So On Tuesday I went to see Metallica. In some ways it turned out to be strange the entire exprence really was but also very good. I took the day off of work (if you are reading this thanks boss) and slept in. I went down to the Arena early so that I could find out about taking pictures. So I turned out Cameras where allowed. Yes around 4pm there was a small line. So I go over to Benchwarmers. They are having like a preshow thing there. No tables where free so I left. It is really a cool place. Looking back I was an Idiot, I should have ate at the bar, well I assume you could have tobad I didn't think of that then. If I would have done that, then when I bought merch I wouldn't have worried about spilling food and I would have it all, and my next day wouldn't have been ruined. When that Happened I was so pissed.
1. At my self for not paying more attenion
2. At my self for not just thinking to put my gear on
3. At who ever the no good dirty fucking low as snake in the grass fucking fake ass Metallica fan who would do something that low
4. Anyone in my section who saw the miss dead and didn't say anything to that ass fuck (assuming they knew and saw).
Well after not eating at benchwarmers I made a decesion that seemed good at the time but maybe based on what happened wasn't. I decide to just get in line and wait. Maybe I could have ate at pearl st. I forgot about them but everyplace else seemed so far from the arena that I figured just wait in line. When I walked in it was odd to be in so soon I got to the merch area and I was the only one there some of the prices whern't up yet. I should have taken that as a sign to eat everything then get merch then go to my seat. At the time it blew me away I'm used to having a big line in front of me.
Band wise Volbeat was pretty good and Lamb Of God was pretty good to. Could understand is talk but not his singing I just figured that is how he sings. Metallica was amazing. Well here are some pictures from the show. I'm just going to put up the Metallica Pictures.
Well if you didn't get enough Pictures you can allways go to my webshots page. Also there is a site called livemettalica that I haven't checked out yet where you can download any show they do, for a fee not sure how much. I May have to do the Buffalo show but we shall see. I thought they did a pretty good set list and mixed in old and New I just wish they also played Welcome Home (Sanitaruim) and For Whom the Bells Toll, but It was a great time even with the loss of my stuff. I guess that should teach me to either not buy stuff, pay more attention, don't be so picture obbessed, all ways put on what you buy or a combo of things, I know the next time a go to something I'm putting my stuff on like how I do. Hey I thought San Fran shirt and Jacket I match it matches the band and was feeling way to good about my self maybe that is the lesson to be learned.
I have a fealling there might be pictures of you dancing that maybe didn't get published on the web. Reason I say that is I know of one person who I saw taking pictures or at least a few and haven't seen them see the light of day yet, so that makes me wonder if there are others who did the same thing. I'm bad at taking pictures in the dark anyways. Often one really needs a tripod as any movement causes blur. Glad you like my photo booth ones. Once I got in there I wasn't sure what to do so I just kinda went for it sort of. Hope you two liked the suprise photo, I didn't take part and it wasn't my idea but I did think it was funny, but I have no idea how that series came out.
You're right, that room was not easy to take photos in (hence renting the photo booth)- but you still got a few good shots. That's the only one I have see of us dancing! And I love your photo booth ones! Ha!