So Looks like I'll be picking up my pictures at Walgreens on wens-day not going back out in that cold, great. I'm pictured out currently so this will not be the sabres post it is about why wal-mart is good.
1st. Full disclosure where I work we sell product to Wal-Mart, Target, CVS,Walgreen's, Rite Aid, and a bunch of other places and I have no how the money end of things work, I just pick the orders
2. I love target you can get any thing there really, well mostly.
3. I have gone to wal-mart near where I work and they aren't bad.
Yes Often times Wal-Mart get a lot of bad press and some of it they deserve. But there is often another side to that debate that people don't talk about. I'm talking about wages and how they are good that people are paid low rates.
So if you believe that Wal-mart is cheaper then say K-mart or someplace like that the first question is why. Since they are a big box store I'm sure we can assume that they pay the same price for a TV from Sony as anyone else does. Maybe they do have some ways to get it cheaper then target. But I suspect that they pay the same but that their mark up is less then Target. Yes there are some items that aren't name brand that they get for cheaper then SaY Target. But if this is the case that is because they buy things that cost less then target does. Yes in some cases maybe the workers who make it, make really low wages but for the country they work in that is the standard set there. In some places those are still good jobs, by comparison but that isn't what I'm really talking about.
Any store there goal is to make money. Yes it should be provide goods and Services people need, but it isn't. Since it is for profit that means that there is a certain profit margin on everything they sell. If a store spends x amount of dollars to run and that amount goes up, then their amount of profit drops. So that leads to an increase in price to make up for the less profit. Again though this is a tough balance if you raise prices to much people will stop buying stuff or shopping someplace else and you will lose even more money.
What keeps Wal-mart, Aldi, Price Rite and other places cheap is keeping there costs low. By doing this they can keep around the same amount of profit as other places. I have heard people say they won't go to wegman's because it costs to much. Well back about 10 years ago you could work at Wilson Farms for 3 years and walk into wegmans and on your first day as a Cashier you would be paid a higher wage. Yes they are a great company to work for, but those great things cost money so food costs more. The reverse is true also.
In other words what keeps prices low at wal-mart is that they don't pay very much. Most people think of that as bad. But what about people who want to buy stuff and don't have the money to go to
target. Some might say those are extras who cares. Well think about all the people who go to Price Rite or Save A Lot because Wegmans is to much. That is thought of as good but a retailer does it and they are evil, that is a double standard.
Generally speaking the Higher Paying Job, the tougher it is to get, and the more knowledge you need. Not to pick on anyone but I think there are a lot of people at Wal-Mart who that is the only Job they can get. If there was no Wal-Mart where would they work. What could they buy. Now working there they can at least buy stuff there.
Yes Wal-Mart is very powerful and when they abuse that power and push around workers and not pay them for overtime, that is bad. But that doesn't mean everything they do is bad. I also think protesting Wal-Mart is silly. Lets just say that it worked and no one went there. They would close and all those people would lose their Jobs. A job is hard to find where are those people going to go. What about the people who only can buy things at Wal-Mart how are they going to buy stuff. What about the places that Wal-Mart buys stuff from in other countries or even here, they could lose there jobs now that wal-mart isn't buying.
I think the entire wal-mart thing is another example of something that is very complex that people like to try and make simple and turn into a Political issue. You could make the point that it is a social issue but that is a different thing all together.
Oh one last point. I know that Wal-marts some times move into small towns and then all the local places close, or at least that is what I have heard. Then the guy who ran the local Hardware store has to get a Job there. That isn't wal-mart's fault. That is the town peoples lack of Loyality. They will go buy something at Wal-mart that is a little bit cheaper instead of buying from the person they know and trust, or atleast know. How about a little bit of loyality.
Metalpeter's Journal
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12/22/2009 21:02 #50635
The Good side to wal-martCategory: political
12/21/2009 20:39 #50621
snow and lightsSo Super behind so not sure when the post of some Penguins Vs. Sabres photos will go up, soon I hope it was part of my Birthday gift to my self. But for now here are some snow and Christmasy Pictures.

That reminds me I haven't put up any of My Train Tags Photo project either. I could at least put up a start to it in some form. I wish I had time to trek around and get all kinds of lights pictures there really are a lot of people who do a great job with them.

