So I think my sadness is mostly gone... Maybe I just needed sunshine? Oh, and a long chat with (e:brit)! ;)
Anyway, I seriously hope that brit is gonna visit, I miss her and we would have so much fun!
The children I work with have these scary new robot toys that walk around and make noises... I hate them, they freak me out. What ever happened to lincoln logs?
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/17/2010 20:04 #51936
attack of the robots06/17/2010 11:54 #51933
a general sadnessthis has nothing to do with this post, but nice job on the site updates (e:paul)!
maybe it is because my niece left, or maybe it is because i'm tired of working so much and making no money...
i just feel kinda down lately. i doubt it's lasting, i sometimes get like this for a few weeks and totally snap out of it. no one would ever really notice either because i am pretty good at hiding my true feelings most of the time.
i wish i could take a trip and go somewhere tropical, well, i bet we all wish that. i really wish i could take that trip with my whole family, i really miss my sister and brother and that amazing little baby.
i need to get in exercise mode again, because that always makes me feel super good. the last two weeks, no three weeks, i have been a consumption machine, eating anything and everything in sight. i don't think i have gained weight, but i have some pool parties and resort stay coming up.
another major downer is the shiteousness of the dating here in az. i have never met so man sketchy men in my life. i feel like everyone here is kinda passing through and it's a huge valley with lots of people and men here just seem off. not just their style, but their personalities as well. they all lie.
pretty sure one of my closest guy friends is really in love with me, but he is not for me. not that way at least, and he tried to set me up with his friend who seemed just my type and he turned out to be jerk of the century.
i'm hoping the transition to asu will welcome fun new people, however most of the people in the education program turn out to be super conservative goody goody types...
was so bored yesterday morning before work, i cut bangs. they at least look awesome.
and if one more person refers to me as: missy, honey, sweetie, gorgeous, cutie, baby... i will scream
supposed to go on a date on sunday, but not super excited.
i just want to lay in the pool and at pizza and drink champagne, and ignore everyone except for my lovely ginger friend...
i think a blo trip is going to be needed soon... before the tundra settles in.
plz send (e:paul) and (e:hodown) to me. thanx.
maybe it is because my niece left, or maybe it is because i'm tired of working so much and making no money...
i just feel kinda down lately. i doubt it's lasting, i sometimes get like this for a few weeks and totally snap out of it. no one would ever really notice either because i am pretty good at hiding my true feelings most of the time.
i wish i could take a trip and go somewhere tropical, well, i bet we all wish that. i really wish i could take that trip with my whole family, i really miss my sister and brother and that amazing little baby.
i need to get in exercise mode again, because that always makes me feel super good. the last two weeks, no three weeks, i have been a consumption machine, eating anything and everything in sight. i don't think i have gained weight, but i have some pool parties and resort stay coming up.
another major downer is the shiteousness of the dating here in az. i have never met so man sketchy men in my life. i feel like everyone here is kinda passing through and it's a huge valley with lots of people and men here just seem off. not just their style, but their personalities as well. they all lie.
pretty sure one of my closest guy friends is really in love with me, but he is not for me. not that way at least, and he tried to set me up with his friend who seemed just my type and he turned out to be jerk of the century.
i'm hoping the transition to asu will welcome fun new people, however most of the people in the education program turn out to be super conservative goody goody types...
was so bored yesterday morning before work, i cut bangs. they at least look awesome.
and if one more person refers to me as: missy, honey, sweetie, gorgeous, cutie, baby... i will scream
supposed to go on a date on sunday, but not super excited.
i just want to lay in the pool and at pizza and drink champagne, and ignore everyone except for my lovely ginger friend...
i think a blo trip is going to be needed soon... before the tundra settles in.
plz send (e:paul) and (e:hodown) to me. thanx.
metalpeter - 06/17/10 20:43
Sorry about the feeling down, I think everyone goes through that at some point. I know I have at times. In terms of the guys, I hate to say it but I think it may be an AZ thing, hopefully I'm wrong...........
Sorry about the feeling down, I think everyone goes through that at some point. I know I have at times. In terms of the guys, I hate to say it but I think it may be an AZ thing, hopefully I'm wrong...........
jenks - 06/17/10 17:01
Where in AZ are you? My bro is moving to Phoenix soon.
Where in AZ are you? My bro is moving to Phoenix soon.
paul - 06/17/10 13:10
Buck up buttercup.
Buck up buttercup.
06/12/2010 20:27 #51862
thieveryI went to my fav restaurant in town last night... Southern Mexican... Bario cafe.
