So I just finished watching the Sabres game and they lost to Boston so the series is all tied up. Why I think the sabres lost is because they got Jinxed. All Year long when they where leading at the end of the 2nd period they had won that game. Now also all year long it was a point not to say the number so they don't get Jinxed and what does NBC do but mention the number and they Lose so it is who ever said it's fault.
I love that the sabres are going with the 3rd Jersy. That is their best one I think. Maybe since I'm not a fan of "The Slug" alone. What I mean is that by itself it doesn't look good. But when it is over something or as writting under it like Sabres it looks nice.
What I don't know is does every NHL team have a 3rd Jersy? If not then what teams do and don't have them?
In The NFL the Home Team picks what to wear and then the other team gets the opposite color (I mean light color vs. Dark Color). In the NFL there can be a big advantage Heat wise, well or at least that is what the TV people say? But how does it work in the NHL? Is it the Home Team that picks what they wear or is it the Team with the Home Ice Advantage?
This Leads me into the Penguins. Yes the Sabres are my #1 team and my Favorite team but I also like the Penguins but never really have the time to watch them. Ssshhh Don't tell anyone I like Crosby and he is the face of the team but Malkin is Better, again lets not let anyone know that ok, HA, but I think it is true.
Here is what I don't get though. You are at home and you have the thing where everyone wears those white shirts. Ok they look great on TV and give a great effect. But there is only one problem. You wear the Black Jersy so that means Ottawa is in White. Yes you still have the advantage of your fans. But Now everyone matchs the other team. I know if I'm Ottawa I know I'm away but they are wearing our colors so they are routing for us. I think it takes away a Part of the Advantage. So Why Not give away (Think they are free not sure) Black T-shirts? Or Go With the White Jersys or Even go with those Pretty Winter Classic Blues? Can someone who Knows more about this Help me out on this.
On a side Note I would love to see the Penguins face the Sabres in the Eastern Conferance Finals but I don't know if that is even Possible hey they both have to win what are going to be tough series.
Lets Go Buffalo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Metalpeter's Journal
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04/17/2010 16:43 #51412
Home Ice disadvantage ?Category: nhl
04/04/2010 17:54 #51330
Elmwood SaturdayCategory: photos
Going to try and post some pictures as I flew down elmwood quickly as a test as other pictures are downloading to the computer lets see

ok looks like it worked now I know

ok looks like it worked now I know
metalpeter - 04/05/10 17:44
Yes that is where the KFC was. If my understanding is correct that building will be Apartments, I assume nice or pricy not for people who you would call poor but I'm not 100% sure about that.
Yes that is where the KFC was. If my understanding is correct that building will be Apartments, I assume nice or pricy not for people who you would call poor but I'm not 100% sure about that.
lauren - 04/05/10 11:07
is that new building where the old KFC was? any idea what it is going to be?
is that new building where the old KFC was? any idea what it is going to be?
04/16/2010 19:24 #51408
Bandits Beat RockCategory: lax
I admit I'm a bit behind. Some of that is had a busy week. I went to Opening Day on weds and TSO Last night and I thought I might go to a Party in the plaza for the sabres if it was on the right night then with work I'm a bit behind but I will post some pictures of the bandits win over The Rock.

One Thing I should explain is when the Bandits win they do a victory lap so that is what the running around was up above.
Oh and if anyone is reading this you will notice that I'm starting at the end of the game and going backwards ......

One of the cool things about sports is the Crazy Fans. This can be the Black Hole where people paint the face and wear spikes and all kinds of things, or how about the Hogettes. Yes guys who dress as girl pigs at Redskin Games. There are all kinds at the bandits game like a guy in picture a spiderman (old style lyrca) suit but it is all orange and no eyes or mouth. But what I Saw at Half time (hey I needed more food and drink) was the oddest thing I think I have seen, Yes that Kid? Dressed as the Purple Tela-Tubby or however you spell it. Yes there is some Purple in the Bandits Colors but even factoring that in it still seems a bit odd I saw nothing connecting it to the bandits but maybe there is some story that I don't know about?

