10/25/2009 09:58 #50103
BooThere once was a pumpkin
With a curl in his hair
And when he was good
He was very, very good
But when he was bad he was horrid
10/20/2009 15:43 #50062
Dizzy10/19/2009 15:32 #50053
Domestic PartnershipHey Everyone,
At 5:30 in council chambers on the 13th floor of City Hall, there will be a public hearing on Domestic Partnership legislation. It is completely open to the public, so if you want to say something in support of having a registry (sorry, only for two person families... grrr) stop by.
10/13/2009 13:47 #50006
Health CareI posted a brief bit of this on Twitter/Facebook. But I will post it here as well.
I just got a letter from the parent of a four year old boy. A massive brain tumor caused by a rare form of cancer was discovered that impaired the child's sight and mobility. He had brain surgery and is now undergoing cancer treatment. Of course, the parents have auctioned off their entire lives to help their son and now have nothing.
Why do we have fundraisers for families like this? Why do we have fund raisers for the families of firefighters who die while on duty? We do we have memorial fund raisers dedicated to children who could not afford to fight their cancer?
It's enough to make me want to become a Communist.
10/12/2009 18:09 #49998
Sewer lid
heheheheheh nice. He does have a curl like MJ.
Kinda looks like Jack the Pumpkin king