Brought my leftovers for dinner as I have to leave the hospital and go straight to my other job, which will equal about a 15 hour day.
Someone ate my food! Everyone denied it but I know who did it, I've seen her do this before. Payback time. I'm bringing in delicious looking tainted food from now on, so eat away slumdogs!
I wouldn't eat food in a takeout container in a communal fridge, who knows how long its been there?
This whole ordeal has sent me over the edge! People should know not to mess with my food, I'm crazy and I am going to find out who it was and that person is going down peaches!
Brought my leftovers for dinner as I have to leave the hospital and go straight to my other job, which will equal about a 15 hour day.
Someone ate my food! Everyone denied it but I know who did it, I've seen her do this before. Payback time. I'm bringing in delicious looking tainted food from now on, so eat away slumdogs!
I wouldn't eat food in a takeout container in a communal fridge, who knows how long its been there?
This whole ordeal has sent me over the edge! People should know not to mess with my food, I'm crazy and I am going to find out who it was and that person is going down peaches!
brit - 06/22/10 23:54
If I could have reached my fat little hands to AZ, it absolutely would have been me....
If I could have reached my fat little hands to AZ, it absolutely would have been me....
metalpeter - 06/17/10 20:47
This is more common then one would think. Some people do it cause they don't have food. Some people do it cause it looks the same. I saw one guy at work see someone ate his food by mistake they did look the same and he freaked out and punched out and went home for the day even after it was explained what happened it wasn't a big deal. Then someone else I know grabbed the wrong bag and the other person came in and said hey you are eating my lunch and that person then ate everything in the bag, that was to funny. Then there are those people who don't care (guessing this is your case) and eat others lunches or see it there and see it the next day and go well, let us not let it go to waste. It really is crazy in any event.
This is more common then one would think. Some people do it cause they don't have food. Some people do it cause it looks the same. I saw one guy at work see someone ate his food by mistake they did look the same and he freaked out and punched out and went home for the day even after it was explained what happened it wasn't a big deal. Then someone else I know grabbed the wrong bag and the other person came in and said hey you are eating my lunch and that person then ate everything in the bag, that was to funny. Then there are those people who don't care (guessing this is your case) and eat others lunches or see it there and see it the next day and go well, let us not let it go to waste. It really is crazy in any event.
paul - 06/12/10 22:47
It wasn't annika?
It wasn't annika?
06/09/2010 22:11 #51840
lipsmackersI can't stand when people smack their lips when they eat.
It is so rude and low class... It makes me want to leave the table and eat alone.
Not going to name the guilty but dear god I hate it so much.
I pretty much assume someone is super trashy and once I hear this...
I am honestly so happy I was raised by my mother. She has given me greayt self awareness. I always over dress, never smack my lips and have very good personal hygiene.
Thanks mom!
It is so rude and low class... It makes me want to leave the table and eat alone.
Not going to name the guilty but dear god I hate it so much.
I pretty much assume someone is super trashy and once I hear this...
I am honestly so happy I was raised by my mother. She has given me greayt self awareness. I always over dress, never smack my lips and have very good personal hygiene.
Thanks mom!
jason - 06/13/10 18:22
Josh smacks his lips. Always has. Always has made me fucking insane too. But have his manners improved over 32 years? NO
Josh smacks his lips. Always has. Always has made me fucking insane too. But have his manners improved over 32 years? NO
06/07/2010 11:50 #51818
better than steak champagne and diamondsI love this baby so much. Love her more everyday. She is the most beautiful funny happy charming person I know! Makes my heart all warm and mushy!!!

libertad - 06/08/10 22:32
So cute. She is lucky to have you as an Aunt.
So cute. She is lucky to have you as an Aunt.
lilho - 06/07/10 14:49
I love her more. Things can't love back or give kisses or cuddle.
I love her more. Things can't love back or give kisses or cuddle.
enknot - 06/07/10 12:38
Even a rare naturally grown steak prepared by gourmet chefs from champagne france with glasses of real champagne from the same, bearing huge 48k African blood diamonds?
Hmmm, well that hello kitty shirt is kinda sweet.
Even a rare naturally grown steak prepared by gourmet chefs from champagne france with glasses of real champagne from the same, bearing huge 48k African blood diamonds?
Hmmm, well that hello kitty shirt is kinda sweet.
I will come now I have a job and some monies... How is the five step plan going? Call me this week and let me know
I'm scared of robots too. Accept maybe servant robots that wash dishes.