Hi everyone.
We have had three elections this year:
School Board
And each time I asked you guys for a few votes. So, here are the two I am asking you guys to cast.
1) Captain John Glascott for Sheriff. John, undoubtedly, has the experience necessary to run Erie County. He has run prisons, and even began his career as a corrections officer. The incumbent, Sheriff Tim Howard, is incompetent. He is under several different investigations by state and federal agencies. There have been several escapes from prison in the last month alone. Remember, because Tim Howard can not run a prison, Bucky Philips escaped while unsupervised and killed an officer. Tim Howard refused to let a woman with unpaid parking tickets in the holding center get her cancer medication.
2) Mark Polancarz for Comptroller. Mark has done a brilliant job over the last few years as our Comptroller. While the County Executive is trying to bypass county charter to cut human services, Mark is keeping him accountable. His opponent argues that Mark can't count. That Mark predicted a $10 Million budget shortfall and we ended up with a $10 Million surplus. What a crock. Mark examined the budget, told everyone there would be a shortfall, and the budget was adjusted. That is doing your job and doing it well. The opponent is being funded by Chris Collins to be a rubber stamp. We need Mark to keep him accountable.
If any of you live where there is a County Leg race, don't vote for Michele Iannello. So there, you can't say I never supported a Republican.
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/02/2009 12:17 #50198
Obligatory Election Day Post10/27/2009 10:59 #50129
CementSometimes this job requires strange tasks.
Right now, I am reading a 100 page report on the cement industry, and steps to make it more green. It is a facinaiting read that totally does not make me want to pound my head against the wall 'till both explode.
That said, I think we have enough votes for the domestic partner resolution. That makes me feel like it is all worth while.
Right now, I am reading a 100 page report on the cement industry, and steps to make it more green. It is a facinaiting read that totally does not make me want to pound my head against the wall 'till both explode.
That said, I think we have enough votes for the domestic partner resolution. That makes me feel like it is all worth while.
janelle - 10/27/09 11:25
10/25/2009 09:58 #50103
BooThere once was a pumpkin
With a curl in his hair
And when he was good
He was very, very good
But when he was bad he was horrid

With a curl in his hair
And when he was good
He was very, very good
But when he was bad he was horrid

tinypliny - 10/25/09 11:36
heheheheheh nice. He does have a curl like MJ.
heheheheheh nice. He does have a curl like MJ.
metalpeter - 10/25/09 11:34
Kinda looks like Jack the Pumpkin king
Kinda looks like Jack the Pumpkin king
10/20/2009 15:43 #50062
Dizzy10/19/2009 15:32 #50053
Domestic PartnershipHey Everyone,
At 5:30 in council chambers on the 13th floor of City Hall, there will be a public hearing on Domestic Partnership legislation. It is completely open to the public, so if you want to say something in support of having a registry (sorry, only for two person families... grrr) stop by.
At 5:30 in council chambers on the 13th floor of City Hall, there will be a public hearing on Domestic Partnership legislation. It is completely open to the public, so if you want to say something in support of having a registry (sorry, only for two person families... grrr) stop by.
james - 10/20/09 15:32
We will force you to the head of the line. Your colleague at First Pres. wont be able to make it and we need to show everyone who the best Pres. Pastor in Buffalo is!
We will force you to the head of the line. Your colleague at First Pres. wont be able to make it and we need to show everyone who the best Pres. Pastor in Buffalo is!
drew - 10/20/09 15:06
I will be there, but if I have to wait around a long long time to comment, I might leave.
I will be there, but if I have to wait around a long long time to comment, I might leave.
jim - 10/20/09 11:34
Stand up and be counted! (accounted?)
Stand up and be counted! (accounted?)
james - 10/20/09 10:52
You could tell you are a home owner, Drew. Only a home owner in the city would make a joke about taxes like that :)
Will we be seeing you this evening? A few of your colleagues will be there, but none so awesome.
You could tell you are a home owner, Drew. Only a home owner in the city would make a joke about taxes like that :)
Will we be seeing you this evening? A few of your colleagues will be there, but none so awesome.
drew - 10/20/09 10:46
Thanks for the education, but I really was just trying to make a joke. :)
Thanks for the education, but I really was just trying to make a joke. :)
heidi - 10/20/09 09:55
To be geeky about the "gay tax"...
An Overview of Federal Rights and Protections Granted to Married Couples
It's very very important for same-sex couples or other nontraditional families to draw up contracts, wills, and other such legal devices to protect each others' interests in your assets.
