Such a cute show. My cutie pie lil niece is coming to visit tomorrow and I can't wait!!!
The dating thing lasted a week, because men are flakes and I refuse to chase anyone down. If a man likes me, he will put in the effort. Apparently no one likes me... Whateve having so much fun with friends!

move to japan, they all use cutesy notepaper.
damn right sista! I agree- please, I use hello kitty notepads everyday. I don't care what anyone thinks, it keeps me from going insane from the mundane.
The Dude didn't say what he wanted to say the right way. If you are using them for a task at work as opposed to something personal, then it would look unprofessinal and that would make it look like you wheren't serious. Kinda like when you see some blonde who really puts hearts or smily faces as the dots over their i will all ways be looked down on, well except for others who do that. What he also didn't say is that if what you write down is good then that out ranks the Hello Kitty stuff. But let me back that up a bit. The unprofessional all depends on the Job, if someone was working in a non professional Job or with kids or something like that, then Hello Kitty might be prefered. Who knows people who like hello kitty will be impressed that you have the balls to do that. Who Knows maybe he wants to do it and just doesn't have the balls to, HA.