i am going to enter french purgatory as of tomorrow. i need to stop being a sinner and start studying...
also, i am locking myself up for some time because of this and also to save for xmas because i have expensive taste and i like things too much and every time i go out i end up buying things, way too many things.
anyway, i am obsessed currently with a few things lately, getting my hair super long, the twilight series(cringe), glee, and girly things like makeup and nail polish and dresses and jewelry. oh, and champagne, but not cheap champagne, and this nuvo stuff which is amazing!
check out the pig ring, i love it and hate it. and i look at it when i need a good laugh. (e:hodown) and i like to talk about it...

nuvo=delish. and pink.

apparently katy perry owns that ring. i think its so hideous... and (e:jason) that shiz is so tasty when you mix it with champagne, i loves it!!!!!!!!!! i would probably like the same combo but fresh items, but i am not made of money, and the combo of vodka champagne and fruit nectars sounds expensive... and i have no sugar daddy. :O(
You should consider this as a pet.
They are able to live 25 years.
I want that ring and I hate rings.
I have to register my strongest disapproval possible for the Nuvo. L'Esprit de Paris For Her?? What the fuck is that?? A classy lady like yourself needs to not drink this prefab shit out of a bottle. You need a real drink prepared in front of you with real ingredients. There isn't a substitute I know of, really. Please reconsider.