So for those that don't know I think Gay, Plural, and Interacial Marriage is fine and they should all be legal. The Fact is that marriage is supposed to be about love and commitment but it is also a legal contract that gives all kinds of different rights to people. On to the Plural thing real quick. I don't just mean that one man can have 2 wives as a way to have multiple partners or child brides. I think that as long as a relationship works then it should be legal.
The Term Gay Marriage needs to be changed and allways used as Same Sex Marriage.
-Their are some people who support gay marriage and some people who think it is wrong and evil. Then there are that other group of people who don't care to much either way and don't want to know about it. The problem is that I think that using "GAY" and making it all about civil rights gets those people upset and will get them to Join the in on the anti gay marraige movement.
-Yes most people who would get married would be gay. But the problem is if it is only for gays then what about strights people who are the same sex? Those people should be included also. Two Examples
1. How about Women who are old and have lost their husbands many years ago and are best friends or maybe even living together. These two are companions but not sexual with each other. Now if they could get married they would be more capable of taking care of each other. (This would also be true of men think of the old guys on the muppet show).
2. Have you ever seen those two girls who are best friends and you wonder those two sure seem close I wonder if they are into each other. Or the sterotype of the gay boy and gay girl who are best friends. Well these two people never meet the person of their dreams. Well know they could be married (so the guy and girl could be but now it might be more excepted) and get rights that they could only get through marriage. Some of these rights are really things that tie into work like being covered on Health insurance and the like.
Something I mentioned above about how there are some people who think gay marriage is wrong and those people all ways will. People need to understand that , that is true. There are people who will allways think that it is wrong. You can't change those peoples minds. Because of that doing things that piss them off might do more harm then good. Don't try to convert them all that does is make them protest more and get more people to Join there side.
I left what I think would work the best till last. Same Sex Marriage needs some great advertising people to sell it. They need math people as well, they need Buisness people also. Most companies in this country do most of what they do for money and profit. Yes they also do give to things like Toys For Tots or other community efforts. Not sure if they do that to be good, or they know it is great free press. If someone is going to go Target or Kmart I know Target gives back to the community. Do I want to order from Amazon or Bestbuy, oh thats right when at best buy I could give to toys for teens or what ever there program is. I will admit that I don't know why what companies do what, but I'm sure giving does help there bottom line.
That leads to next part of my point. Big companies have a lot of lobbyists and try to get laws passed that help them. Some people would say that they are the ones running the country. That is why Activists need to work on those companies. If you had people reserach and do what ever they do with pie charts and studies and showed that Same Sex Marriage would encrease sales by say 10% a year those companies would quietly put pressure on people to change the laws. Of course someone else might have to come in and say it would cost this much to get this to happen and then you would make this much more. I don't just mean go to Target and wal-mart and I don't mean the same people either. The Same group of 10 people would make it seem like a sell or a shell game. Then of course people would do the same thing with anyone in the wedding industry. How about the people who supply wedding cake places, in every city the local places or national chains where wedding receptions are held, or Hotels where people stay, The Card industry. Weddings are a big business and lots of people make lots of money on them. If all or most of these companies couled be conviced that Same Sex Marriage would have more weddings each year and that would mean more money for them, then they would invest it to try and get laws changed. And if that isn't enough the next step would be the Baby industry, but that is a much harder sell.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/21/2009 18:18 #50361
How To Legalize Gay MarriageCategory: politics
11/10/2009 14:20 #50268
MetallicaCategory: event
So I'm pretty Pumped up to go see Metallica tonight. I love all their music. They Put on a pretty good live show. I want to see Lamb Of God who is one of the openers. Yes some people do the tailgate thing and pump music before the show. That would be a great thing to do if I had a car. I want to take pictures but not sure if they still do the camera check no camera thing so I'm going early and hopefully I can find out either way, and if no Cameras then take it back home. I'm posting now since I have a day off. It felt so good to sleep in. We shall see what to do about eating based on if I have to come back home or not. In any event it should be a great time. Hopefully I will have pictures to post soon. That assumes they don't sue me we shall see what happens. Yes is the answer to the question are they my favorite band. Also love the old and the new stuff and even the in the middle stuff (like um load and reload).
