So Later that Night My Niece, sis and friend went to famous dave's BBQ. It was a good time and very intersting. The Staff was great with dealling with a 1 year old who was all over the place, lets just say a thing of peper flew through the air wish I would have videoed that might have been interesting. Well here are some Pictures of the place. Oh yeah the food was good to.

Yes there are more pictures I want to post that are christmasy I'm hoping to make it to the live Navity and maybe get some pictures there on friday we shall see if that happens. I also want to write a post about how Wal-Mart is good. Yes they get a lot of bad press but there is some good things about them to. This last picture is of a picture I wish I thought to take. When checking out at Wal-mart this was pointed out to me, I should have got one of each 3 flavors. They Where Mountain Dew, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper Flavored lip balm, I wish I took a picture of all 3.

If I was thinking I would have bought extras so I could try them or maybe even send them out to people. That reminds me if anyone is going to a mall don't be shy and if you see a nice charity like Toys For Tots give something. I'm not saying you have to buy $100 toy or anything and I'm not saying you have extra money. But if you have some money that will be more usefull to someone else spend it on helping someone else if you can. Oh yeah and to all of those that give up your time and Volunter thank you.
(e:tinypliny) I mistyped that says 23 but that is wrong it should have said 2. I'm thinking I that I was thiking that I had 2 or 3 and it is two.
(e:Jbeaty) I was only given one of the stuffed animals but, it isn't like people know I like so they give them to me. Some where free as in like a work give away where everyone gets one and some I bought.
(e:Theecarey) I wish I Had some of the Sex bears but I don't have any, I'm also not sure where they sell them, hope you enjoy them.
That is quite a collection! I have two largish (& flat) ones that I use as pillows & then the rest of the small collection sit on a shelf (they're mostly from childhood, (e:theecarey,35965)) You mentioned the sex themed animals which reminds me of one a friend gave me. It is a small stuffed bear wearing leather, holding a leash, and a few other sexual themed items. One of my nicknames is "Carebear", and all of the animated Carebear characters have a theme, so my friend thought it would be real funny to give me a "bondage bear".
I thought for a minute that I had clicked on (e:Mike)'s journal...
"There was this credit card that if you filled it out you got a free bear with a Bomber Jacket and Bomber Glasses I have 23 "
WHA?!! Do you really have 23 credit cards? And 23 free bears with 23 bomber jackets and 23 bomber glasses??? REALLY?
Do people give you stuffed animals just because they know you collect them? I have known some people who receive disturbing amounts of winnie the pooh shit and hippos just because people know they collect it. I should start telling people I collect rare wines.