there is an unwritten guy rule that men expect major action on date 3.
i told him this is bs.
i think holding out is the best power you can have.... i am testing it out right now. i'll let ya know how it goes....
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/26/2010 23:33 #51733
my mom's guy says05/02/2010 15:37 #51491
mark my wordsForming an extreme dislike of all children excluding my niece. Never having children of my own. Looking forward to some sort of retreat from all children coming soon.
tinypliny - 05/02/10 21:49
Didn't you want to become a teacher?! It does involve a lot of kids, you know.
Didn't you want to become a teacher?! It does involve a lot of kids, you know.
04/27/2010 17:12 #51460
jillian michealsshe is trying to kill me.
50 minutes at a time.
someone needs to stop her.

me after 50 minutes of her boot camp style workout. this shit better pay off soon. a 4 mile hike at a 1 mile incline is easier than this shit. this says something about why they pay her the big bucks on biggest loser. she wants to end the life of everyone that works out with her.
50 minutes at a time.
someone needs to stop her.

me after 50 minutes of her boot camp style workout. this shit better pay off soon. a 4 mile hike at a 1 mile incline is easier than this shit. this says something about why they pay her the big bucks on biggest loser. she wants to end the life of everyone that works out with her.
04/27/2010 13:58 #51459
return to bloggingi have been absent.
various reasons why, the major reason being that i left my laptop charger in blo and then bought one on ebay and i turned out to be some piece of crap glued together ac adapter that didn't really work and then completely broke after a few days.
i have really been trying to workout and eat right and it takes major dedication and a good nights rest. my goal is to hike 12 miles a week and then circuit train at least 3 times a week.
i came back from my ny trip really ready to just quit the hospital. i honestly never want to work in a hospital again, thy are such disgusting places filled with crazy patients and even crazier family members.
i also will not miss the threat of nasty diseases spread easily through contact and droplets... so i am leaving to go work with special needs children full-time. really excited about this as it seem to be the perfect fit for me. i love working with kids and getting to play all day. it's also great to start my work day off with a giant hug from little cuties!!!
i also have several people who are in a need of a babysitter, which is awesome because i have established a client base with upper middle class people which means their cupboards are stocked, they have nice clean houses, they pay well, and they have sweet pools and backyards!
i will never have to work a holiday again unless i choose to and i get to call the shots!!!!
goodbye mrsa, goodbye sleezy physicians, goodbye scrubs! goodbye taking orders from ugly barking old farts! hello self-employment and freedom!!!! hello library and swimming time and park time and snack time!!!! and nap time!!!
i miss (e:hodown) and my blo peeps and hopefully if i work super hard this summer i can make a visit happen soon!
various reasons why, the major reason being that i left my laptop charger in blo and then bought one on ebay and i turned out to be some piece of crap glued together ac adapter that didn't really work and then completely broke after a few days.
i have really been trying to workout and eat right and it takes major dedication and a good nights rest. my goal is to hike 12 miles a week and then circuit train at least 3 times a week.
i came back from my ny trip really ready to just quit the hospital. i honestly never want to work in a hospital again, thy are such disgusting places filled with crazy patients and even crazier family members.
i also will not miss the threat of nasty diseases spread easily through contact and droplets... so i am leaving to go work with special needs children full-time. really excited about this as it seem to be the perfect fit for me. i love working with kids and getting to play all day. it's also great to start my work day off with a giant hug from little cuties!!!
i also have several people who are in a need of a babysitter, which is awesome because i have established a client base with upper middle class people which means their cupboards are stocked, they have nice clean houses, they pay well, and they have sweet pools and backyards!
i will never have to work a holiday again unless i choose to and i get to call the shots!!!!
goodbye mrsa, goodbye sleezy physicians, goodbye scrubs! goodbye taking orders from ugly barking old farts! hello self-employment and freedom!!!! hello library and swimming time and park time and snack time!!!! and nap time!!!
i miss (e:hodown) and my blo peeps and hopefully if i work super hard this summer i can make a visit happen soon!
paul - 04/27/10 23:17
Glad to see you are back.
Glad to see you are back.
04/12/2010 16:16 #51383
filipino womenThey are so kind and generous. They always share their yummy food at work! I love it!
They are the cutest sweetest ladies I know!
They are the cutest sweetest ladies I know!
enknot - 04/14/10 17:44
and sometimes really hot and short.
and sometimes really hot and short.
a sweet dude expects major action when he wants it, but by date 3 if there's no action (or attempt for action) then either you're dating a prude or you've just been made into a fruit fly. (ok that's a false choice, but the other options are less entertaining except: he's using the pressure cooker technique to turn you into an instant freak)
I think all the rules and all The Games are all BS at some point they came from someone either getting hurt or something but those are the things that make people not want to date.......
I just think the rule is bs if you like eachother you should both decide together...
I'm no expert but this is what I have heard:
There is a 3 date rule.
But it isn't the guy who came up with this it is girls who did.
So If some guy dated girls who followed that, then that could lead them to thinking you know what happens on the 3rd date.
I have heard that because of this rule ladies often only do 2 dates and if they think the guy is special then the 3rd date happens.
I didn't even know people dated any more, HA.
Unwritten guy rule is to quickly mentally calculate your standard deviation from her estimated mean time-to-action (i.e. the time from first meeting to "magic"). Your number of standard deviations to the right of the mean indicate how badly you're being strung along/mind-gamed. If you're more than 3 to the right, you're not only being strung along, but you're probably being used for something as well.
date two was last night. i told him about the three date thing... he laughed. but i could tell he is starting to lose it which is so fun for more. the thing is, he just moved back into town and is staying with his rents until he buys a condo. i told him when he get the condo then we can make the magic, but that is not for a while!!!!!! then he said something about a hotel. but really, i think he should wait if he likes me... i am not down with getting down in the parental unit. i am not moving out of my parental unit for some time, and he needs to get that condo. or take me on a weekend getaway..... this is so fucking fun!
Weird. I'm "kinda hoping" on date one and "blueballed" on date three.
Well. I don't know if that's a rule. I don't believe in it. I also don't believe in splashing all kinds of money on the first 3 dates either. If you don't read any kind of physical chemistry there isn't much point in continuing anyway.
So is the next one #3?