11/17/2009 20:02 #50334
Weber Wedding ReceptionCategory: photos
So for those who read my posts you may remember that after Timika & Rory's wedding I posted pictures. I wasn't sure about the wedding reception shots though and I'm still not. Getting pictures in there was tough. First of all finding a setting that worked good in one spot didn't mean it worked good in another. You have these small lights and then it is dark. The other tough part is that on that floor and maybe others there is out side lighting and that shines through the windows. If that light outside is in the background the camera kinda focuses on that or uses that as the light source or somehting like that. So then I would try to use backlight settings and that didn't really work. I forgot I was supposed to finish up posting pictures from that and then remembered that once (e:Ladycroft) left me a comment. So we shall see how these look picking up from where I left off last time.

Well there are a few pictures from after the reception also. I think I still have a few pieces of that candy left, need to check, oh yeah at least the M&Ms. Hope you liked the pictures. Wish I could post them all.

Well there are a few pictures from after the reception also. I think I still have a few pieces of that candy left, need to check, oh yeah at least the M&Ms. Hope you liked the pictures. Wish I could post them all.
metalpeter - 11/20/09 18:27
I have a fealling there might be pictures of you dancing that maybe didn't get published on the web. Reason I say that is I know of one person who I saw taking pictures or at least a few and haven't seen them see the light of day yet, so that makes me wonder if there are others who did the same thing. I'm bad at taking pictures in the dark anyways. Often one really needs a tripod as any movement causes blur. Glad you like my photo booth ones. Once I got in there I wasn't sure what to do so I just kinda went for it sort of. Hope you two liked the suprise photo, I didn't take part and it wasn't my idea but I did think it was funny, but I have no idea how that series came out.
I have a fealling there might be pictures of you dancing that maybe didn't get published on the web. Reason I say that is I know of one person who I saw taking pictures or at least a few and haven't seen them see the light of day yet, so that makes me wonder if there are others who did the same thing. I'm bad at taking pictures in the dark anyways. Often one really needs a tripod as any movement causes blur. Glad you like my photo booth ones. Once I got in there I wasn't sure what to do so I just kinda went for it sort of. Hope you two liked the suprise photo, I didn't take part and it wasn't my idea but I did think it was funny, but I have no idea how that series came out.
ladycroft - 11/19/09 03:59
You're right, that room was not easy to take photos in (hence renting the photo booth)- but you still got a few good shots. That's the only one I have see of us dancing! And I love your photo booth ones! Ha!
You're right, that room was not easy to take photos in (hence renting the photo booth)- but you still got a few good shots. That's the only one I have see of us dancing! And I love your photo booth ones! Ha!
11/08/2009 11:00 #50253
Yesterday was a day of 1st'sCategory: estrip
First of all for those who read previous posts It was the first time I saw a Disney 3D movie. I have seen 3D before but it was oh so long ago with one red and one blue side of the glasses.
(e:Theecarey) Had a great idea of going out and I'm glad I did. In terms of (e:peeps) there was (e:Jim) , (e:James) , (e:Mrmike), (e:Vincent) , (e:terry), (e:Paul), (e:Matthew), (e:Mike) and (e:Libertad) and then a few more people also. The Food later on and drinks and everything was a great time and it was great to see everyone out, that should be done more often. I had to start with a Strawberry Banana Martini it was very tasty and then (e:Theecarey)'s "Dirty Navel" looked so tasty and it was kinda chocolate taste to it.
It was the first (e:strip) event that I didn't really document. It was dark and such and didn't want to blind anyone. Here is the take on the bars.
Fugazi get a bigger sign then just a billboard out front I missed it. But maybe that is the point that you have to know where it is so no one goes in to the wrong place by mistake. Great tasting drinks by the way. I love the wood inside it makes it feel like an old time bar you would see in a movie or something. It would be great to film a vampire movie there just where the lights where add candles it looks like those used to be gas lights at one time.
