libertad - 08/23/10 15:06 You better be careful that I never come and snatch her away. I wonder if (e:paul) would be allergic to her or not?
08/23/2010 12:37 #52542
Testing location
08/23/2010 12:13 #52541
Bodhi's loose! Category: home
Okay he can't get anywhere yet but he's trying!
heidi - 08/23/10 20:05 I didn't think you could control it :-) I just think the inaccuracies are interesting. Uncle Dudley's gps can't get her to her house.
But just to make sure I understand the process: before posting, open gmap with satellite on, grab the ' my location' and then post and click the location button? I shouldn't expect the gps to figure out where I am without specifying to check now?
paul - 08/23/10 18:52 I can't control the position. I just get what it gives me. I know they can be off as we tested out a bunch of those location dating emgines that eould often say we were like 400ft apart even when in the same room.
The gps doesn't work as well inside amd often relies on cell tower positioning then. Try and make sure Google maps has you in the rightt position before posting.
Also, if you publish from the mobile site instead you can load your position and move the marker before posting.
heidi - 08/23/10 14:19 Hmmm... i'm having a little trouble with the location thingy. I don't quite get -when- it's picking up location. The location image in this post isn't right, i think it's the closest cell tower. The location image in the post above is almost correct - we're in the building, not out back in the scrub.
Yes, he's our little Buddhist! I'll show Bodhgaya to Bodhi's daddy.
heidi - 08/22/10 23:32 oooh! there's a hike i wanna go on this week that will be a perfect use of that! Sand Run Falls!!!!!
paul - 08/22/10 23:28 You should try out the new KML tracker for the estrip app. It lets you use google My Tracks app to track a walk, hiking trip, drive etc and then maps the whole thing out on your journal. I am adding instructions now :::link:::
heidi - 08/22/10 22:52 The GPS is so precise it almost identifies which barstool I was sitting at while making this post.
heidi - 08/22/10 22:39 So the last one is clearly not antique. It's Uncle Dudley's bf's artwork showing who won the door prizes this week - Andy, the post commander at the Morris Run Legion, and Joe, the bf's brother. Bernie put "Joe The Ham" which is really quite funny because Joe is so not a ham. He's a cranky Fox News watching chauvinist. We don't get along so well.
He is all-knowing.
He is so tiny and cute.