i have been very bitter lately and mad.
no reason really since my life is not very hard or complex.
i am just a giant ungrateful brat. and im mad i have to work holidays.
happy bitter thanksgiving. at least i get holiday pay, to pay for someone's xmas gifts.
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/26/2009 11:46 #50385
bitter thanksgiving11/25/2009 18:18 #50380
playing dress upthis is what i did all day instead of doing my french. which i have not done in well over a month.
i am going to enter french purgatory as of tomorrow. i need to stop being a sinner and start studying...
also, i am locking myself up for some time because of this and also to save for xmas because i have expensive taste and i like things too much and every time i go out i end up buying things, way too many things.
anyway, i am obsessed currently with a few things lately, getting my hair super long, the twilight series(cringe), glee, and girly things like makeup and nail polish and dresses and jewelry. oh, and champagne, but not cheap champagne, and this nuvo stuff which is amazing!
check out the pig ring, i love it and hate it. and i look at it when i need a good laugh. (e:hodown) and i like to talk about it...

nuvo=delish. and pink.

i am going to enter french purgatory as of tomorrow. i need to stop being a sinner and start studying...
also, i am locking myself up for some time because of this and also to save for xmas because i have expensive taste and i like things too much and every time i go out i end up buying things, way too many things.
anyway, i am obsessed currently with a few things lately, getting my hair super long, the twilight series(cringe), glee, and girly things like makeup and nail polish and dresses and jewelry. oh, and champagne, but not cheap champagne, and this nuvo stuff which is amazing!
check out the pig ring, i love it and hate it. and i look at it when i need a good laugh. (e:hodown) and i like to talk about it...

nuvo=delish. and pink.

11/21/2009 16:17 #50360
down with technologyi have been on a tech strike. and i think i like actually being around my laptop less.
of course i am still hoping i can get all of my data back.
i also hope they start hiring people at the apple store who aren't idiots...
anyway, i'm basically a month behind in french, probably more than that actually and i am going to be french intense for the next month. this means about 8 hrs of french a day on days of, and maybe more than that.
i saw 'coco before chanel' yesterday and omg, i love her so much. i think i cried about 4 times during the movie, because i am a crier. you must go see it, it's so beautiful and she was a pretty incredible lady!!!! so ahead of her time in many ways! audrey tatou was perfect for the role and needs to get an oscar!!!!!!
of course i am still hoping i can get all of my data back.
i also hope they start hiring people at the apple store who aren't idiots...
anyway, i'm basically a month behind in french, probably more than that actually and i am going to be french intense for the next month. this means about 8 hrs of french a day on days of, and maybe more than that.
i saw 'coco before chanel' yesterday and omg, i love her so much. i think i cried about 4 times during the movie, because i am a crier. you must go see it, it's so beautiful and she was a pretty incredible lady!!!! so ahead of her time in many ways! audrey tatou was perfect for the role and needs to get an oscar!!!!!!
deeglam - 11/22/09 21:32
I must see!!!
I must see!!!
11/13/2009 11:51 #50295
gchatmy sister makes me LOL:
me: its chat time beeeeeeeeeeyotch
ok, and no more talk about thanksgiving
i work annnnd aunt jean is going to be here
sister: wo hoo
me: ok
no woohoo
sister: ha ha i know
not fun
me: fun for you
to hear about
ok you need to talk to mom
and have her tell you about the plane
she bought me a book
sister: I want a book!
me: and its about some woman named sarah who saves thanksgiving
sister: sarah saves thanksgiving]
me: which is basically awesome and when you come for xmas we are having sotry time
she bought books for the baby too
i will buy you a book
sister: I want a book
me: do you want pictures?
sister: yes
me: ok
its a win win
im going to buy you a book that i want you to read me
at bedtime
and i want hot cocoa too
im gonna wear the footsie pajamas
sister: I hate those pjs
your feet are trapped
me: me too actually
always have
sister: me too
me: i bought new moon
does this make me a loser?