Well that pretty much sums it up. Now to decide if my next picture post will be of Opening Day or TSO not sure how to get the essence of opening day.

One Thing I should explain is when the Bandits win they do a victory lap so that is what the running around was up above.
Oh and if anyone is reading this you will notice that I'm starting at the end of the game and going backwards ......

One of the cool things about sports is the Crazy Fans. This can be the Black Hole where people paint the face and wear spikes and all kinds of things, or how about the Hogettes. Yes guys who dress as girl pigs at Redskin Games. There are all kinds at the bandits game like a guy in picture a spiderman (old style lyrca) suit but it is all orange and no eyes or mouth. But what I Saw at Half time (hey I needed more food and drink) was the oddest thing I think I have seen, Yes that Kid? Dressed as the Purple Tela-Tubby or however you spell it. Yes there is some Purple in the Bandits Colors but even factoring that in it still seems a bit odd I saw nothing connecting it to the bandits but maybe there is some story that I don't know about?

Well that pretty much sums it up. Now to decide if my next picture post will be of Opening Day or TSO not sure how to get the essence of opening day.
04/08/2010 19:15 #51354
Bandits Lost argh but still aliveCategory: photos
Well last weekend was Pretty busy with Easter and the Bandits game on Saturday. For those of you who read my blog/posts/look at pictures I post you saw some of easter at the Botanical gardens. Well the night before the Bandits lost a tough game to lose. They still may make the playoffs we shall see what happens when they play Toronto on Saturday in Buffalo. The Bandits started out behind and then changed goalies and did much better. That being said towards the end of the game I thought the Bandits didn't have a chance. What they did was pull the Goalie and get the extra man. IF done right you can come back but one mistake and an empty net goal can happen. I think the bandits where down by four and wound up tying up the game. Once that happened I thought they would win. It sure was exciting but with sudden death anything can Happen and Colorado scored first. I'm currently 92 pictures away from 15,000 images. That doesn't mean that is how many I took some of them are images from the internet, but man that is a lot of pictures.
Oh Yeah the Pink Helmets are being auctioned off and some of the money (I have no idea what the cut or percentage is) goes to a breast cancer Charity.

After the intro and anthems and all that they brought something out on the field. Right on the glass it is sometimes tough to hear. My understanding is that Darris Kilgour now holds the Record For most wins.

As Much as I like my water camera this is an example of why I would like to get a camera (for when I know no rain or snow) with a good zoom like 5x Optical at least and there are some not huge cameras that are 10x but I wonder how good of a camera that is and if it is really 10x or if they are lying and counting in some digital or if you crop the picture. That was how my kodak camera was. You could take a pictures as say 8 or 10 mega pixels so it could be a really big picture if you wanted it to be, then you could crop it in Camera . That would make you subject take up more of the picture and it would make the MPs smaller but it would still be enough to be a 4x6. Ok enough about camera stuff.
GAME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Changing of the Goalies That I mentioned happened in the above pictures. I think if they would have done it sooner they might have won, hard to say really?

At Half time they had "Super Fans" lead cheers. Now why they didn't have any fine Ladies to the Box Cheer I don't know maybe they could even make it from to "The Box" "My Box" that would have been great but it didn't happen.

Captain Bandit lead the best cheer by far he had one side of the arena chant one thing and the other side chant another he even tossed shirts into the fans (guy with hat and the tittle belt). I didn't get the shirt but it was tossed to me by someone else. Yes it is a little creepy it says I heart Captain Bandit and then his face is in the Heart. That is a cool idea. But still kinda Creepy. So here are pictures from after the game.

Also During Half time the kids played laCrosse and then a bit later out came the Bandettes Oh yeah.........

It is to bad we lost it was atleast exciting. Hoping for a win on Saturday that is a game we must win really.
Oh Yeah the Pink Helmets are being auctioned off and some of the money (I have no idea what the cut or percentage is) goes to a breast cancer Charity.

