Well I guess that is enough photos from warm ups. The thing I like so much about warmups is you get to see both Goalies and sometimes even all 3 plus you have all the players on the ice.

I like that they put the fights up on the Junbotron. Sometimes you can't see it from where you are, One of the fights was like this. Where it was right on the boards on my side it was tough to see it. I think this was the best game I've seen in a long time. Yes it is ironic that the sabres are playing right now so I don't get to see it.

Well assuming anyone is reading this, this is something you won't hear me say or read me write. I'm tired of uploading pictures so I guess I'll jump over the rest of the second and 3rd peroid right into overtime. Well no one scored so it went to a shot out and Buffalo won. I think one reason why I'm not as into it as I would be sometimes is that it is like from 2 weeks ago. So here are some of those shots.

Well so once I got Home I watched Sons Of Anarchy, great show it really is and took some pictures and they had a preview for Avatar. Visualy it will be amazing and storywise and action wise it looks pretty cool to. Since this event I have seen a South Park episode that breaks on the movie a little bit "Dancing With The Smurfs" or something it was a great episode.

Well for anyone who made it all the way through and didn't see enough Sabres Pictures they are all on my webshots page.
Allso for anyone going out tonight I hope it is a great time. Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving, think mine is going to be lame. I just wish I had NFL networki so I could watch all 3 games. To me that is what it is really about just eating and watching football, yeah something is wrong with me but that is ok. That being said I think that is true of many people. I wonder if there is anyplace where you can like buy 1/2 pound turkey (cut like it would be at dinner) 2 huge pieces of Pie, Mashed, Crannberry sausce enough for like 3 people . I think there would be a market for it then you can eat and watch football and be Happy. Also hope everyone enjoys the long weekend and for those that are brave have a safe and fun Black Friday.
WOW! 12k that is amazing!