i was about to walk out the door to head to class and i saw something red on the floor. i thought it was a large food crumb or some hot sauce i might have spilled.
it was a baby scorpion. i needed to leave for school, and i was the only one around. this was a nightmare-like situation for me. seriously.
i called my mom and she got all excited and told me i needed to just smash it with a shoe. i found a flip flop and threw it with full force on that baby beast, and then used a shovel to carry the flip flop with smashed scorpion outside. i don't know i can ever wear those flip flops again.
this is all coming from the person who is scared of ants.
my bravest moment to date.
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/08/2009 21:34 #50504
scorpion hunter12/08/2009 00:03 #50498
to clarifythe light is a light yes. outside of patient room, you can see it lit up. at the nurses station it dings. loudly. in addition to the phone and other alarms it becomes very very hard to concentrate, or really hear anything. people talk to me from down the hall, or in passing without looking at me so i can't read lips... i am going to buy an ear shaped pin to remind everyone, "hello, i am half deaf".
in other news, i am wondering why men seem to think it's ok to act like complete scumbags in my presence???? and not people i meet out, but people from work. i definitely don't act super flirty at work, and i wear scrubs, so it's not a sexy office situation at all.
i just attract losers. my new plan is avoid all men. they creep me out. a lot. and minus one exception and that person knows who he is, men are cheap.
if you aren't going to take me on a nice date, you are not worth my time. i like nice things and i work very hard and i have plans. if the person who wants to date me is not going to appreciate a quality woman such as myself, then i am just going to ignore all men. let me rephrase that; i am currently ignoring all men.
enough of that. i am super excited for school next semester, i am taking some cool classes. and then asu in the fall! the private school cost 20000 more which i am not willing to pay even if i would finish faster. i am just taking my time, since i seem to have nothing else super important going on...
in other news, i am wondering why men seem to think it's ok to act like complete scumbags in my presence???? and not people i meet out, but people from work. i definitely don't act super flirty at work, and i wear scrubs, so it's not a sexy office situation at all.
i just attract losers. my new plan is avoid all men. they creep me out. a lot. and minus one exception and that person knows who he is, men are cheap.
if you aren't going to take me on a nice date, you are not worth my time. i like nice things and i work very hard and i have plans. if the person who wants to date me is not going to appreciate a quality woman such as myself, then i am just going to ignore all men. let me rephrase that; i am currently ignoring all men.
enough of that. i am super excited for school next semester, i am taking some cool classes. and then asu in the fall! the private school cost 20000 more which i am not willing to pay even if i would finish faster. i am just taking my time, since i seem to have nothing else super important going on...
jason - 12/10/09 13:12
Generally, guys with common sense won't take a girl out at Chez Whitey on the first date, or for that matter until she's proved she's worth the expense. If it weren't the case, there would be legions of men completely broke and still single due to none of these dates working out.
Generally, guys with common sense won't take a girl out at Chez Whitey on the first date, or for that matter until she's proved she's worth the expense. If it weren't the case, there would be legions of men completely broke and still single due to none of these dates working out.
tinypliny - 12/08/09 23:21
I wish more people thought like you - the children already on the planet need a lot of loving. We don't need octamoms and other irresponsible people who have absolutely no idea about what their selfishness will do to their kids' future. They defy human logic.
I wish more people thought like you - the children already on the planet need a lot of loving. We don't need octamoms and other irresponsible people who have absolutely no idea about what their selfishness will do to their kids' future. They defy human logic.
lilho - 12/08/09 00:12
haha (e:tiny) i love how you always read nad leave comments! makes me feel loved. :O) i am going for special ed, i want to teach k-3. then a masters related to that somehow... and maybe eventually a phd so i can do research on behavior. i think i don't want children because i work with them, so i see firsthand what a sacrifice it is. not sure what my path will be, but i feel not all people need to have kids.
haha (e:tiny) i love how you always read nad leave comments! makes me feel loved. :O) i am going for special ed, i want to teach k-3. then a masters related to that somehow... and maybe eventually a phd so i can do research on behavior. i think i don't want children because i work with them, so i see firsthand what a sacrifice it is. not sure what my path will be, but i feel not all people need to have kids.
tinypliny - 12/08/09 00:07
Ah! I see. I am glad I can't hear all that, though.
What will you be going to ASU for? It has a good public health school.
Ah! I see. I am glad I can't hear all that, though.
What will you be going to ASU for? It has a good public health school.
12/06/2009 12:33 #50476
i hate the call lightI know hate is strong word but I know I hate the call light. They drilled plexiglass to the top of it and made it super loud. Then their are vents going off, Ivs beeping and the phone ringing plus people talking loud and the TV on and I am pretty sure I am going completely deaf and insane.
I might actually like my job if I wasn't tortured with awful sounds all day. They sound torture prisoners of war. I am a prisoner of war.
I might actually like my job if I wasn't tortured with awful sounds all day. They sound torture prisoners of war. I am a prisoner of war.
12/04/2009 02:22 #50455
a good bad thingi have been sick for a few days now... main complaint the throat and draining sinuses.
i hate going to the doctor and i think its bad to take antibiotics too much, so i am going to try to let this work itself out.
it means, no alcohol though for sure. and sleeeeeep. and vitamins.
i also have not been hungry for two days... i am always hungry!
i had a good day today, i accomplished a lot.... and supposedly the world's carrying capacity for humans is 12 billion, we are more than halfway there.
i will do my part by not having any children!
i hate going to the doctor and i think its bad to take antibiotics too much, so i am going to try to let this work itself out.
it means, no alcohol though for sure. and sleeeeeep. and vitamins.
i also have not been hungry for two days... i am always hungry!
i had a good day today, i accomplished a lot.... and supposedly the world's carrying capacity for humans is 12 billion, we are more than halfway there.
i will do my part by not having any children!
tinypliny - 12/04/09 10:20
Hehe, where did you read the 12 billion fact? Link please? :)
I can bet my dear country will contribute to the last billion that finally kills this planet. :/
Hehe, where did you read the 12 billion fact? Link please? :)
I can bet my dear country will contribute to the last billion that finally kills this planet. :/
vincent - 12/04/09 09:15
That's kind of sad that you don't want kids. We need one of the Ho sisters to pass their genes on or the world will lose out in the long run...
That's kind of sad that you don't want kids. We need one of the Ho sisters to pass their genes on or the world will lose out in the long run...
12/02/2009 00:28 #50432
this makes me happy.Category: nails
i needed a pick-me-up. and this did the trick.
painting my nails before bedtime, not the best idea. but color is always a good idea.

it's l'oreal, apple of my eye.
painting my nails before bedtime, not the best idea. but color is always a good idea.

it's l'oreal, apple of my eye.
tinypliny - 12/07/09 00:21
Why is not a good idea to paint your nails before bedtime? Intrigued. Aren't they all super-quick dry nowadays - no?
Why is not a good idea to paint your nails before bedtime? Intrigued. Aren't they all super-quick dry nowadays - no?
OMG! I would have had a heart attack. Holy shit I woudln't even know what to do with myself. Props to you!
OMG. Baby Scorpion Killer!
i am proud of you, i would have crumpled in fear and been paralyze!