After the intro and anthems and all that they brought something out on the field. Right on the glass it is sometimes tough to hear. My understanding is that Darris Kilgour now holds the Record For most wins.

As Much as I like my water camera this is an example of why I would like to get a camera (for when I know no rain or snow) with a good zoom like 5x Optical at least and there are some not huge cameras that are 10x but I wonder how good of a camera that is and if it is really 10x or if they are lying and counting in some digital or if you crop the picture. That was how my kodak camera was. You could take a pictures as say 8 or 10 mega pixels so it could be a really big picture if you wanted it to be, then you could crop it in Camera . That would make you subject take up more of the picture and it would make the MPs smaller but it would still be enough to be a 4x6. Ok enough about camera stuff.
GAME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Changing of the Goalies That I mentioned happened in the above pictures. I think if they would have done it sooner they might have won, hard to say really?

At Half time they had "Super Fans" lead cheers. Now why they didn't have any fine Ladies to the Box Cheer I don't know maybe they could even make it from to "The Box" "My Box" that would have been great but it didn't happen.

Captain Bandit lead the best cheer by far he had one side of the arena chant one thing and the other side chant another he even tossed shirts into the fans (guy with hat and the tittle belt). I didn't get the shirt but it was tossed to me by someone else. Yes it is a little creepy it says I heart Captain Bandit and then his face is in the Heart. That is a cool idea. But still kinda Creepy. So here are pictures from after the game.

Also During Half time the kids played laCrosse and then a bit later out came the Bandettes Oh yeah.........

It is to bad we lost it was atleast exciting. Hoping for a win on Saturday that is a game we must win really.
metalpeter - 04/09/10 19:29
What is Lacrosse? Ha.
The Bandetes are an added bonus.
I wonder if in a Traditional Hockey Town like Buffalo if Ice Dancers would fly here like they have for some of the new teams. I also wonder if you could have ice dancers that could come out on skates and perform and then have the Zamboni come out or if those kinds of skaters need fresh ice cause you wouldn't want to mess it up for the hockey.
In terms of Performing on me, Oh I mean during the game they dance once after warm ups and before the game, then between the 1st and 2nd period, then at Halftime and then between the 3rd and 4th, so 4 times in all. Currently they also do stuff during the game like some of them help out with promotions in the fans like T-shirt give aways with that blaster gun thing. I mean T-shirt Cannon. There is a spot where they dance where I can't see them so not sure how much they do down by the Zamboni entrance that is the same place the bandits come out from for their intro.
What is Lacrosse? Ha.
The Bandetes are an added bonus.
I wonder if in a Traditional Hockey Town like Buffalo if Ice Dancers would fly here like they have for some of the new teams. I also wonder if you could have ice dancers that could come out on skates and perform and then have the Zamboni come out or if those kinds of skaters need fresh ice cause you wouldn't want to mess it up for the hockey.
In terms of Performing on me, Oh I mean during the game they dance once after warm ups and before the game, then between the 1st and 2nd period, then at Halftime and then between the 3rd and 4th, so 4 times in all. Currently they also do stuff during the game like some of them help out with promotions in the fans like T-shirt give aways with that blaster gun thing. I mean T-shirt Cannon. There is a spot where they dance where I can't see them so not sure how much they do down by the Zamboni entrance that is the same place the bandits come out from for their intro.
04/06/2010 19:25 #51342
Easter at the Botanical Gardens 2010Category: photos
Part of easter was to go to the Botinical Gardens. It was a good time. Now I know that some people may not do the church thing. Some people may not believe in that god or any gods for that matter. But in that case Easter can be about other things like being with your family or going out to enjoy the weather. Well onto the pictures some of these will have my Niece in them and some of them won't we shall see what gets posted here.

Just wanted to add that I'm not sure but I Think this is the same room where (e:ladycroft) and (e:Rory) where married, it at least looks like it.

