Spent some time with the primates at the zoo. Paid 16 dolla to only be there for an hour or so.
I want to go back and rent a two person carriage bike I saw people riding...looks super freakin fun.
At least my money goes to a good cause and it was a really nice zoo.
I am so tired and physical anthropology is the worst class ever. What was I thinking.
Must sleep!!!
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/01/2010 00:09 #51303
gorilla ho03/25/2010 22:10 #51270
buff a low and nycI miss you both very much and buffalo most. I miss my beautiful little niece and the ethnic foods! I miss my brother and my sister and all of my amazing friends!
I had the best time ever!
I left little pieces of me there so you all can remember me though:
Weeds season 5
A trenchcoat
My macbook power cord
Eye cream
A green scarf
And of course old whitey who remains as a tribute to me and the nastiness of old 'used to be white clothing'.
Now its been back to reality and sorting out the bits and pieces and continuing on the path of growing up and getting a real life. Or a better or more loved one or something.
I miss that baby! Makes me want one of my own... Ahh!
Must hike. Must work. Must study.
I had the best time ever!
I left little pieces of me there so you all can remember me though:
Weeds season 5
A trenchcoat
My macbook power cord
Eye cream
A green scarf
And of course old whitey who remains as a tribute to me and the nastiness of old 'used to be white clothing'.
Now its been back to reality and sorting out the bits and pieces and continuing on the path of growing up and getting a real life. Or a better or more loved one or something.
I miss that baby! Makes me want one of my own... Ahh!
Must hike. Must work. Must study.
businesscheese - 03/30/10 19:26
It was great seeing you Lil Ho. Next time stick around longer!
It was great seeing you Lil Ho. Next time stick around longer!
enknot - 03/26/10 15:27
I loves my Ho's! Miss you already.
I loves my Ho's! Miss you already.
matthew - 03/26/10 10:01
I think you might have left behind a pair of gray flats too.
I think you might have left behind a pair of gray flats too.
hodown - 03/26/10 09:58
Add to that list a pair of blue flower earrings.
In return thought you got cuticle remover.
Consider it even.
Add to that list a pair of blue flower earrings.
In return thought you got cuticle remover.
Consider it even.
03/14/2010 03:09 #51182
dehydration torturei arrived at the phx airport around 1030. no stores were open, and of course you are not allowed to bring liquids in. i am so thirtsy...
my flight was delayed over an hour... to be a traveller by plane is like asking for some sort of abuse/infringement of your rights...
i wish i was rich enough for a private jet... water please!!!!! oh wait, make that a mimosa!
looking for water...

my flight was delayed over an hour... to be a traveller by plane is like asking for some sort of abuse/infringement of your rights...
i wish i was rich enough for a private jet... water please!!!!! oh wait, make that a mimosa!
looking for water...

enknot - 03/16/10 09:51
Ok two things. Thing one. You have to read this article phucking awsome [ :::link::: ]. Thing two. I have a theme song for your search [youtube]QqvkTOY5AHY[/youtube]. I shall see you tonight. Oh, I lost my phone in my bedroom, so I'll have to tear it apart before I can call, but I'll text you from my future proof number so you can let me know where you're at... peas bish.
Ok two things. Thing one. You have to read this article phucking awsome [ :::link::: ]. Thing two. I have a theme song for your search [youtube]QqvkTOY5AHY[/youtube]. I shall see you tonight. Oh, I lost my phone in my bedroom, so I'll have to tear it apart before I can call, but I'll text you from my future proof number so you can let me know where you're at... peas bish.
metalpeter - 03/14/10 09:43
A mimosa sounds so good right about now!!!!!!!!!
A mimosa sounds so good right about now!!!!!!!!!
03/12/2010 16:10 #51164
victoryi didn't lose my job and modern family is such a funny show! love the gay couple!
all must watch that show.
i am almost completely packed, and ready to go. going to the hookah bar tonight to celebrate midterm completion!
can i get a woot woot?!?
all must watch that show.
i am almost completely packed, and ready to go. going to the hookah bar tonight to celebrate midterm completion!
can i get a woot woot?!?
03/10/2010 23:04 #51148
still waitingto know whether or not i still work at the hospital.
feel like a bad child who has been placed in time-out.
not cool.
feel like a bad child who has been placed in time-out.
not cool.
matthew - 03/12/10 17:48
Sarahs on the naughty step.
Sarahs on the naughty step.
you hate physical anthro? what's wrong with you. That was one of my majors in undergrad. it's my love! well, the medical aspect of it, but it's all way interesting. Maybe you just have a crappy professor?