Cathoderey : I don't get the entire buy a drink then get a chip for another free thing, thanks to the person who explained it to me. Well I guess it is a way to handle money less and if you don't want to buy someone a drink you can hand them the chip. Love the huge TV in the Sabres area wish I had a TV like that.
Frizzy's awesome lots of gorgeous ladies, plus they have bubble hockey, I need to go back there sometime again.
Thanks to all it was a great night
(e:Theecarey) Had a great idea of going out and I'm glad I did. In terms of (e:peeps) there was (e:Jim) , (e:James) , (e:Mrmike), (e:Vincent) , (e:terry), (e:Paul), (e:Matthew), (e:Mike) and (e:Libertad) and then a few more people also. The Food later on and drinks and everything was a great time and it was great to see everyone out, that should be done more often. I had to start with a Strawberry Banana Martini it was very tasty and then (e:Theecarey)'s "Dirty Navel" looked so tasty and it was kinda chocolate taste to it.
It was the first (e:strip) event that I didn't really document. It was dark and such and didn't want to blind anyone. Here is the take on the bars.
Fugazi get a bigger sign then just a billboard out front I missed it. But maybe that is the point that you have to know where it is so no one goes in to the wrong place by mistake. Great tasting drinks by the way. I love the wood inside it makes it feel like an old time bar you would see in a movie or something. It would be great to film a vampire movie there just where the lights where add candles it looks like those used to be gas lights at one time.
Cathoderey : I don't get the entire buy a drink then get a chip for another free thing, thanks to the person who explained it to me. Well I guess it is a way to handle money less and if you don't want to buy someone a drink you can hand them the chip. Love the huge TV in the Sabres area wish I had a TV like that.
Frizzy's awesome lots of gorgeous ladies, plus they have bubble hockey, I need to go back there sometime again.
Thanks to all it was a great night
metalpeter - 11/10/09 14:23
Madonna always has interesting Videos. I also really love that Gwen Staffani video she and the Asian Girls in her band or are they just dancers are so hot. She makes good music but it is so different then no doubt (they are back together but haven't heard any of their new stuff yet).
Madonna always has interesting Videos. I also really love that Gwen Staffani video she and the Asian Girls in her band or are they just dancers are so hot. She makes good music but it is so different then no doubt (they are back together but haven't heard any of their new stuff yet).
vincent - 11/09/09 21:28
Don't forget the trippy Madonna Disco Dance number from the confessions tour.
Don't forget the trippy Madonna Disco Dance number from the confessions tour.
heidi - 11/08/09 22:26
Yes, they're color-coded by type of drink/price level - bottle beer, (draft beer at most bars), cheap mixed drink, expensive mixed drink. I have a collection of them from bars in Tioga County. They're kinda like whuffie.
You just use them instead of paying for a drink, placing them next to your empty bottle or glass.
Yes, they're color-coded by type of drink/price level - bottle beer, (draft beer at most bars), cheap mixed drink, expensive mixed drink. I have a collection of them from bars in Tioga County. They're kinda like whuffie.
You just use them instead of paying for a drink, placing them next to your empty bottle or glass.
metalpeter - 11/08/09 14:14
I didn't know they had black ones I saw red and blue and that was it. I assume that based on price that they have a rank and you can use the chip or anything that rank or lower but not higher ? Not really sure. Or maybe their is no rank and it is just a way to say mixed, bottle, or beer on tap?
There is one thing I have to get out there. One thing I'm not used to is hearing music from a speaker and then it goes to the video that is playing. I'm used to it coming from the TV but once I adjusted it was cool. I also notice that at Fugazi there where a lot of hot ladies in vidoes, Yes I love Britney and Lady GaGa at least looks wise and like some of there music, I can admit that. I would tottaly do Lady GaGa. Not sure if Russell Brand (or is it brandt) started the rumor or just repeated that she has a cock. If I where given the chance to do her I would for sure and if she did have one I'm sure with her hotness and fame things would work out fine.