That reminds me I haven't put up any of My Train Tags Photo project either. I could at least put up a start to it in some form. I wish I had time to trek around and get all kinds of lights pictures there really are a lot of people who do a great job with them.
12/17/2009 20:16 #50587
Pictures for some e:peepsCategory: photos
So These pictures are aimed at a few (e:peeps) but not only them I hope everyone enjoys these pictures from the mall and other places as well.

So Later that Night My Niece, sis and friend went to famous dave's BBQ. It was a good time and very intersting. The Staff was great with dealling with a 1 year old who was all over the place, lets just say a thing of peper flew through the air wish I would have videoed that might have been interesting. Well here are some Pictures of the place. Oh yeah the food was good to.

Yes there are more pictures I want to post that are christmasy I'm hoping to make it to the live Navity and maybe get some pictures there on friday we shall see if that happens. I also want to write a post about how Wal-Mart is good. Yes they get a lot of bad press but there is some good things about them to. This last picture is of a picture I wish I thought to take. When checking out at Wal-mart this was pointed out to me, I should have got one of each 3 flavors. They Where Mountain Dew, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper Flavored lip balm, I wish I took a picture of all 3.

If I was thinking I would have bought extras so I could try them or maybe even send them out to people. That reminds me if anyone is going to a mall don't be shy and if you see a nice charity like Toys For Tots give something. I'm not saying you have to buy $100 toy or anything and I'm not saying you have extra money. But if you have some money that will be more usefull to someone else spend it on helping someone else if you can. Oh yeah and to all of those that give up your time and Volunter thank you.

So Later that Night My Niece, sis and friend went to famous dave's BBQ. It was a good time and very intersting. The Staff was great with dealling with a 1 year old who was all over the place, lets just say a thing of peper flew through the air wish I would have videoed that might have been interesting. Well here are some Pictures of the place. Oh yeah the food was good to.

Yes there are more pictures I want to post that are christmasy I'm hoping to make it to the live Navity and maybe get some pictures there on friday we shall see if that happens. I also want to write a post about how Wal-Mart is good. Yes they get a lot of bad press but there is some good things about them to. This last picture is of a picture I wish I thought to take. When checking out at Wal-mart this was pointed out to me, I should have got one of each 3 flavors. They Where Mountain Dew, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper Flavored lip balm, I wish I took a picture of all 3.

If I was thinking I would have bought extras so I could try them or maybe even send them out to people. That reminds me if anyone is going to a mall don't be shy and if you see a nice charity like Toys For Tots give something. I'm not saying you have to buy $100 toy or anything and I'm not saying you have extra money. But if you have some money that will be more usefull to someone else spend it on helping someone else if you can. Oh yeah and to all of those that give up your time and Volunter thank you.
12/07/2009 19:55 #50493
Stuffed Animals for e:PMT & e:tinyplinyCategory: photos
So some time back in Nov. (e:Paul) posted this picture of a stuffed tiger that he wanted
. I went on to explain that there are something that once you get one you wind up getting more of them, stuffed animals are and example of that. I guessed that was one of the reasons he wasn't allowed to get one. So I decided my next photo project would be to take stuffed animal pictures.
I will admit I'm not sure how my collection started. I know it started one of two ways. There was this credit card that if you filled it out you got a free bear with a Bomber Jacket and Bomber Glasses I have 23 and they are awesome, think I got them at the Fair. But I think my Panda Bears predate them. Those where free from using Fuji film.
I have also along the way got Stuffed animals with like Hard Rock Cafe stuff. The bear or dog with the Crazy Ears is from work. When we used to distribute Fishermen's Friend I got a couple of those. I Have a WWF bear from when I went to Wrestlemania. The Garfield I won with Candy at work. Then there is some Wrestling ones Like the Undertaker and Triple H and Sting. Then I have the Green Monkey from wicked, a Blue Christmas Stitch (Stitch is pretty good in that movie) and I think a couple version of white tigers. There is a part of me that says I shouldn't post these but here it goes anyways.

On a Side Note I do remember that I have one bear that is hidden behind stuff that has a Halloween mask of Frankenstein. I also don't have any of the sex bears like any one in chains or with dicks or anything like that.

