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03/15/2011 12:30 #53832

Suggested By Paul
I like this Topic Suggester thing, (e:Paul). :o)

If i could live anywhere else i would chose to live in....


Or Toronto.

Funny, but a lot of where i would live would have to do with what i could afford.

The time i spent in Leeds was one of the best times of my life. I had a crappy low paying job, worked 7 days a week most weeks, but i had lots of fun. I met loads of interesting people. During holidays, i was able to head off into the corners of the United Kingdom and explore. At the time, i felt i didn't need huge wads of cash and posh digs.

However, i think my favorite city to live in would be Toronto. I have spent more time there and feel like i know more about the place. I like it's big city feel without being so big i feel lost. But i would need to be making more than i make now to be content because it is an expensive place to live.


I would live anywhere that (e:Uncutsaniflush) lives because i love him. Damn, i moved to Tennessee to live with him, didn't i?
tinypliny - 03/15/11 20:08
Hmmm... I would have to say NYC. :)
leetee - 03/15/11 14:13
Yeah, Paul, every time i go to Toronto, there seems to be a new tower block. Particularly going North. Vaughn has a mall now. With a Bass Pro! Egads.

Funny enough, since i was born and raised in Hamilton, i have always thought of it as completely separate. But when (e:Uncutsaniflush) first visited me there, he thought if it as the outer outer burbs of Toronto, a commuter town because the GO Train ends (or begins, in my opinion) in Hamilton.

I still love the city proper, though. Even the sketchy areas. And i hear that the racism issues are getting worse....
paul - 03/15/11 12:46
Recently, we have been watching all these documentaries on England. I wish I could live there in Edwardian times (pre war) and be rich.

Does it seem to you that toronto is expanding an extreme pace. Everytime I go it seems bigger and different. At some point those high rise condos are going to stretch all the way down to Hamilton.

03/09/2011 23:13 #53799

e:Joshua's Memorial Service
(e:Jason) posted details of (e:Joshua)'s visiting hours and memorial service on facebook for this Friday (2-4, 7-9) and Saturday (2pm) in Jamestown. I am not exactly sure when i am going, but i will be. If anyone wants to go, but can't because they don't have wheels, send me an email (i forget to look at the messages here all the time!). I will have space for 2 or 3 peeps in my prius....

02/27/2011 10:10 #53742

Perfect Shoe Shelves
We are in the middle of turning the small back bedroom into a large walk in closet. In the entrance of the room, there is a small cubbie type area.... a wee alcove, if you will. Well, myself and my brilliant husband decided it would make a good place for my shoes. After much sourcing, we found some nice white pine (correct me if i am wrong, Dear) on clearance at Home Depot. They were cut while i was at work yesterday..... and i love them! They are perfect and custom and they might just fit all my shoes if i squeeze them in a bit. Pics will follow (i just HAVE to for (e:Tinypliny)!) in the near future....
tinypliny - 02/27/11 17:21
OMG!! I am SO excited!!!!!!! So at last, I will get to see ALL your converses ALL at once!! Make sure you include close-ups, and long shots and glamour shots!!!!!! I can't wait!

02/25/2011 11:58 #53723

Vacation Day
Due to my boss being a procrastinator and doing a rush job on a schedule that was over a week late (union rules, schedule must be out 10 days before it starts), i have an additional day off this week.

We had one too many people on duty and no event planned, so someone (read, the person who notices first) was able to take a day off. That someone is me.

I am using vacation time, since i have so much of it that i have yet to have even touched (i have used my personal leave time for previous vacations since personal leave time expires).

So, i had my pass days, Tuesday and Wednesday from last week's schedule, and our weeks start on Thursday, for which i have Thursday off... then i took today as a vacation day. Four days off in a row... that is like a mini-vacation.

And i have accomplished almost nothing.... yay me!
tinypliny - 02/26/11 00:02
And the best vacations are when you accomplish nothing but enjoy everything!
paul - 02/25/11 23:56
Vacation days are great! I find they are even better when unexpected.

02/04/2011 11:12 #53544

i do not have to work for the next 8 days in a row!

to celebrate, here are the go-go's

tinypliny - 02/04/11 22:03
Have an awesome time!!!