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04/13/2010 17:03 #51394

More Gus
This is freaking adorable.

metalpeter - 04/16/10 17:41
Thought that kiss was going to the dogs lips but that dog then moved and wanted no part of it.
tinypliny - 04/13/10 18:03
THAT IS SO CUTE!!!!! Your niece is THE cutest kid EVER.
jenks - 04/13/10 17:12
youtube to the rescue!
tinypliny - 04/13/10 17:07
Convert into .flv?

04/12/2010 20:07 #51388

So, my parents came to visit this weekend. I was trying to get them to stay over, but they didn't want to leave the dog (Gus) alone. So, they went home Saturday night after dinner.

Then Sunday afternoon I just got a text from my brother: "Gus just died".


So I called home...

They said he'd been totally his normal self. Ate all his food, and was playful, then was napping in the sun in his favorite spot. My dad went upstairs and started running water to give him a bath, and then went to get him. My brother heard him say "C'mon Gus. C'mere boy. Get up Gussy". Then he went back upstairs, and turned off the water. Said to Mom "guess I'm not giving Gus a bath". Mom asked why not. Dad said "he's dead."


Poor little guy.

He was the bestest.

But, at least it seems like he went peacefully. Took a nap in his favorite spot and just didn't wake up. And, he WAS almost 14. We knew he'd go one of these days, and were just glad that he still seemed so healthy and comfortable.

Still. Poor little guy. :(

RIP Gussy boy. You'll be missed.








chico - 04/20/10 11:39
Sorry to hear about Gus. Great tribute, though -- loved the pics.
ladycroft - 04/14/10 07:29
oh i'm sorry! :( i'm glad he fell asleep peacefully and wasn't sick or anything.
matthew - 04/13/10 10:48
What a face! Sorry for your loss. :(
mrmike - 04/13/10 08:52
what a beauty, sorry Jenks
mike - 04/12/10 22:01
sorry jenks. he looks adorable!
libertad - 04/12/10 21:40
Sorry Jenks.
tinypliny - 04/12/10 20:19
14 is like 95+ for dogs. He did live a long and happy life.

04/11/2010 12:22 #51374

Poor iPad.

04/04/2010 13:02 #51327

So, we went to Toad's Place in New Haven last night to see the Hold Steady. And right around the corner was a new Indian place. Chris has never had Indian, but wanted to try it. This place was so delish. It was not your typical american 'indian restaurant'. I guess they don't have a tandoori oven, so they don't have naan. So a lot of people gave them bad reviews for that. But seriously, it was delicious. And it's all vegetarian. And they waiters were super nice. Chris asked the waiter something about okra, and he came running out from the kitchen with a fresh one, and gave him the chef's email address so he can get some recipes.

Tiny, what's your take on the menu?

uncutsaniflush - 04/04/10 21:49
I'll leave it to (e:tinypliny) for the technical analysis but the menu seems South Indian to me.

The menu has some similarities with the Palace of Dosas on Millersport Highway locally.

I first ate dosas in the 1980s at a Jackson Heights, NYC restaurant called Udupi (named for the city in India) when I was married to the widow of a Hindu.

03/31/2010 20:00 #51300

just a little story
So today I had a patient- a 17 year old girl with a 5th metacarpal fracture. Commonly known as a Boxer's Fracture- because you usually get it from punching someone/thing. (it's always funny when kids come in and try to give us some big elaborate story about how they fell or whatever- and we just look them straight in the eye and say "no really, what did you punch?" and they get all embarrassed and freaked out that we're psychic.)

But anyway- usually teenage girls who break their hands punching people are either trashy ghetto drama queens, or really tough man-girls. Sorry for the generalizations, but, well, that's been my experience.

But so today this girl was lying on the OR table getting prepped, and we went out to scrub our hands. The nurses and anesthesiologist usually chat with the patient as they go off to sleep.

So, we came in to the room, and scrubbed, ready for our gowns and gloves. And every single person in the room is listening to the girl with rapt attention. Someone says "and then what happened? What about your sister?!" But right then she drifted off to sleep.

But so of course I had to know what this exciting story was...


This girl is 17. She has a sister who is 15. Apparently there was a bitchy girl at their school who was always bullying and teasing the younger sister, and had been making her life miserable for 2 years.

So finally one day, the sister takes a bunch of pills. I guess their mom came home and found her unconscious. She called 911 and took her to the bathroom to try to make her throw up.

And then the older sister, I guess the next day, just walks straight into bully-girl's classroom, right in the middle of class, and punched her right in the face.

That's awesome.

Not that I condone violence, but I love seeing a girl stick up for her little sister like that!

(And it's so much better than the usual "I was drunk and punched a wall" story that we get.)
dragonlady7 - 04/04/10 20:39
Gotta teach her to punch with the first two knuckles-- that's how you avoid that fracture. :)
metalpeter - 04/02/10 17:59
That's awesome, but she should have punched her before the pills.
tinypliny - 04/01/10 18:05
Did she at least break the nose? Did your OR get the bitchy bully too? ;-)
ladycroft - 04/01/10 05:13
I'd justify it.