Heidi's Journal
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09/10/2010 15:41 #52695
Parking metersCategory: tourism
09/07/2010 21:28 #52679
Extreme updated cutenessCategory: tech
My eee pc got a new OS! [(e:heidi,45870) and (e:heidi,51382)] It's soooo cute and all handy & up to date! Asus stopped supporting this model (eee pc 900) shortly after I bought it and I was stuck in firefox 2.0, which made the all-important google docs unhappy. Now I have Chrome, firefox, cheese, and all kinds of other goodies.
(Interesting how estrip.org is in the bookmarks toolbar!)
Thank you!!!!
(Interesting how estrip.org is in the bookmarks toolbar!)
Thank you!!!!
uncutsaniflush - 09/09/10 20:56
(e:paul) - thanks for the offer but being the Linux distro whore that I am I put Ubuntu Studo - Puppy Edition on the 900a after I commented last. I've been using it on my mom-in-law's old box (celeron 2 ghz) as as music studio with decent results. The power supply recently blew on the celeron box so i'm using a psu from another box externally since I don't have another micro-atx psu floating around at home.
Why use the puppy edition instead of the full blown Ubuntu Studio? In a word - latency. It uses a real time kernel and on the celeron box with Ubuntu Studio the latency is around 23.9 for Ardour and with the puppy edition it is around 5.8. And, of course, less latency is better latency.
(e:paul) - thanks for the offer but being the Linux distro whore that I am I put Ubuntu Studo - Puppy Edition on the 900a after I commented last. I've been using it on my mom-in-law's old box (celeron 2 ghz) as as music studio with decent results. The power supply recently blew on the celeron box so i'm using a psu from another box externally since I don't have another micro-atx psu floating around at home.
Why use the puppy edition instead of the full blown Ubuntu Studio? In a word - latency. It uses a real time kernel and on the celeron box with Ubuntu Studio the latency is around 23.9 for Ardour and with the puppy edition it is around 5.8. And, of course, less latency is better latency.
paul - 09/08/10 21:49
Its totally worth it. She had a 900 and it made it work like a completely new device. I installed it by putting the ubuntu netbook live CD on a USB drive and booting off of that. I have it still if you need it.
Its totally worth it. She had a 900 and it made it work like a completely new device. I installed it by putting the ubuntu netbook live CD on a USB drive and booting off of that. I have it still if you need it.
uncutsaniflush - 09/08/10 15:31
(e:heidi) - I hope you enjoy yr new and improved eee.
(e:paul) - shame on me for thinking that you put fedora on everything.
I was farting around with my eee 900a and right now it is distro-less. Maybe I'll try fedora netbook or unbuntu netbook on it.
(e:heidi) - I hope you enjoy yr new and improved eee.
(e:paul) - shame on me for thinking that you put fedora on everything.
I was farting around with my eee 900a and right now it is distro-less. Maybe I'll try fedora netbook or unbuntu netbook on it.
heidi - 09/08/10 14:00
It's very speedy. It feels so modern in comparison.
It's very speedy. It feels so modern in comparison.
paul - 09/07/10 22:45
I do love Fedora and they do have an eeepc build, but its actually ubuntu netbook edition :::link::: as I thought it would be easier for (e:heidi) to maintain.
I do love Fedora and they do have an eeepc build, but its actually ubuntu netbook edition :::link::: as I thought it would be easier for (e:heidi) to maintain.
uncutsaniflush - 09/07/10 22:27
Since (e:paul) and cheese are mentioned I'm going to guess Fedora!!??
Since (e:paul) and cheese are mentioned I'm going to guess Fedora!!??
paul - 09/07/10 22:16
Of course I had to add that! It seems pretty responsive.
Of course I had to add that! It seems pretty responsive.
09/06/2010 18:21 #52672
Bennett beachIn a moment of sunshine...

lilho - 09/09/10 14:12
i wish i was there too... i can deal with clouds, i don't see them much!
i wish i was there too... i can deal with clouds, i don't see them much!
tinypliny - 09/07/10 12:07
It deceptively looks like a warm summer day when in fact it was close to late fall temperatures.