I will admit I'm not sure how my collection started. I know it started one of two ways. There was this credit card that if you filled it out you got a free bear with a Bomber Jacket and Bomber Glasses I have 23 and they are awesome, think I got them at the Fair. But I think my Panda Bears predate them. Those where free from using Fuji film.
I have also along the way got Stuffed animals with like Hard Rock Cafe stuff. The bear or dog with the Crazy Ears is from work. When we used to distribute Fishermen's Friend I got a couple of those. I Have a WWF bear from when I went to Wrestlemania. The Garfield I won with Candy at work. Then there is some Wrestling ones Like the Undertaker and Triple H and Sting. Then I have the Green Monkey from wicked, a Blue Christmas Stitch (Stitch is pretty good in that movie) and I think a couple version of white tigers. There is a part of me that says I shouldn't post these but here it goes anyways.

On a Side Note I do remember that I have one bear that is hidden behind stuff that has a Halloween mask of Frankenstein. I also don't have any of the sex bears like any one in chains or with dicks or anything like that.
metalpeter - 12/08/09 19:42
(e:tinypliny) I mistyped that says 23 but that is wrong it should have said 2. I'm thinking I that I was thiking that I had 2 or 3 and it is two.
(e:Jbeaty) I was only given one of the stuffed animals but, it isn't like people know I like so they give them to me. Some where free as in like a work give away where everyone gets one and some I bought.
(e:Theecarey) I wish I Had some of the Sex bears but I don't have any, I'm also not sure where they sell them, hope you enjoy them.
(e:tinypliny) I mistyped that says 23 but that is wrong it should have said 2. I'm thinking I that I was thiking that I had 2 or 3 and it is two.
(e:Jbeaty) I was only given one of the stuffed animals but, it isn't like people know I like so they give them to me. Some where free as in like a work give away where everyone gets one and some I bought.
(e:Theecarey) I wish I Had some of the Sex bears but I don't have any, I'm also not sure where they sell them, hope you enjoy them.
theecarey - 12/07/09 22:38
That is quite a collection! I have two largish (& flat) ones that I use as pillows & then the rest of the small collection sit on a shelf (they're mostly from childhood, (e:theecarey,35965)) You mentioned the sex themed animals which reminds me of one a friend gave me. It is a small stuffed bear wearing leather, holding a leash, and a few other sexual themed items. One of my nicknames is "Carebear", and all of the animated Carebear characters have a theme, so my friend thought it would be real funny to give me a "bondage bear".
That is quite a collection! I have two largish (& flat) ones that I use as pillows & then the rest of the small collection sit on a shelf (they're mostly from childhood, (e:theecarey,35965)) You mentioned the sex themed animals which reminds me of one a friend gave me. It is a small stuffed bear wearing leather, holding a leash, and a few other sexual themed items. One of my nicknames is "Carebear", and all of the animated Carebear characters have a theme, so my friend thought it would be real funny to give me a "bondage bear".
tinypliny - 12/07/09 21:19
I thought for a minute that I had clicked on (e:Mike)'s journal...
"There was this credit card that if you filled it out you got a free bear with a Bomber Jacket and Bomber Glasses I have 23 "
WHA?!! Do you really have 23 credit cards? And 23 free bears with 23 bomber jackets and 23 bomber glasses??? REALLY?
I thought for a minute that I had clicked on (e:Mike)'s journal...
"There was this credit card that if you filled it out you got a free bear with a Bomber Jacket and Bomber Glasses I have 23 "
WHA?!! Do you really have 23 credit cards? And 23 free bears with 23 bomber jackets and 23 bomber glasses??? REALLY?
jbeatty - 12/07/09 21:08
Do people give you stuffed animals just because they know you collect them? I have known some people who receive disturbing amounts of winnie the pooh shit and hippos just because people know they collect it. I should start telling people I collect rare wines.
Do people give you stuffed animals just because they know you collect them? I have known some people who receive disturbing amounts of winnie the pooh shit and hippos just because people know they collect it. I should start telling people I collect rare wines.
12/15/2009 22:01 #50572
Holiday Pot LuckCategory: photos
First of all thanks to (e:pmt) for hosting. Second of all it was a great time. Third of all the toast to Tony's Birthday was nice as well. I heard I missed great conversation about she males, that would have been interesting. Everyone that I know of lived. Yes (e:tinypliny) was a blast as she all ways is with that huge knife and talking about things she has tasted that was so funny it really was, it was a great time. Well in no real order here are the pictures from that night hope you enjoy them. They are all candids so some faces might have odd expressions as people make a face or are talking or what ever.