Again it was a great time, thanks again to everyone and hope everyone else had a nice time. Ok I gotta go I need football.
I didn't know they had black ones I saw red and blue and that was it. I assume that based on price that they have a rank and you can use the chip or anything that rank or lower but not higher ? Not really sure. Or maybe their is no rank and it is just a way to say mixed, bottle, or beer on tap?
There is one thing I have to get out there. One thing I'm not used to is hearing music from a speaker and then it goes to the video that is playing. I'm used to it coming from the TV but once I adjusted it was cool. I also notice that at Fugazi there where a lot of hot ladies in vidoes, Yes I love Britney and Lady GaGa at least looks wise and like some of there music, I can admit that. I would tottaly do Lady GaGa. Not sure if Russell Brand (or is it brandt) started the rumor or just repeated that she has a cock. If I where given the chance to do her I would for sure and if she did have one I'm sure with her hotness and fame things would work out fine.
Again it was a great time, thanks again to everyone and hope everyone else had a nice time. Ok I gotta go I need football.
mike - 11/08/09 12:35
though i have a back collectio nof about 1,000 chips cuz i never really know how to use them!I have every color, maybe i could combine mine with (e:pmts) abundance of chips and just rent the bar out one night with them?
though i have a back collectio nof about 1,000 chips cuz i never really know how to use them!I have every color, maybe i could combine mine with (e:pmts) abundance of chips and just rent the bar out one night with them?
libertad - 11/08/09 11:26
The chip thing is how Cathode stays competitive. People love the chips. Mike and I don't get one though cause we order our drinks together.
The chip thing is how Cathode stays competitive. People love the chips. Mike and I don't get one though cause we order our drinks together.
11/15/2009 12:01 #50306
Metallica Was AmazingCategory: concerts
So On Tuesday I went to see Metallica. In some ways it turned out to be strange the entire exprence really was but also very good. I took the day off of work (if you are reading this thanks boss) and slept in. I went down to the Arena early so that I could find out about taking pictures. So I turned out Cameras where allowed. Yes around 4pm there was a small line. So I go over to Benchwarmers. They are having like a preshow thing there. No tables where free so I left. It is really a cool place. Looking back I was an Idiot, I should have ate at the bar, well I assume you could have tobad I didn't think of that then. If I would have done that, then when I bought merch I wouldn't have worried about spilling food and I would have it all, and my next day wouldn't have been ruined. When that Happened I was so pissed.
1. At my self for not paying more attenion
2. At my self for not just thinking to put my gear on
3. At who ever the no good dirty fucking low as snake in the grass fucking fake ass Metallica fan who would do something that low
4. Anyone in my section who saw the miss dead and didn't say anything to that ass fuck (assuming they knew and saw).
Well after not eating at benchwarmers I made a decesion that seemed good at the time but maybe based on what happened wasn't. I decide to just get in line and wait. Maybe I could have ate at pearl st. I forgot about them but everyplace else seemed so far from the arena that I figured just wait in line. When I walked in it was odd to be in so soon I got to the merch area and I was the only one there some of the prices whern't up yet. I should have taken that as a sign to eat everything then get merch then go to my seat. At the time it blew me away I'm used to having a big line in front of me.
Band wise Volbeat was pretty good and Lamb Of God was pretty good to. Could understand is talk but not his singing I just figured that is how he sings. Metallica was amazing. Well here are some pictures from the show. I'm just going to put up the Metallica Pictures.

Well if you didn't get enough Pictures you can allways go to my webshots page. Also there is a site called livemettalica that I haven't checked out yet where you can download any show they do, for a fee not sure how much. I May have to do the Buffalo show but we shall see. I thought they did a pretty good set list and mixed in old and New I just wish they also played Welcome Home (Sanitaruim) and For Whom the Bells Toll, but It was a great time even with the loss of my stuff. I guess that should teach me to either not buy stuff, pay more attention, don't be so picture obbessed, all ways put on what you buy or a combo of things, I know the next time a go to something I'm putting my stuff on like how I do. Hey I thought San Fran shirt and Jacket I match it matches the band and was feeling way to good about my self maybe that is the lesson to be learned.
