First of all anyone who has read or looked at my pictures feel free to take them and post them on your site or your page or your facebook. I haven't put any really up there for 2 reasons. Facebook is more about someone presenting a certain picture of them selves often, I don't mean that in a bad way. So I didn't want to post any pictures up there that someone might not like of them selves. The other issue was I wasn't sure of the quality issue. Maybe those two are really one issue. But in facebook I wouldn't want to put a picture up that looks dark on someone's page. I think all of these pictures are going to look odd but some of them came out pretty good printed so on here I'm going to kinda guess and see what we get.
Well Time Wise that is it. Hoping going out tonight will be a great time.
metalpeter - 11/15/09 16:38 You are welcome. That reminds me I Have more from the reception that I haven't gone through yet. Getting decent pictures in there was tough. That being said (e:vincecent) got some nice ones. I forget her exact user name I know her as Mima I think on facebook I know took some pictures to but I haven't seen her post any on here or facebook. Maybe I'll remember to find more pictures from the reception and post them on Monday.
paul - 11/15/09 16:37 The appetizers were so yummy.
ladycroft - 11/15/09 14:43 Thanks for taking so many pictures Peter. I knew I could count on the Peterazzi to catch some of the details - like I'm so happy you took a shot of the cocktail hour appetizers because we never got to see them! I'm sure some of yours will show up the final slideshow of the world tour :)
paul - 11/08/09 11:09 The cupcake cakes were so yummy.
11/07/2009 17:20 #50243
Pain For Pleasure (2nd of day) Category: sex
First of all this is not in music because the Band Pain for Pleasure isn't what I'm talking about. For those that don't know they are the alter ego's of the band Sum 41.
I'm not going to sit here and say I love pain, that would be a lie. Lots of pain like most people I hate. But that being said there is some that feels pretty good in the right amount. Me being a whimp it isn't a lot. Not going to say what I like and don't like again a lot of that is biased on what and how what is done. I'm also not going to lie and say "I'm In The life Style" Or "I'm In the Scene" that wouldn't be true either.
From what I understand a lot of the really fun stuff all has some kind of restrenat or tie up aspect to it. Yes that is pretty hot to see. But I have lots of trust issues. As much fun as it would be to go to some bar and tell some chick "hey you look pretty hot why don't you tie me to your bed and use me for what ever you want". First of all that wouldn't be safe when she forgets to mention the boy friend or that she is behind on the rent, HA. Second I don't even have enough of that trust for someone I kinda know I don't think.
This post sounded better in my head. What got me thinking about this was this morning I remembered that Dark Parties is coming to Club Diablo on Thanksgiving Eve. I missed them the last time they where here but I want to make sure I go this time. At the very least I can have a few and get a little shit faced (I don't mean fecalphalie aka shit play, not sure what it is and don't want to find out, gross). I'm still not sure how the day before thanksgiving got turned into a giant drinking holiday, you would think you don't want to be hung over on thanksgiving but maybe people drink a lot that day also so they don't notice it.
I some how feel that I didn't say what I want to but not sure where I went off the mark, hope everyone has had and continues to have a great weekend.
11/07/2009 16:14 #50240
Christmas Carol 3D Category: movies
So I went to see the Newest Version of "A Christmas Carol" today. The way I see it most people know the story allready so what it comes down to is presentation. I think the movie looked amazing. I think Jim Carey did a great job. I think Scroge looked like himself through the entire movie. Now interms of effects I thought they where truely very good. In Terms of the 3D aspect I'm not really sure. The last time I saw 3D was that Micheal Jackson movie at epcot center and there stuff looked like it was coming off the screen at you. But thinking back I don't think there was any scene where the stuff was coming out towards you the viewer. I think the horses where amazing, maybe part of that scene. But since I didn't see it in regular vision I can't say how it looked. Back in the old days of two color glasses I did have trouble seeing some 3D stuff so maybe part of it is me, not sure. Yes the 3D version is a little bit more. Before the movie the previews for Avatar, and Alice In Wonderland both looik amazing. After the movie I got some stuff at target I maybe should have bought the deluxe version of Caroline that comes with 3D Glasses but one thing that stoped was I wonder how the 3D worlks on a TV screen or if you really need an HD TV or atleast a large screen, I should have got in anyways. Back to the movie I give it 2 thumbs up.
11/06/2009 18:16 #50236
Wedding Pictures Category: photos
Well they wont be in order but I think you will get the idea of the wedding, those will who where there for sure. It was a great time
Well this first thing of Pictures is going to be of me before (e:ladycroft) and (e:Rory)'s wedding. Yes these pictures have been croped.
Before the wedding I checked out the area and got some shots of the gardens, and the Basicillica and things like that here are those pictures.
I'll admit that I wasn't sure where to cut it off as prewedding pictures but I think this is a good spot. It was a good time and the gardens looked nice. Hope people like the pictures
tinypliny - 12/22/09 15:50 How did I miss this?! You look SO HANDSOME, (e:metalpeter)! :) The suit is very fetching, so is the royal blue shirt.
dimartiste - 12/22/09 15:37 Hey, you were hangin' in my former hood. That's my church. So like growing up as a child at OLV is kind of crazy. See I did not realize how special my church was right away. It was pretty standard stuff when you slept over someones house that Sunday morning was always church. My friends also went to Catholic schools growing up. Anyhow - I would walk into their church and be like where is the rest of it. My mom had to pull me aside and explain about how special the Basilica was. Just thought I'd share that little vignette with you all. Cool pictures!
You are welcome. That reminds me I Have more from the reception that I haven't gone through yet. Getting decent pictures in there was tough. That being said (e:vincecent) got some nice ones. I forget her exact user name I know her as Mima I think on facebook I know took some pictures to but I haven't seen her post any on here or facebook. Maybe I'll remember to find more pictures from the reception and post them on Monday.
The appetizers were so yummy.
Thanks for taking so many pictures Peter. I knew I could count on the Peterazzi to catch some of the details - like I'm so happy you took a shot of the cocktail hour appetizers because we never got to see them! I'm sure some of yours will show up the final slideshow of the world tour :)
The cupcake cakes were so yummy.