Just wanted to add the food was all pretty good even the veggies, often I don't like them. Hopefully I won't work anther close to 12 hour day and on Wendsday I can post my pictures from the Christmas lights some mall stuff and Famous Dave's. I have started work on my train tag photo project and want to post those this week also. Hoping to get some more photos on wends but we shall see what happens with work.

Just wanted to add the food was all pretty good even the veggies, often I don't like them. Hopefully I won't work anther close to 12 hour day and on Wendsday I can post my pictures from the Christmas lights some mall stuff and Famous Dave's. I have started work on my train tag photo project and want to post those this week also. Hoping to get some more photos on wends but we shall see what happens with work.
tinypliny - 12/17/09 20:49
Oh and when everyone burnt their tongues eating it so fast. :-)
Oh and when everyone burnt their tongues eating it so fast. :-)
metalpeter - 12/17/09 20:14
I wish I was good enough to have gotton a picture where you can see all the steam coming of the dip that was pretty cool to look at.
I wish I was good enough to have gotton a picture where you can see all the steam coming of the dip that was pretty cool to look at.
heidi - 12/16/09 21:51
Thanks for taking pix, (e:metalpeter)! Such strange things I notice in the pictures that I didn't notice while there...
Such good food - Mac & evil from (e:theecarey), bean dip from (e:libertad), cake from (e:james), and of course (e:tinypliny)'s amazing veggies (yeah, everyday!) I really liked gathering in the dining room with all the chairs and the couch - very comfy!
Thank you, (e:peeps)!
Thanks for taking pix, (e:metalpeter)! Such strange things I notice in the pictures that I didn't notice while there...
Such good food - Mac & evil from (e:theecarey), bean dip from (e:libertad), cake from (e:james), and of course (e:tinypliny)'s amazing veggies (yeah, everyday!) I really liked gathering in the dining room with all the chairs and the couch - very comfy!
Thank you, (e:peeps)!
metalpeter - 12/16/09 20:30
Thanks again to everyone it was a good time.
Thanks again to everyone it was a good time.
tinypliny - 12/16/09 18:26
Hehe @(e:libertad)'s comment. I totally missed that picture scrolling down. Now that I look at it, seems like I am dancing with Tony's ghost.
Hehe @(e:libertad)'s comment. I totally missed that picture scrolling down. Now that I look at it, seems like I am dancing with Tony's ghost.
theecarey - 12/16/09 18:12
It was a really good group of people. Thanks for taking pics, Peter!
It was a really good group of people. Thanks for taking pics, Peter!
paul - 12/16/09 17:33
Thanks (e:metalpeter). At first I was nervous about the party because I wasn't sure if anyone would show up but it turned out great.
Thanks (e:metalpeter). At first I was nervous about the party because I wasn't sure if anyone would show up but it turned out great.
matthew - 12/16/09 15:53
Thanks Peter! We can always count on you to take pictures.
The guy with the curly is our friend Jeremey.
Thanks Peter! We can always count on you to take pictures.
The guy with the curly is our friend Jeremey.
jenks - 12/16/09 14:33
Who's the dude with sideshow bob hair in some of the pix with tony?
Who's the dude with sideshow bob hair in some of the pix with tony?
libertad - 12/16/09 13:53
Nice pics peter. I like the one of (e:enknot) copping a feel from (e:tinypliny)!
Nice pics peter. I like the one of (e:enknot) copping a feel from (e:tinypliny)!
These pictures are amazing! Thanks so much for sharing. I love the ones of snow and lights twinkling in them.
Glad you like them, I wish I had more of them to post
Thanks for posting those Peter. I'm really missing Christmas lights right now. Some shops put a few Christmas trees up to market to Westerners, but it's just not the same as cozy houses decorated in cheer :)