1. At my self for not paying more attenion
2. At my self for not just thinking to put my gear on
3. At who ever the no good dirty fucking low as snake in the grass fucking fake ass Metallica fan who would do something that low
4. Anyone in my section who saw the miss dead and didn't say anything to that ass fuck (assuming they knew and saw).
Well after not eating at benchwarmers I made a decesion that seemed good at the time but maybe based on what happened wasn't. I decide to just get in line and wait. Maybe I could have ate at pearl st. I forgot about them but everyplace else seemed so far from the arena that I figured just wait in line. When I walked in it was odd to be in so soon I got to the merch area and I was the only one there some of the prices whern't up yet. I should have taken that as a sign to eat everything then get merch then go to my seat. At the time it blew me away I'm used to having a big line in front of me.
Band wise Volbeat was pretty good and Lamb Of God was pretty good to. Could understand is talk but not his singing I just figured that is how he sings. Metallica was amazing. Well here are some pictures from the show. I'm just going to put up the Metallica Pictures.

Well if you didn't get enough Pictures you can allways go to my webshots page. Also there is a site called livemettalica that I haven't checked out yet where you can download any show they do, for a fee not sure how much. I May have to do the Buffalo show but we shall see. I thought they did a pretty good set list and mixed in old and New I just wish they also played Welcome Home (Sanitaruim) and For Whom the Bells Toll, but It was a great time even with the loss of my stuff. I guess that should teach me to either not buy stuff, pay more attention, don't be so picture obbessed, all ways put on what you buy or a combo of things, I know the next time a go to something I'm putting my stuff on like how I do. Hey I thought San Fran shirt and Jacket I match it matches the band and was feeling way to good about my self maybe that is the lesson to be learned.
metalpeter - 11/15/09 15:24
I didn't want to spill food on my metallica stuf so I just left the stuff in the bag. After I was done eating I put one of the shirts on. Since the jersey with a hood type thing was wrapped in plastic in the bag I figured just leave it in there so no one else would spill on it (I figures someone headbanging and beer would be all over it). So when metallica did there final song with the ballons they put the house lights on they finished up and then did the talk to the fans thing. Fans behind me and next me where gone. Standing I was one seat over look at my jacket and no bag at all. Hey if someone would have taken the wrong bag and I got their merch and they got mine that I get that I could live with. But someone took it sometime during the show when I wasn't looking. But if I would have done what I normaly would do and just wear the stuff I would still have it all.
I didn't want to spill food on my metallica stuf so I just left the stuff in the bag. After I was done eating I put one of the shirts on. Since the jersey with a hood type thing was wrapped in plastic in the bag I figured just leave it in there so no one else would spill on it (I figures someone headbanging and beer would be all over it). So when metallica did there final song with the ballons they put the house lights on they finished up and then did the talk to the fans thing. Fans behind me and next me where gone. Standing I was one seat over look at my jacket and no bag at all. Hey if someone would have taken the wrong bag and I got their merch and they got mine that I get that I could live with. But someone took it sometime during the show when I wasn't looking. But if I would have done what I normaly would do and just wear the stuff I would still have it all.
ladycroft - 11/15/09 14:38
I'd love to see Metallica. I got a little confused reading your post though about food and your merchandise. Are you saying someone spilled their food on your stuff and ruined it, or did someone steal it?? Either way that blows big fat goats.
I'd love to see Metallica. I got a little confused reading your post though about food and your merchandise. Are you saying someone spilled their food on your stuff and ruined it, or did someone steal it?? Either way that blows big fat goats.
Just wanted to quickly say Metallica was amazing. Somehow I ran out of time, and had some tech issues of downloading pictures so no post about it today. The Part that sucks is I had some really cool merch that got stolen from under my seat, oh I was really seeing red, not sure what I was the most upset about, I'm still in a foul mood about it.