For example, married couples who have owned & lived in a house for 2+ years automatically get the $500,000 exclusion on gain in selling the house, even if only one is on the title. Other households need to make sure that all members are on the title so that when they sell (or something unfortunate happens), they can each take their own $250K exemption. (Covered in my Federal Individual Income Taxation class last week ;-)
Here's the HRC summary of that:
C. Tax on Gain from the Sale of the Taxpayer’s Principal Residence
Under Internal Revenue Code §121, a single taxpayer may exclude up to $250,000 of profit due to the sale of his or her personal principal residence from taxable income. Married couples filing jointly may exclude up to $500,000 on the sale of their home. Lesbian and gay couples, who are not permitted to marry or to file jointly, are therefore taxed on all gain above $250,000, creating a large tax penalty compared to similarly situated married couples.
To be geeky about the "gay tax"...
An Overview of Federal Rights and Protections Granted to Married Couples
It's very very important for same-sex couples or other nontraditional families to draw up contracts, wills, and other such legal devices to protect each others' interests in your assets.
For example, married couples who have owned & lived in a house for 2+ years automatically get the $500,000 exclusion on gain in selling the house, even if only one is on the title. Other households need to make sure that all members are on the title so that when they sell (or something unfortunate happens), they can each take their own $250K exemption. (Covered in my Federal Individual Income Taxation class last week ;-)
Here's the HRC summary of that:
C. Tax on Gain from the Sale of the Taxpayer’s Principal Residence
Under Internal Revenue Code §121, a single taxpayer may exclude up to $250,000 of profit due to the sale of his or her personal principal residence from taxable income. Married couples filing jointly may exclude up to $500,000 on the sale of their home. Lesbian and gay couples, who are not permitted to marry or to file jointly, are therefore taxed on all gain above $250,000, creating a large tax penalty compared to similarly situated married couples.
james - 10/20/09 08:50
There already is a gay tax. Same-sex couples can't pay taxes as if they were an opposite-sex couple.
But, if Buffalo is anything like every other municipality that has this, there will be more opposite-sex couples signing up than same-sex.
There already is a gay tax. Same-sex couples can't pay taxes as if they were an opposite-sex couple.
But, if Buffalo is anything like every other municipality that has this, there will be more opposite-sex couples signing up than same-sex.
drew - 10/20/09 00:07
Getting "registered" sounds more like a negative than a positive. Does any minority really want to be "registered" by the government?
I give it 5 weeks of existence before there is a "gay tax."
Getting "registered" sounds more like a negative than a positive. Does any minority really want to be "registered" by the government?
I give it 5 weeks of existence before there is a "gay tax."
tinypliny - 10/19/09 21:48
I didn't know the City Hall had a 13th floor. I thought buildings here didn't have 13th floors.
I found this the hard way when I was staying in a high rise hotel in San Diego and tried that swipe card thingy in someone else door many many times (because I had miscounted the elevator beeps and not bothered to check the number).
That door turned out to be some scientist's whom I had just met that morning. I could see that she was terrified that I had come to off her in her sleep or something.
I didn't know the City Hall had a 13th floor. I thought buildings here didn't have 13th floors.
I found this the hard way when I was staying in a high rise hotel in San Diego and tried that swipe card thingy in someone else door many many times (because I had miscounted the elevator beeps and not bothered to check the number).
That door turned out to be some scientist's whom I had just met that morning. I could see that she was terrified that I had come to off her in her sleep or something.
james - 10/19/09 21:38
You must pass a citizenship before entering CIty Hall... unless you have a ticket to pay.
Na, all are welcome. It is a public hearing, so anyone can attend. A little bit of me is hoping that the crazy nut-job "we hate homosinuals" will show up so they can be schooled by the real Christians who speak in favor of this.
You must pass a citizenship before entering CIty Hall... unless you have a ticket to pay.
Na, all are welcome. It is a public hearing, so anyone can attend. A little bit of me is hoping that the crazy nut-job "we hate homosinuals" will show up so they can be schooled by the real Christians who speak in favor of this.
tinypliny - 10/19/09 21:33
I didn't make this one - but are non-citizens and non-residents allowed a say in these matters?
I didn't make this one - but are non-citizens and non-residents allowed a say in these matters?
Thanks for sharing your endorsements.
WFP has endorsed Poloncarz. And I think they have staid out of the Sheriff's race... which is odd as Glasscott is good on their issues.
Dig it, I wonder if they're on row E, the Working Families line.
When I read this I groaned, thinking I'd have to leave the apartment again just to please you but then I realized it's tomorrow! Ha!
Oh hellz yes. Next party, I need to work on you two. You need to become registered Democrats so you can vote in city elections.
Hey, as long as I am eligible this time! Haha.
Ug... Higgy. He does quite a bit of good, but he needs a tick in the pants some times.
But, let's not talk about Token's here. You should get out there and vote for Glascott and Poloncarz because they are dope shit, yo.
My token Democrat is Brian Higgins, and I kind of wish that I would have abstained at this point. Personally I think he treasures his Ways & Means Committee seat more than his soul.