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04/30/2010 17:46 #51480

Wishing I was the Happy Hour #4
Category: wishes
So On my way home I saw a bunch of people out side a couple of bars. I will admit It looks fun. Nice day out, warm, and sunny. I do like my Job. But there is that other part of me that thinks it would be great to have one of those Jobs (Now I Have pictures from the Drew Carrey show running through my head, I loved that show, it was great it really was) Downtown. Then from their you all go to the bar and be social before it is time to go home. Doesn't that sound like fun!!!!!

Now I'm not saying that I would want to Drink Everyday. I would think drinking for 2 hours everyday could do some damage. Then you would get used to it. I think there might be days where if you had they day off you would have to go to Happy Hour, since you are now addicted to it. I don't only mean the alcohol but that is a big part of it. I mean the social aspect of it. At the very least it would feel weird not being there. Don't get me wrong I like who I am. But I think there would be something nice about being "Mr Sociable ". I think the social aspect is the big reason why Happy Hour is a big deal, it isn't really about the relaxing it is about doing something after work but before you need to be home. But I don't do the Happy Hour so maybe I don't get it, but it would be nice to get.
metalpeter - 04/30/10 19:11
That is a good one. I wonder though if the Happy Hour is more about relaxing with a drink or if the social aspect. In terms of a happy minute by the end of the week you might make it to a happy 3 minutes and over time your body would adjust and you could stay longer and drink more, not that I'm encouraging that. But it does look fun though.
tinypliny - 04/30/10 17:51
I probably just need a happy minute to become completely sloshed. hahahah

04/29/2010 17:45 #51474

Wish #3 Loving the cold
Category: wishes
I think that many people can be put into the group of loving the Heat or loving the cold. I myself am a heat guy. I have been burned a few times, ok more then a few and that does suck. I can't stand being cold. The cold is painful and things go numb and you shake and no thanks.

There was a time when I really enjoyed the cold. Don't get me wrong I do like snow but that is a different thing. I wish I enjoyed the cold because there are so many things you can do out in it. You have snowmobiling , skiing , snowboarding, Giant Snow Ball fights and all kinds of great adventures. That being said even if you love the cold you have to know how to do it safely and when you have been out to long. Granted I could never be the next lindsey Vonn, Shaun White, or Tucker Hibert but those sports all look pretty fun. I think it would also be fun to travel places and go on skiing vacations and things like that.

Well that is really all I have to say about that, oh yeah and it would also be great to be able to take pictures out in like wintery wonderland kinds of shots.
metalpeter - 04/30/10 19:02
Well maybe. I used to like the cold, some. I used to cross Country ski, and I did go down hill skiing. I like watching the cold sports on TV. As much as I like it on TV I could never stand out side in the cold and watch those sports, maybe partaking would keep me warm but I don't know?
tinypliny - 04/30/10 17:50
This might be physiologically impossible for someone like me. :)

04/28/2010 16:55 #51468

"The Lifestyle" wish
Category: wishes
Ok so the first thing is that what is weird about writting a blog is that unless you are left comments you really have no idea if anyone is reading you or not. So for anyone who might be you would know that I'm started a new catogory called wishes. This one that is here will not be copied and pasted onto facebook. I wish I could but I have way to much family on there, again there is no way to know if anyone is reading it or not, there is also no way to know how facebook shares their info with other sites now.

On Friday they are having a Fetish Show at Club Diablo. I think this one is just demonstrations and no skits or little shows, but not sure not sure if they will have someone spinning also or not. Fetish might be the wrong term it Might Be Considered BDSM. I want to go but don't think I'm going to. Between getting in, drinking, then taking pictures I really don't have the extra money. Plus the other thing is after a long week of work I'm often pretty tired on Friday. I would love to go and meet someone and go back to their place and be hung upside down by my balls as they use me as a swing, HA. But you know what I mean.

I am an admirer of the life style but wish I was In The lifestyle.
I just don't have enough trust to be tied up or pulled on.
I also have a low pain threshold.
I find a lot of things to be gross.
I don't think I could deal with small space stuff (Bags, and gas masks and that kind of thing)
Real Blood Freaks me out.

