i have been absent.
various reasons why, the major reason being that i left my laptop charger in blo and then bought one on ebay and i turned out to be some piece of crap glued together ac adapter that didn't really work and then completely broke after a few days.
i have really been trying to workout and eat right and it takes major dedication and a good nights rest. my goal is to hike 12 miles a week and then circuit train at least 3 times a week.
i came back from my ny trip really ready to just quit the hospital. i honestly never want to work in a hospital again, thy are such disgusting places filled with crazy patients and even crazier family members.
i also will not miss the threat of nasty diseases spread easily through contact and droplets... so i am leaving to go work with special needs children full-time. really excited about this as it seem to be the perfect fit for me. i love working with kids and getting to play all day. it's also great to start my work day off with a giant hug from little cuties!!!
i also have several people who are in a need of a babysitter, which is awesome because i have established a client base with upper middle class people which means their cupboards are stocked, they have nice clean houses, they pay well, and they have sweet pools and backyards!
i will never have to work a holiday again unless i choose to and i get to call the shots!!!!
goodbye mrsa, goodbye sleezy physicians, goodbye scrubs! goodbye taking orders from ugly barking old farts! hello self-employment and freedom!!!! hello library and swimming time and park time and snack time!!!! and nap time!!!
i miss
(e:hodown) and my blo peeps and hopefully if i work super hard this summer i can make a visit happen soon!
Glad to see you are back.