sister: no
me: im pretty sure it does
im a twihard now
sister: because my dirty secret is I LOVED THOSE BOOKS
I seriously couldn't put them down
it took me a while to get into the first one
but after that i read them all
emily is ashamed of me
they are poorly written
but i can't help it
i can't beileve i didn't tell you that
me: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok good because im obsessed too
i watched the movie
and robbie p is so hot
sister: the movie wasnt that good
me: i had to read new moon
sister: not as good as the book
me: well i can't read book after watching movie anyway
im glad we can share this
don't tell emily lol
sister: no the book is SO MUCH BETTER
you miss so much in the movie
me: i can't ever do that though
maybe ill try
sister: no you have to
me: do you own the other ones?
sister: Um yeah
me: lol
hard cover?
sister: the last one because I couldn't wait for it to come out in soft cover
one of the very few times i bought a full price hardcover book
me: i love hard cover though
its so much nicer
and classier
sister: dude on the subway i want the lighest book i can carry
me: its my new thing
sister: i don't need to be classy
"classy books"
me: i only want hard cover
for my library
I've decided a library is the ultimate show of wealth and knowledge
both of which i don't not have currently
sister: omg you and paul should get together on that
me: you can tell by my use of "don't not"
sister: I've decided a library is the ultimate show of wealth and knowledge
should be your new status
me: now it is
sister: that makes me laugh
me: i can't believe i never told you
I've felt this way a long time
sister: my motto is: I've decided a dungeon is the ultimate show of weath and power.
i can't believe either because its hysterical
I mean its true
but the way you say it
me: not a dungeon
that a turture chamber
sister: well i think that a dungeon implies that
me: which is the ultimate show of evil
sister: in a dungeon you can either hold people in a cell or torture them
if you have a torture chamber you can only torture
me: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
sister: not also detain
me: i would like to detain you in my dungeon then
me: its chat time beeeeeeeeeeyotch
ok, and no more talk about thanksgiving
i work annnnd aunt jean is going to be here
sister: wo hoo
me: ok
no woohoo
sister: ha ha i know
not fun
me: fun for you
to hear about
ok you need to talk to mom
and have her tell you about the plane
she bought me a book
sister: I want a book!
me: and its about some woman named sarah who saves thanksgiving
sister: sarah saves thanksgiving]
me: which is basically awesome and when you come for xmas we are having sotry time
she bought books for the baby too
i will buy you a book
sister: I want a book
me: do you want pictures?
sister: yes
me: ok
its a win win
im going to buy you a book that i want you to read me
at bedtime
and i want hot cocoa too
im gonna wear the footsie pajamas
sister: I hate those pjs
your feet are trapped
me: me too actually
always have
sister: me too
me: i bought new moon
does this make me a loser?
sister: no
me: im pretty sure it does
im a twihard now
sister: because my dirty secret is I LOVED THOSE BOOKS
I seriously couldn't put them down
it took me a while to get into the first one
but after that i read them all
emily is ashamed of me
they are poorly written
but i can't help it
i can't beileve i didn't tell you that
me: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok good because im obsessed too
i watched the movie
and robbie p is so hot
sister: the movie wasnt that good
me: i had to read new moon
sister: not as good as the book
me: well i can't read book after watching movie anyway
im glad we can share this
don't tell emily lol
sister: no the book is SO MUCH BETTER
you miss so much in the movie
me: i can't ever do that though
maybe ill try
sister: no you have to
me: do you own the other ones?
sister: Um yeah
me: lol
hard cover?
sister: the last one because I couldn't wait for it to come out in soft cover
one of the very few times i bought a full price hardcover book
me: i love hard cover though
its so much nicer
and classier
sister: dude on the subway i want the lighest book i can carry
me: its my new thing
sister: i don't need to be classy
"classy books"
me: i only want hard cover
for my library
I've decided a library is the ultimate show of wealth and knowledge
both of which i don't not have currently
sister: omg you and paul should get together on that
me: you can tell by my use of "don't not"
sister: I've decided a library is the ultimate show of wealth and knowledge
should be your new status
me: now it is
sister: that makes me laugh
me: i can't believe i never told you
I've felt this way a long time
sister: my motto is: I've decided a dungeon is the ultimate show of weath and power.