Some Might say it sounds like you don't like it, but that isn't really true. I love the idea of it and some of It I do like. I do admire people who partake in it. But I don't see anyway I could get into the lifestyle of it (Hey getting just a normal date or hookup is hard enough, imagine going up to some hot chick and going would you mind un ziping my pants and slipping this on me and dragging me around this bar).

I feel as if I haven't expressed what I want to express but not really sure what else to say..................
metalpeter - 05/01/10 16:55
In Terms of Trust, I find it hard to trust people because I know all it takes is one slight little mistake and ouch. That is why I won't do any of those adventure activites. All you need is for the person holding the rope to think about something for a few seconds and your safety is at risk.
paul - 04/30/10 21:29
Hm, I don't think I could trust someone enough either.
metalpeter - 04/30/10 19:07
That is a good point. I think for me it would have to be someone I was say dating, or knew well. I also have to add that I think for it to work you have to have a very strong and honest relationship. The reason I say that is you can't have some deep down resentment that isn't aired and then have some kind of crop or belt and you take out the anger on them. I don't mean on purpose just that stuff building up. I like the shopping analogy.
tinypliny - 04/30/10 17:49
Hmmm... I think the wish falls into the window shopping curiosity. Interesting but not really practical. :)

04/27/2010 18:12 #51461

Wish #2 being a Dancer
Category: wishes
Do I like metal and Hard Rock Yes but that isn't the only kind of music I listen to. I used to really like a lot of Rap/Hip Hop. I think this is one of the reasons why I'm not into dancing. Mosh pit no thank you. That hardcore kid stuff with the punching kicking and elbows does look like a lot of fun but how no one gets killed I have no idea. I think with this as your base kind of music it kinda throws out dancing. I also think that if you are into this kind of music the tones and things you like are counter to dancing so I think that is why I'm not into dancing. I don't dance dude. That being said there is some R&b/Dance stuff I like but not much.

I like to watch Dancing and different styles of it though. Maybe that is another reason why I don't do it. I see it as an art form and something to watch as opposed to something you do at like a club or a bar. This being said I don't watch the Dance shows. Here is the reason why. I don't think those shows are really about who has the best ability they are about what the judges like the most artistically .

I know it is weird to say that I would like to be one of those people that Hear a song in a store and Just start Dancing to it, but I just would never have that much spunk and energy. That being said it was funny at the Bandits game there was this player (Queener?) for Boston who was dancing in warm ups. It would be nice to be the type of person who Just dances in a club when they feel the music. But that just isn't me. Even when it is like a Jam Band in Thursday At The Square, The Mighty Mighty Boss Tones, or Even Jackdaw (who are awesome live by the way, I think they are still together). I just don't feel the music in that way. I'm not saying I want to go so far as going to a Place like Pure where none of the Girls are (HA) or a dance spot. But it would be nice if to be able to Dance to Soma's music or some other DJ spinning at Club Diablo or a Band at some bar............

04/26/2010 18:36 #51455

Wish #1 Intro
Category: wishes
So I have to admit that I really do need to Blog more. Not sure how to do it really. Sometimes I have something to write about and then by the time I think about it I'm not really near a computer I can blog from. This new thing I want to try is wishes. I don't mean like I wish I won the lottery or that world peace will start on saturday . What I want to talk about is you wish you where like this or like that.

Everyone is who they are. Everyone has parts of themselves that they like and don't like and and fine with. But then everyone also sees some thing in someone else that they wish they where. Of course if you had that quality it would change you and change how your life is. So in reality your life might not be any better, hey and it could be worse. I'm not a person who likes saying very often, but.... "The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side". May be true here.

The Other day I had some great ideas, but again no computer. There are many reasons to take a shower or bath. Many people would think a shower is a quick way to get clean, and a bath is relaxing and can take hours sometimes. Well I find A hot shower to be relaxing like some may find certain substances relaxing. What this does is takes your mind to another place, well not always but sometimes. Yeah the getting clean is nice and all. But letting the mind wonder is nice. What is amazing is how one thought can lead to another and that can lead to another and in your mind it is clear and connected and makes sense.

So that leads to Wish #1 :

I wish that I was one of those people who can take those thoughts that blend together in their mind and scribe them down so that they make perfect sense (to someone else), and yet at the same time they fit what the writer (ME) was thinking.

I admit my skills in English and no where near good enough to do this. But that taking those ideas and thoughts and transcribing them is much more then Just a skill of writing, it is something else but not sure what?