny - 01/21/11 03:01
Sending all the good wishes and MORE your way!!!

paul - 01/15/11 21:39
That sucks. There is nothing I hate more than dealing with broken stuff, especially when it's not my fault. Right now our car, stove, television, furnace and garage roof are all in various states of requiring repair.

01/07/2011 01:45 #53405

This Oo-La-La Rocks

uncutsaniflush - 01/10/11 22:58
Actually, since the show is on CBS, cable isn't necessary. Even in a building like the Mayflower, a digital tv with an antenna should pick up the local CBS station (in theory) since it is free and over the air.

Even without a tv, selected video from the show is available online at :::link:::
tinypliny - 01/09/11 11:12
That is why I have you?!


metalpeter - 01/07/11 16:56
I admit I wasn't a big WHO fan growing up saw a few shows, Then Heard they where coming up with a new Series and thought it would be assume then heard there was going to be a 2nd season and thought that will be great but I never saw any of the 1st season.......
leetee - 01/07/11 10:55
See what you miss by not having cable, (e:Tinypliny)? Craig Ferguson rocks.

This is why the show is so beloved by geeks and nerds, (e:uncutsaniflush)!
uncutsaniflush - 01/07/11 04:11
The Triumph of Intellect and Romance over brute force and cynicism indeed.
tinypliny - 01/07/11 02:39
hahaha that was awesome. I can't stop laughing. LOL

01/01/2011 11:41 #53371

Happy 2011
Thanks, yet again, (e:PMT) for hosting New Year's Eve. Always a pleasure.

Looking forward to the pics, (e:Metalpeter)!
mrmike - 01/01/11 12:23
And to you and Walt, too. Working the hockey tourney left me feeling a little beat up, so my lame self never made it.
metalpeter - 01/01/11 12:14
Just Posted some of them.... It was a great time it was Nice to See both you and Walt there...... Just Wish my head wasn't pounding but it is worth the fun I had last night......