James's Journal
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12/10/2009 12:03 #50526
White Out12/04/2009 10:47 #50458
Hey HomeownersIf you received a letter from the city saying your home has been reassessed and you are angry, please contact your councilmember. They fight reassessments all the time. As the city's methodology for reassessment is balls stupid it is really easy to make a convincing case.
that is all
that is all
janelle - 12/04/09 12:26
I am really laid back about federal and state income taxes. You really won't hear me complain about income taxes or sales taxes. But property taxes get me really worked up. Especially when they keep raising it in the face of city success stories where cities suceeded by LOWERING property taxes. Especially when they're a disincentive from improving our house.
Maybe I'll just let my roof go into disrepair until an inspector cites me for it, because repairing the roof is going to increase our taxes.
Thanks, James. I will now be ranting about property taxes to whoever listens.
I am really laid back about federal and state income taxes. You really won't hear me complain about income taxes or sales taxes. But property taxes get me really worked up. Especially when they keep raising it in the face of city success stories where cities suceeded by LOWERING property taxes. Especially when they're a disincentive from improving our house.
Maybe I'll just let my roof go into disrepair until an inspector cites me for it, because repairing the roof is going to increase our taxes.
Thanks, James. I will now be ranting about property taxes to whoever listens.
janelle - 12/04/09 12:07
Fuck that shit, indeed. I have to check my records, but I feel like I JUST fought a tax assessment.
And now with a new furnace and some other improvements, I'm not sure I have much of an argument other than to keep taking pictures of my neighbors houses and the water in the basement. Please, God, let it rain! lol.
Highland ave. behind us looks great, but I know that the work being done on that street is going to push up our taxable value. But our street has nowhere near the value of Highland.
Argh..if I get that letter, I'm going to complain to my David Rivera's office and to EVA.
I've written EVA before asking them to take this on as an issue, but I guess they declined.
Fuck that shit, indeed. I have to check my records, but I feel like I JUST fought a tax assessment.
And now with a new furnace and some other improvements, I'm not sure I have much of an argument other than to keep taking pictures of my neighbors houses and the water in the basement. Please, God, let it rain! lol.
Highland ave. behind us looks great, but I know that the work being done on that street is going to push up our taxable value. But our street has nowhere near the value of Highland.
Argh..if I get that letter, I'm going to complain to my David Rivera's office and to EVA.
I've written EVA before asking them to take this on as an issue, but I guess they declined.
james - 12/04/09 11:36
Fuck that shit! Fight it. It goes up 60k this year, and then next year it goes up 40k, and soon your home has doubled in taxable value but has not increased one iota on the housing market. It is just a tax grab. Fuck them!
Fuck that shit! Fight it. It goes up 60k this year, and then next year it goes up 40k, and soon your home has doubled in taxable value but has not increased one iota on the housing market. It is just a tax grab. Fuck them!
matthew - 12/04/09 11:34
We got the letter yesterday. Ours went up $60K. I don't think we are going to fight it. Our house was undervalued for a long time.
We got the letter yesterday. Ours went up $60K. I don't think we are going to fight it. Our house was undervalued for a long time.
11/17/2009 11:16 #50328
Holiday Potluck Bonanza!
mark your calendars.
Thank you to Paul, Matthew, and Terry for being nice enough to host.
And thank you to you for being awesome.
metalpeter - 12/05/09 19:33
Just Thought of something, noticed that it is a bring food and drink, so is it a dinner that then turns into a party after that or just a dinner. Reason I ask is cause I'm wondering if it would still be going on after the Sabres Game?
Just Thought of something, noticed that it is a bring food and drink, so is it a dinner that then turns into a party after that or just a dinner. Reason I ask is cause I'm wondering if it would still be going on after the Sabres Game?
heidi - 11/29/09 17:32
Looking forward to it... Are we organizing the potluck to create an actual full meal? I'm happy to make molasses crinkle cookies for (e:jim), or soup, or a veggie main course, or an appetizer...
