So I went to see the Newest Version of "A Christmas Carol" today. The way I see it most people know the story allready so what it comes down to is presentation. I think the movie looked amazing. I think Jim Carey did a great job. I think Scroge looked like himself through the entire movie. Now interms of effects I thought they where truely very good. In Terms of the 3D aspect I'm not really sure. The last time I saw 3D was that Micheal Jackson movie at epcot center and there stuff looked like it was coming off the screen at you. But thinking back I don't think there was any scene where the stuff was coming out towards you the viewer. I think the horses where amazing, maybe part of that scene. But since I didn't see it in regular vision I can't say how it looked. Back in the old days of two color glasses I did have trouble seeing some 3D stuff so maybe part of it is me, not sure. Yes the 3D version is a little bit more. Before the movie the previews for Avatar, and Alice In Wonderland both looik amazing. After the movie I got some stuff at target I maybe should have bought the deluxe version of Caroline that comes with 3D Glasses but one thing that stoped was I wonder how the 3D worlks on a TV screen or if you really need an HD TV or atleast a large screen, I should have got in anyways. Back to the movie I give it 2 thumbs up.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/07/2009 16:14 #50240
Christmas Carol 3DCategory: movies
11/06/2009 18:16 #50236
Wedding PicturesCategory: photos
11/05/2009 17:47 #50227
Pre Timika & Rory WeddingCategory: photos
Well this first thing of Pictures is going to be of me before (e:ladycroft) and (e:Rory)'s wedding. Yes these pictures have been croped.

Before the wedding I checked out the area and got some shots of the gardens, and the Basicillica and things like that here are those pictures.

I'll admit that I wasn't sure where to cut it off as prewedding pictures but I think this is a good spot. It was a good time and the gardens looked nice. Hope people like the pictures

Before the wedding I checked out the area and got some shots of the gardens, and the Basicillica and things like that here are those pictures.

I'll admit that I wasn't sure where to cut it off as prewedding pictures but I think this is a good spot. It was a good time and the gardens looked nice. Hope people like the pictures
tinypliny - 12/22/09 15:50
How did I miss this?! You look SO HANDSOME, (e:metalpeter)! :) The suit is very fetching, so is the royal blue shirt.
How did I miss this?! You look SO HANDSOME, (e:metalpeter)! :) The suit is very fetching, so is the royal blue shirt.
dimartiste - 12/22/09 15:37
Hey, you were hangin' in my former hood. That's my church. So like growing up as a child at OLV is kind of crazy. See I did not realize how special my church was right away. It was pretty standard stuff when you slept over someones house that Sunday morning was always church. My friends also went to Catholic schools growing up. Anyhow - I would walk into their church and be like where is the rest of it. My mom had to pull me aside and explain about how special the Basilica was. Just thought I'd share that little vignette with you all. Cool pictures!
Hey, you were hangin' in my former hood. That's my church. So like growing up as a child at OLV is kind of crazy. See I did not realize how special my church was right away. It was pretty standard stuff when you slept over someones house that Sunday morning was always church. My friends also went to Catholic schools growing up. Anyhow - I would walk into their church and be like where is the rest of it. My mom had to pull me aside and explain about how special the Basilica was. Just thought I'd share that little vignette with you all. Cool pictures!
metalpeter - 11/06/09 17:30
Thank you both
Thank you both
theecarey - 11/06/09 01:01
I concur! Lookin' good, Peter!
I concur! Lookin' good, Peter!
11/04/2009 19:07 #50217
2009 Halloween Party part 2Category: photos
Well Hopefully I don't double any photos from the last post I see where I kinda left off. Again it was a great time and thanks to (e:PMT). I really liked Max from "Where The wild Things Are" I wanted to go as him but couldn't figure out how to really do that so I passed it is a good thing I passed.

I don't have an exact time other then to say that the pictures below are from once we crossed midnight and it was the next day.

Who ever had the Fire Idea had a great idea, but with my luck it started to rain. That reminds me I heard that some people went up on the roof did anyone get anypictures from up there?

Well I think that covers it hope everyone had a great time and enjoyed my pictures. And I thought someone else took a few but not sure who's haven't gone up yet.

I don't have an exact time other then to say that the pictures below are from once we crossed midnight and it was the next day.

Who ever had the Fire Idea had a great idea, but with my luck it started to rain. That reminds me I heard that some people went up on the roof did anyone get anypictures from up there?

Well I think that covers it hope everyone had a great time and enjoyed my pictures. And I thought someone else took a few but not sure who's haven't gone up yet.
metalpeter - 11/05/09 17:07
Well in terms of making faces, don't forget that I don't do the poses. So often someone is talking or standing there then I take it and by that time they have moved or something. The fire was nice. I think I just used like what ever the automode is and it got the fire pretty well. What happens most of the time is that if you don't use a flash you get the fire well and everyone else is dark and then if you use a flash the brightness lights up the people and dims the fire. Someplace if you can find it there is a happy medium or even sometimes the fire might be bright enough to light the people.
Well in terms of making faces, don't forget that I don't do the poses. So often someone is talking or standing there then I take it and by that time they have moved or something. The fire was nice. I think I just used like what ever the automode is and it got the fire pretty well. What happens most of the time is that if you don't use a flash you get the fire well and everyone else is dark and then if you use a flash the brightness lights up the people and dims the fire. Someplace if you can find it there is a happy medium or even sometimes the fire might be bright enough to light the people.
paul - 11/05/09 10:29
I love the we are at burning man, but really we are in the backyard pic of mike and I
I love the we are at burning man, but really we are in the backyard pic of mike and I
jason - 11/05/09 08:33
Dang, do I really make that many faces? Lol
Dang, do I really make that many faces? Lol
libertad - 11/04/09 20:56
Those are great pictures! So many that i really liked. The fire ones are really good. I so wanted to stay longer. I want a repeat. LOve it!
Those are great pictures! So many that i really liked. The fire ones are really good. I so wanted to stay longer. I want a repeat. LOve it!
matthew - 11/04/09 20:07
Great pictures Peter. Thanks for taking them!
Great pictures Peter. Thanks for taking them!
11/03/2009 18:33 #50211
Party Part 1 Halloween 2009Category: photos
So Here is the thing some pictures are very dark some are good and some are a mix. Based on the small size I can't tell how they will look so I think I will just post them in order and hope I don't miss any. Hope people like them and that they are ok. I need to find the right setting to take pictures inside in dark settings, I think there is away to make the ISO level standard but I'm not sure if yet how to do that. I need to figure that out before when ever the next (e:strip) party is.

