A few things I should point out. 1) You made it through the pictures congrats! 2) Pictures don't really do the effects Justice you need to see them in person, you see things differently then how a camera does. 3) The Same show looks different based on where you sit. I think right above the stage on the side is the best view but that is just me go and try out different perspectives different years or even go to both shows in a day and pick different seats. 4) I didn't know a head of time that the Violinist and Guitar guy where going to go my way (out of the gutter people). I just got Lucky Ha. But during the show I knew someone was going to go down that way just like at another concert I went to. I saw someone with access tags twice (2 people ) walk that way so I thought something was up and when the cute chick talked to an usher I knew something was up. That leads to
> 5) When ever at a show look around. I almost missed this chick dancing in the same area that the platform went up . I had a great time and I hope everyone that went had one also, hope somepeople liked this post and the pictures.
Every Camera is Different. It might not have that same setting but it may have some other setting that works out well in that situation. The trick is to try and find the right setting for where you are shooting and what you are shooting. Sometimes you don't need to and the camera does the work and makes the picture look how you want it to look. There might be something like a candle setting or outdoor night scene. I know I have trouble with taking indoor pictures. The same room that looks like it has the same amount of light sometimes comes out shadowy or if I use the setting I use here it comes out kinda Yellow. But then sometimes a flash makes the picture look perfect and I have no idea why.
Ah! I need to find this mode on my camera. Maybe it doesn't have it...
Thanks. My hand isn't steady enough for close ups I get wicked blur or think of ghosts as a visual (if I zoom in without a flash under normal circumstances ) I found a camera setting under the DRIVE function where it takes a really quick shot at really high ISO. The one thing is some shots with the big pyro get washed out, I don't think I posted any of those . I'm glad people like the pictures.
You have quite a steady hand for those lights to be so sharp!
Wow - that looks spectacular!
Awesome pics peter. You really got quite a few awesome shots.