I am planning to attend, however, because I MUST be in Bloss on Sunday, 12/20, if it's threatening snow, I'll have to leave sooner. Last year I got caught in that awful snowstorm right before xmas and missed out on my favorite annual event - judging the holiday lights contest: :::link:::
Looking forward to it... Are we organizing the potluck to create an actual full meal? I'm happy to make molasses crinkle cookies for (e:jim), or soup, or a veggie main course, or an appetizer...
I am planning to attend, however, because I MUST be in Bloss on Sunday, 12/20, if it's threatening snow, I'll have to leave sooner. Last year I got caught in that awful snowstorm right before xmas and missed out on my favorite annual event - judging the holiday lights contest: :::link:::
metalpeter - 11/28/09 16:18
I checked the date and I will be at the Sabres/Penguins game so I can't make it. Hope someone brings their camera and takes Pictures. Well or multiple people could. Hope everyone has a great time.
I checked the date and I will be at the Sabres/Penguins game so I can't make it. Hope someone brings their camera and takes Pictures. Well or multiple people could. Hope everyone has a great time.
tinypliny - 11/18/09 18:50
That is so generous of you! :) I will badger you when the time comes - unless I change the plan. It has to be pumpkin themed - else those pumpkins would rot!
That is so generous of you! :) I will badger you when the time comes - unless I change the plan. It has to be pumpkin themed - else those pumpkins would rot!
tinypliny - 11/18/09 18:24
I don't have anything that can safely hold 3/4th gallon of Hot soup...
I don't have anything that can safely hold 3/4th gallon of Hot soup...
tinypliny - 11/18/09 18:23
Problem is I would have to steal a stock pot too...
Problem is I would have to steal a stock pot too...
tinypliny - 11/18/09 18:21
Hmmm... thinking of stealing one of the pumpkins (smallest one?) on (e:PMT)'s porch and making a ultra-hot soup that would make people cry if they didn't want to. HEHEHEHE
Hmmm... thinking of stealing one of the pumpkins (smallest one?) on (e:PMT)'s porch and making a ultra-hot soup that would make people cry if they didn't want to. HEHEHEHE
metalpeter - 11/17/09 18:10
I have to double check to make sure I have no tickets for any events that Night, but I think I should be able to make it. I don't really cook so I have to figure out what to bring.
I have to double check to make sure I have no tickets for any events that Night, but I think I should be able to make it. I don't really cook so I have to figure out what to bring.
jim - 11/17/09 12:17
matthew - 11/17/09 11:27
Thanks for setting this up. Oh, and I don't mind if people want to bring their mammoths...as long as they aren't high heel wearing mammoth types.
Thanks for setting this up. Oh, and I don't mind if people want to bring their mammoths...as long as they aren't high heel wearing mammoth types.
11/02/2009 12:17 #50198
Obligatory Election Day PostHi everyone.
We have had three elections this year:
School Board
And each time I asked you guys for a few votes. So, here are the two I am asking you guys to cast.
1) Captain John Glascott for Sheriff. John, undoubtedly, has the experience necessary to run Erie County. He has run prisons, and even began his career as a corrections officer. The incumbent, Sheriff Tim Howard, is incompetent. He is under several different investigations by state and federal agencies. There have been several escapes from prison in the last month alone. Remember, because Tim Howard can not run a prison, Bucky Philips escaped while unsupervised and killed an officer. Tim Howard refused to let a woman with unpaid parking tickets in the holding center get her cancer medication.
2) Mark Polancarz for Comptroller. Mark has done a brilliant job over the last few years as our Comptroller. While the County Executive is trying to bypass county charter to cut human services, Mark is keeping him accountable. His opponent argues that Mark can't count. That Mark predicted a $10 Million budget shortfall and we ended up with a $10 Million surplus. What a crock. Mark examined the budget, told everyone there would be a shortfall, and the budget was adjusted. That is doing your job and doing it well. The opponent is being funded by Chris Collins to be a rubber stamp. We need Mark to keep him accountable.
If any of you live where there is a County Leg race, don't vote for Michele Iannello. So there, you can't say I never supported a Republican.