Not sure what my favorite costume was there where a bunch of good ones. I thought it was cleaer that Louis was with Peter who was dressed as I assumed Peter Pan but maybe I got that wrong. Then the Tower's as pirates was awesome.. It was a great time thanks to everyone who showed up and (e:PMT) for hosting it and changing the night so there was no wedding conflict.

One Of the tough things with having a ton of pictures is you are often not sure where to call it or cut the blog to start part 2 it is tough to tell how many you have up and how it will be viewed by others so for now this is the end of Part 1. Hope someone enjoys the pictures of someone.

Not sure what my favorite costume was there where a bunch of good ones. I thought it was cleaer that Louis was with Peter who was dressed as I assumed Peter Pan but maybe I got that wrong. Then the Tower's as pirates was awesome.. It was a great time thanks to everyone who showed up and (e:PMT) for hosting it and changing the night so there was no wedding conflict.

One Of the tough things with having a ton of pictures is you are often not sure where to call it or cut the blog to start part 2 it is tough to tell how many you have up and how it will be viewed by others so for now this is the end of Part 1. Hope someone enjoys the pictures of someone.
metalpeter - 11/04/09 18:13
Well Part 2 is today. In terms of editing them I wish I had time. In the past I have tried with other software and what happens is some of them come out see able, but often what happens is the stuff with some light gets brighter but so does everything else and often there is just not enough light to enhance that.
Well Part 2 is today. In terms of editing them I wish I had time. In the past I have tried with other software and what happens is some of them come out see able, but often what happens is the stuff with some light gets brighter but so does everything else and often there is just not enough light to enhance that.
libertad - 11/04/09 13:47
Nice party pics as always. We have been dying for their release. So much fun.
Nice party pics as always. We have been dying for their release. So much fun.
lilho - 11/04/09 09:18
(e:mike) and (e:paul) best costume and most naked. not surprised, but i liked it!
(e:mike) and (e:paul) best costume and most naked. not surprised, but i liked it!
heidi - 11/03/09 19:55
I think Oscar the Grouch was one of my favs. Somehow I missed that (e:Mike)'s sun was actually colored yellow - in the foyer it just looked white with glitter! Much cooler in the kitchen.
I liked the Xmas subtheme - (e:enknot), (e:paul), (e:libertad), my random acquaintance Kristen, and extending it some to (e:zobar) and the gladiator.
I think Oscar the Grouch was one of my favs. Somehow I missed that (e:Mike)'s sun was actually colored yellow - in the foyer it just looked white with glitter! Much cooler in the kitchen.
I liked the Xmas subtheme - (e:enknot), (e:paul), (e:libertad), my random acquaintance Kristen, and extending it some to (e:zobar) and the gladiator.
heidi - 11/03/09 19:45
Thanks for taking pix, (e:Metalpeter)!
If you're using Picasa to export them in an appropriate size for estrip, you can also use it to edit before exporting. By double-clicking on any picture in the library, you open it to the editing screen. That lets you determine if it's a good enough picture, or maybe it needs some help like "fill light" which will lighten up the whole thing, or it's just crap and needs to be deleted. I delete nearly 50 percent of my shots, adjust some, and only post the best ones that really help illustrate the story I'm telling.
The "I'm feeling lucky" button will make a bunch of automatic adjustments that picasa thinks the picture might need. The nice thing about picasa is that it saves your changes and your original photos automatically so you don't lose anything by accident. There's also a very handy "undo" button in case you don't like what you changed.
I hope this helps!
Thanks for taking pix, (e:Metalpeter)!
If you're using Picasa to export them in an appropriate size for estrip, you can also use it to edit before exporting. By double-clicking on any picture in the library, you open it to the editing screen. That lets you determine if it's a good enough picture, or maybe it needs some help like "fill light" which will lighten up the whole thing, or it's just crap and needs to be deleted. I delete nearly 50 percent of my shots, adjust some, and only post the best ones that really help illustrate the story I'm telling.
The "I'm feeling lucky" button will make a bunch of automatic adjustments that picasa thinks the picture might need. The nice thing about picasa is that it saves your changes and your original photos automatically so you don't lose anything by accident. There's also a very handy "undo" button in case you don't like what you changed.
I hope this helps!
paul - 11/03/09 19:34
Thanks for taking pics. I really need to get a camera. Mine disappeared at new years and my phone takes sucky pictures in low lighting.
Thanks for taking pics. I really need to get a camera. Mine disappeared at new years and my phone takes sucky pictures in low lighting.
They are, we look good