Well here is where I think I left of right around the ball drop:

Now at this point is when my Camera (has time and date) thinks that it is 2010. Maybe it was maybe it wasn't but the Ball was dropped here so for us it was 2010.

Just a Quick Mention that sorry some of the pictures are orientated the wrong way I didn't really have time to go through and flip them or edit anything.

Well if anyone is still reading this or looking at the pictures congrats. This is the stage of video games like say Roller-coaster Tycoon where some park becomes unlocked and is like a bonus. Here are some pictures from Jan 1st.

I will admit some of them are dark and shadowy but they are what I got. I know I saw others take pictures and I look forward to seeing them. Again Thanks to (e:PMT) for hosting and everyone who came and hope everyone had a great time.
The NYE ball is grand! Those paint-with-light photos make it look surreal. I thought it was an excellent combination of colours and very cool this time.
And Hahah... I loved the dancing. Too bad I couldn't inject the dancing spirit into more of you who were sitting and talking! Its interesting how you alternated between the sitting-and-talking group under the stairs and the wildly going-crazy-and-dancing group in the sitting room.
I don't know why I haven't danced with Terry all this time, he is SO GOOD at it. (e:Paul) offered to sell him for $5 after I told him this. I should have taken the offer!
And wow, the party seems to have been filled with 7 footers!
You looked so good in your suit!
I love the Jan 1 pictures of snowy Buffalo!