My sis encase anyone is still looking at these pictures tried the Easter Bunny but Maya freaked. I don't blame her the Jacket vest is kinda scary, Ha. I wonder if she was down walking around if she would have aproached him/Her?

IT was a good time hope you enjoyed the pictures

Just wanted to add that I'm not sure but I Think this is the same room where (e:ladycroft) and (e:Rory) where married, it at least looks like it.

My sis encase anyone is still looking at these pictures tried the Easter Bunny but Maya freaked. I don't blame her the Jacket vest is kinda scary, Ha. I wonder if she was down walking around if she would have aproached him/Her?

IT was a good time hope you enjoyed the pictures
metalpeter - 04/07/10 18:41
That Picture in the paper is pretty Nice. The Photographer explained to my sister that he had no control over what pictures get used but that they like girls in pretty dresses on easter so there was a pretty good chance. So my guess was that Maya would make the paper but that I wouldn't. But thinking back I guess you don't want to have it look as if the child is just walking around all alone and not being watched? (e:Heidi) I know nothing about flowers at all other then I have an Opinion of what ones I think are pretty. I think you should go there and take the camera and enjoy the place but also take pictures for your self and to share as well.
(e:ladycroft). What you said got me thinking. It would be nice if Maya didn't get freaked out by The Easter bunny. This is true of Santa Claus with kids also. But there is another side to this if a child would let a giant bunny hold them then anyone that doesn't know them could just snatch them up and they wouldn't care and that isn't good. Yes I know it is different cause you are right there. But I wonder if a parent holding them or getting them to see that person is a factor. Giant creature like that you kinda have to warm up to. Yeah torturing kids is part of the holiday. I don't want winter to come any time soon but maybe that time maya won't freak out at Santa we shall see if her farther, or Mother, or anyone else tries it then. Hey maybe someone will get another picture of Maya freaking out, HA. We shall see.
That Picture in the paper is pretty Nice. The Photographer explained to my sister that he had no control over what pictures get used but that they like girls in pretty dresses on easter so there was a pretty good chance. So my guess was that Maya would make the paper but that I wouldn't. But thinking back I guess you don't want to have it look as if the child is just walking around all alone and not being watched? (e:Heidi) I know nothing about flowers at all other then I have an Opinion of what ones I think are pretty. I think you should go there and take the camera and enjoy the place but also take pictures for your self and to share as well.
(e:ladycroft). What you said got me thinking. It would be nice if Maya didn't get freaked out by The Easter bunny. This is true of Santa Claus with kids also. But there is another side to this if a child would let a giant bunny hold them then anyone that doesn't know them could just snatch them up and they wouldn't care and that isn't good. Yes I know it is different cause you are right there. But I wonder if a parent holding them or getting them to see that person is a factor. Giant creature like that you kinda have to warm up to. Yeah torturing kids is part of the holiday. I don't want winter to come any time soon but maybe that time maya won't freak out at Santa we shall see if her farther, or Mother, or anyone else tries it then. Hey maybe someone will get another picture of Maya freaking out, HA. We shall see.
ladycroft - 04/07/10 06:47
Seriously, I love finding photos of little kids who are freaked out by Santa or the Easter bunny! We love to torture them don't we!
Seriously, I love finding photos of little kids who are freaked out by Santa or the Easter bunny! We love to torture them don't we!
heidi - 04/06/10 23:43
What a beautiful place! I really have to visit there. Your niece is adorable, Peter. Loved the buffalonews shot that (e:mrmike) posted.
What a beautiful place! I really have to visit there. Your niece is adorable, Peter. Loved the buffalonews shot that (e:mrmike) posted.
Thursday Night the Sabres Played at Home and Won. I didn't see the game since I was at TSO and on the way home there was a nice crowd on "The Chip Strip" but I had no cash and had to get up early for work so I didn't stop anywhere.
The other night I went out and all of a sudden there was so much noise and beeping and screaming. I thought there was a riot going on and then all of a sudden there were hundreds of people in sabres jersey's on Allen. Must have been the game.