We have had three elections this year:
School Board
And each time I asked you guys for a few votes. So, here are the two I am asking you guys to cast.
1) Captain John Glascott for Sheriff. John, undoubtedly, has the experience necessary to run Erie County. He has run prisons, and even began his career as a corrections officer. The incumbent, Sheriff Tim Howard, is incompetent. He is under several different investigations by state and federal agencies. There have been several escapes from prison in the last month alone. Remember, because Tim Howard can not run a prison, Bucky Philips escaped while unsupervised and killed an officer. Tim Howard refused to let a woman with unpaid parking tickets in the holding center get her cancer medication.
2) Mark Polancarz for Comptroller. Mark has done a brilliant job over the last few years as our Comptroller. While the County Executive is trying to bypass county charter to cut human services, Mark is keeping him accountable. His opponent argues that Mark can't count. That Mark predicted a $10 Million budget shortfall and we ended up with a $10 Million surplus. What a crock. Mark examined the budget, told everyone there would be a shortfall, and the budget was adjusted. That is doing your job and doing it well. The opponent is being funded by Chris Collins to be a rubber stamp. We need Mark to keep him accountable.
If any of you live where there is a County Leg race, don't vote for Michele Iannello. So there, you can't say I never supported a Republican.
libertad - 11/02/09 21:02
Thanks for sharing your endorsements.
Thanks for sharing your endorsements.
james - 11/02/09 19:54
WFP has endorsed Poloncarz. And I think they have staid out of the Sheriff's race... which is odd as Glasscott is good on their issues.
WFP has endorsed Poloncarz. And I think they have staid out of the Sheriff's race... which is odd as Glasscott is good on their issues.
dcoffee - 11/02/09 19:45
Dig it, I wonder if they're on row E, the Working Families line.
Dig it, I wonder if they're on row E, the Working Families line.
heidi - 11/02/09 16:54
When I read this I groaned, thinking I'd have to leave the apartment again just to please you but then I realized it's tomorrow! Ha!
When I read this I groaned, thinking I'd have to leave the apartment again just to please you but then I realized it's tomorrow! Ha!
james - 11/02/09 15:35
Oh hellz yes. Next party, I need to work on you two. You need to become registered Democrats so you can vote in city elections.
Oh hellz yes. Next party, I need to work on you two. You need to become registered Democrats so you can vote in city elections.
joshua - 11/02/09 15:27
Hey, as long as I am eligible this time! Haha.
Hey, as long as I am eligible this time! Haha.
james - 11/02/09 14:55
Ug... Higgy. He does quite a bit of good, but he needs a tick in the pants some times.
But, let's not talk about Token's here. You should get out there and vote for Glascott and Poloncarz because they are dope shit, yo.
Ug... Higgy. He does quite a bit of good, but he needs a tick in the pants some times.
But, let's not talk about Token's here. You should get out there and vote for Glascott and Poloncarz because they are dope shit, yo.
joshua - 11/02/09 14:48
My token Democrat is Brian Higgins, and I kind of wish that I would have abstained at this point. Personally I think he treasures his Ways & Means Committee seat more than his soul.
My token Democrat is Brian Higgins, and I kind of wish that I would have abstained at this point. Personally I think he treasures his Ways & Means Committee seat more than his soul.
10/27/2009 10:59 #50129
CementSometimes this job requires strange tasks.
Right now, I am reading a 100 page report on the cement industry, and steps to make it more green. It is a facinaiting read that totally does not make me want to pound my head against the wall 'till both explode.
That said, I think we have enough votes for the domestic partner resolution. That makes me feel like it is all worth while.
Right now, I am reading a 100 page report on the cement industry, and steps to make it more green. It is a facinaiting read that totally does not make me want to pound my head against the wall 'till both explode.
That said, I think we have enough votes for the domestic partner resolution. That makes me feel like it is all worth while.
janelle - 10/27/09 11:25
frostbite is settling in the longer I look at this picture.
Awesome! If that picture doesn't say "Buffalo" I don't know what would!