i can't believe either because its hysterical
I mean its true
but the way you say it
me: not a dungeon
that a turture chamber
sister: well i think that a dungeon implies that
me: which is the ultimate show of evil
sister: in a dungeon you can either hold people in a cell or torture them
if you have a torture chamber you can only torture
me: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
sister: not also detain
me: i would like to detain you in my dungeon then
lilho - 12/02/09 00:30
i still want a library. and i like to comment on my own journal. and i like smiling, smiling's my favorite... sort of.
i still want a library. and i like to comment on my own journal. and i like smiling, smiling's my favorite... sort of.
deeglam - 11/16/09 10:21
dorks. both of you. big dorks.
On a different note. I need to see you. ASAP.
I miss you so so so so so so so much. My princess Sarah!
Come home? Or I come to you? Or we can show up and visit Jess as a surprise!? ha!
Either way. I miss you. come here now. k? k.
dorks. both of you. big dorks.
On a different note. I need to see you. ASAP.
I miss you so so so so so so so much. My princess Sarah!
Come home? Or I come to you? Or we can show up and visit Jess as a surprise!? ha!
Either way. I miss you. come here now. k? k.
11/13/2009 11:00 #50293
the silver liningi would like to thank (e:jenks) for reminding me that there often is a silver lining.
it's funny the song silver lining by rilo kiley was playing when i was in the apple store...
so here it is:
a.) 92% on my math exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!! holla at yo 92%!!!!!!!!!! woot. pretty sure this is one of the highest grades in math i have recieved ever, and as you can tell i'm damn proud of myself.
b.) (e:howdown) wins sister of the year, even though she did forget my bday, but will me making it up with lavish xmas gifts im sure. she has the hookup at work and my sad hard drive is being shipped out there ASAP so her friend can have a look. i was going to send it to some rip off company in CA, and they were going to charge me anywhere from 400-1700. now i get an expert for free!
i want to change my username to princess sarah, is this possible??????????
i will be a do-gooder princess, the kind that steals from the rich and gives to the poor, like myself.
it's funny the song silver lining by rilo kiley was playing when i was in the apple store...
so here it is:
a.) 92% on my math exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!! holla at yo 92%!!!!!!!!!! woot. pretty sure this is one of the highest grades in math i have recieved ever, and as you can tell i'm damn proud of myself.
b.) (e:howdown) wins sister of the year, even though she did forget my bday, but will me making it up with lavish xmas gifts im sure. she has the hookup at work and my sad hard drive is being shipped out there ASAP so her friend can have a look. i was going to send it to some rip off company in CA, and they were going to charge me anywhere from 400-1700. now i get an expert for free!
i want to change my username to princess sarah, is this possible??????????
i will be a do-gooder princess, the kind that steals from the rich and gives to the poor, like myself.
jenks - 11/13/09 16:13
haha, I love feeling useful! woot.
Good luck with the hard drive. I am now a compulsive backer-upper after a similar episode.
haha, I love feeling useful! woot.
Good luck with the hard drive. I am now a compulsive backer-upper after a similar episode.
apparently katy perry owns that ring. i think its so hideous... and (e:jason) that shiz is so tasty when you mix it with champagne, i loves it!!!!!!!!!! i would probably like the same combo but fresh items, but i am not made of money, and the combo of vodka champagne and fruit nectars sounds expensive... and i have no sugar daddy. :O(
You should consider this as a pet.
They are able to live 25 years.
I want that ring and I hate rings.
I have to register my strongest disapproval possible for the Nuvo. L'Esprit de Paris For Her?? What the fuck is that?? A classy lady like yourself needs to not drink this prefab shit out of a bottle. You need a real drink prepared in front of you with real ingredients. There isn't a substitute I know of, really. Please reconsider.