This is our marvelous new floor. It is so much better that the gulag
blue nightmare of a carpet we had before.Now, all we need are some rugs. Any suggestions on where to look.
libertad - 10/03/09 11:20 That looks really good. Did you do it all yourself or did you just remove the carpeting? As far as area rugs go definitely check out David Tiftickjian over by the Underground. :::link:::
He carries used rugs which might seem gross but they do clean them and you can get a much better rug for your money used. I looked for one myself but never really came up with the funds to get one. Maybe some day.
janelle - 10/03/09 11:13 Go to Ikea! Did you see the long rug in our entry way at the pary? We got that at IKEA and I love it.
lauren - 10/02/09 17:13 they look sooo shiny! now you get to listen to the pitter patter of animal paws all the time! i don't know what types of rugs you are looking for... they have big ones at FWS (FSW?) but I don't know how pricey they are...also, craigslist is always my first choice, although rugs can carry things like bed bugs, so be careful! if you happen to find a good place that's reasonable, let me know...I still need a few for my hardwoods.
tinypliny - 10/02/09 14:46 OH MY GOODNESS! HOW AWESOME. I am SO polishing my floor this coming week - but I don't think I will ever match yours...
09/30/2009 18:31 #49895
Jim is greater than the sum of his cafinated parts. But not always by
tinypliny - 09/30/09 21:54 !!!!!! Is THAT Jim! Jim? Really. He looks different once more. I swear he has some changing-gene with him. He looks different if he changes a small thing...
09/30/2009 09:57 #49890
A Still More Glorious Dawn Awaits
This is fucking EPIC
theecarey - 09/30/09 22:14 ok, now I am home and catch fully watch and listen to this. All I have to say is, Such a great find. LOVE IT!!!!
theecarey - 09/30/09 16:54 (e:joshua)- Carl probably WAS in the middle of a driving marijuana high! haha It is no secret about his affinity for it.
I'm in public without a head set, but this looks like an episode of Cosmos where Carl starts hacking away at an apple/apple pie.
This is one man I would love to have sat and had a drink/smoke/conversation with. Cosmos truly has a special place in my heart. It continues to be relevant on many levels and it is hard not to share in the authentic enthusiasm when Carl speaks. RIP, man.
joshua - 09/30/09 12:35 I have a huge affinity for Carl Sagan. I wish he were still around - he is the type of guy that could convince young people to study the sciences. Even now I have episodes from his Cosmos series on our DVR. Still, this video is trippy! Carl Sagan and Steven Hawking (sort of) autotuned? Why is Carl Sagan smiling like he's in the middle of a driving marijuana high? LOL!
09/16/2009 21:57 #49790
The Modern Gordion Knot
dcoffee - 09/18/09 10:50 I've seen that too. it should say lamp or crotch. :)
I had meant to write an impassioned plee for registered Democrats in the city to vote for Mickey Kearns in the primary tomorrow.
But, I only slept for three hours last night, got home at 11PM from work, and I need to be up at 4AM.
So, vote Kearns.
dcoffee - 09/16/09 17:36 He would have been a great mayor. I helped the campaign a bit, went door to door, marched in the parade with him. He's a really good honest guy. I'm not too upset about the loss, hopefully it puts Brown on his toes like Esmonde says :::link:::
There's a lot of corruption in Buffalo, NYS, and DC, Kearns isn't one of those guys.
I have to criticize that debate though, Kearns was not ready for primetime. I bet he was nervous, but he was making no sense. I'm sure that hurt him a little.
That looks really good. Did you do it all yourself or did you just remove the carpeting? As far as area rugs go definitely check out David Tiftickjian over by the Underground. :::link:::
He carries used rugs which might seem gross but they do clean them and you can get a much better rug for your money used. I looked for one myself but never really came up with the funds to get one. Maybe some day.
Go to Ikea! Did you see the long rug in our entry way at the pary? We got that at IKEA and I love it.
they look sooo shiny! now you get to listen to the pitter patter of animal paws all the time! i don't know what types of rugs you are looking for... they have big ones at FWS (FSW?) but I don't know how pricey they are...also, craigslist is always my first choice, although rugs can carry things like bed bugs, so be careful! if you happen to find a good place that's reasonable, let me know...I still need a few for my hardwoods.
OH MY GOODNESS! HOW AWESOME. I am SO polishing my floor this coming week - but I don't think I will ever match yours...