I couple more pictures of Shea's and then The Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

In Picture form sometimes TSO I Like to Call the TSO Light show. The reason is that Picture wise often you notice the lights more then you do them. These pictures where taken from the balcony . What the Pictures can't show is how (at least to me) how Awesome The Trans-Siberian Orchestra's music really is ok back to Pictures.

Some Might Ask why so many pictures of The Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Well to be honest in small size pictures or on the camera one or at least me can't tell how they will look on the screen. Sometimes the ones that look dark you can see the band the best in.

I know I had a great time. I have no idea if these pictures are a good representation of the show or not. I would go to this again for sure though.
I thought it was great. Plus it helps that I also really like shea's alot also.
That must have been freakin' awesome
Really nice pics peter!