It deceptively looks like a warm summer day when in fact it was close to late fall temperatures.
paul - 09/06/10 22:03
I wish you were there too.
I wish you were there too.
james - 09/06/10 20:59
Wish I was there with you all.
Wish I was there with you all.
paul - 09/06/10 19:24
And seriously, there was only one moment of that.
And seriously, there was only one moment of that.
08/27/2010 14:42 #52580
Moving party!Category: moving
If you are anxiously awaiting an opportunity to help someone move, here's your chance! I'm going to do it in two parts - 5:00 p.m. today or 1:00 p.m. tomorrow. Beer? Pizza? Let me know.
heidi - 08/29/10 14:02
More gratitude!!!!
Alisha, Caleaf & Matt; Brittany & Allison; and (e:samathon86) helped me finish off the moving with two truckloads. Yes, I have too much stuff, but I'm used to having a whole house... I think I'm doing a pretty good job of keeping it smaller.
So far the only sacrifice to the moving gods was my microwave. Smash*Bang. I bought it back in 1994 (which almost makes it older than half the moving helpers). The price of microwaves has really dropped since then. I think I spent $120 on it then. I can get a somewhat smaller one now for $50.
More gratitude!!!!
Alisha, Caleaf & Matt; Brittany & Allison; and (e:samathon86) helped me finish off the moving with two truckloads. Yes, I have too much stuff, but I'm used to having a whole house... I think I'm doing a pretty good job of keeping it smaller.
So far the only sacrifice to the moving gods was my microwave. Smash*Bang. I bought it back in 1994 (which almost makes it older than half the moving helpers). The price of microwaves has really dropped since then. I think I spent $120 on it then. I can get a somewhat smaller one now for $50.
heidi - 08/27/10 21:00
(e:terry) and Casey kicked some ass today - I am awed by the amount of stuff they moved. Thanks much to Lana, (e:tinypliny) & Alisa, also!!! Tomorrow is going to be relatively easy.
(e:Lauren) - that's great the 'rents are finally meeting!!!! How exciting!!! Housewarming party is a yes, not sure when yet - prolly in September sometime.
(e:terry) and Casey kicked some ass today - I am awed by the amount of stuff they moved. Thanks much to Lana, (e:tinypliny) & Alisa, also!!! Tomorrow is going to be relatively easy.
(e:Lauren) - that's great the 'rents are finally meeting!!!! How exciting!!! Housewarming party is a yes, not sure when yet - prolly in September sometime.
tinypliny - 08/27/10 18:02
damn, I am still in the office. is it too late to get there? I will try and be there in around 15 min or so...
damn, I am still in the office. is it too late to get there? I will try and be there in around 15 min or so...
lauren - 08/27/10 17:09
Aww you know I would love to, but my parents are coming to town for a visit and *gasp* to meet Felly's parents for the first time! Good luck and congrats!! Housewarming party hmm? :)
Aww you know I would love to, but my parents are coming to town for a visit and *gasp* to meet Felly's parents for the first time! Good luck and congrats!! Housewarming party hmm? :)
tinypliny - 08/27/10 16:52
I am going to come over at 5:00 PM today and help you out for a bit. :-)
I am going to come over at 5:00 PM today and help you out for a bit. :-)
Wait parking tickets are only $5? Some of the meters in Buffalo are pointless. There are some on Ellicott st. near SeaBar that only take quarters, however you have to insert 8 before the damn thing will work. I also hate how the more modern meters only take quarters or credit cards. Is it too much to ask to take cash?
My friend Jennie :::link::: says the meters aren't pointless, they provide lots of entertainment and they bring customers into the store. Customers need to exchange their quarters for dimes & nickels... cuz who has dimes & nickels???
I first saw one of these curious little meters in downtown Rochester and remember sending a photo home. I felt like Gobo's travelling uncle Matt. I still do sometimes.
Who has nickels? I think its time to phase out nickels and pennies.